
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 330 - Gold Condensation Pill

  That kind of spirit rice had an unusual name.

  It was called the White Jade Spirit Pearl.

  It is a kind of Jindan True Lord service, can constantly enhance their own magic power of the spiritual rice.

  Due to its spiritual rice beads round and jade, the color is like white jade, so it was named White Jade Spirit Pearl.

  The name of this white jade spirit bead is also recognized by most Jindan true monarchs.

  In the Immortal Cultivation World, it is considered a kind of spiritual rice commonly used by Jindan True Monarchs.

  In this way, He Song did not need to worry about the dilemma of having no more spiritual rice available after his cultivation broke through the Jindan realm.

  Opening his eyes.

  He Song finished reading True Lord Silvermoon's memories.

  He also slightly rummaged through Wang Duan's memories.

  Wang Duan was only a small late stage Qi Practicing Evil Cultivator, and there was nothing in his memories where there was any chance.

  Therefore, He Song only flipped through it slightly and then skipped it.

  Instead, he picked up the Silver Moon True Lord's storage bag and probed his divine sense into it.


  True Lord Silvermoon had long since died, and his storage bag naturally had no blockage.

Moreover, since he had already used the Soul Search Technique on True Lord Silvermoon, he had also gotten a lot of information from his memories.  

Therefore, He Song already knew what exactly was stored in the storage bag before he probed his divine sense into it.

  The things in True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag were not particularly large.

  But there were also quite a few.

  The things that were useful to He Song weren't too few either.

  Two medium grade spirit weapons, one for offense and one for defense.

  After Jindan, the ones used naturally changed from extremely high-grade magic weapons, to spirit weapons.

  Qi Practicing and Foundation Establishment cultivators used magic weapons.

  Jindan and YuanYing cultivators use spirit weapons.

  The magic weapon, with spiritual power, or mana manipulation, although it can be used like an arm, but in the end it is just a dead thing.

  Spiritual weapons, move with the heart, under the cover of divine sense, just a thought, can move with the heart, and cultivators are more in tune with.

  Silver Moon True Lord before the fall, his cultivation is the late Jindan, using the natural is the middle grade spiritual weapons.

  So it can also be worthy of his identity.

  Although compared to the Thick Earth Sect's top-grade spiritual weapon, the Lianshan Seal, it was indeed a grade lower.

  However, the top-grade spiritual weapon in the Earth Thickness Sect was made by the hand of a YuanYing Ancestor, which was not on the same level as these two middle-grade spiritual weapons.

  Therefore, He Song didn't really belittle these two medium-grade spiritual weapons.

  Nowadays, he himself was still using an extremely high-grade magic weapon.

  In addition to these two extremely valuable mid-grade spiritual weapons.

  True Lord Silvermoon also had a Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat in his storage pouch.

  A lower-grade Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat that was worth a lot of money and had an extremely fast flight speed.

  If it was an ordinary Jindan cultivator who didn't have a Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat, I'm afraid that even if he exerted his recluse technique at full speed, he wouldn't be able to catch up with the speed of this Lower Grade Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat.

  If the lower-grade spirit boat is fully activated, its speed is feared to be able to make some newly promoted Jindan cultivators who do not have a lower-grade spirit boat in their possession fall short of the speed of the boat.

  Although the amount of spirit stones consumed when fully activated could be considered a huge amount.

  But with this item, if He Song wanted to escape from a Jindan True Lord in the future, he could give it a try.

  In addition to these three spirit artifacts, there were dozens of Jindan spirit talismans in True Lord Silvermoon's storage pouch.

  From attack, to defense, to life-saving talismans, they all had everything.

  Seeing these spirit talismans, He Song couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  Fortunately, he did not let True Lord Silvermoon have a chance to strike.

  Otherwise, the victory or defeat between the two was really hard to predict.

  Once the Jindan spirit talismans were out, He Song was afraid that he could only look to the wind and run away.

  Once the Silver Moon True Monarch had recovered his Jindan cultivation, I was afraid that what would greet He Song at that time would be the wrath of the Jindan.

  With Silver Moon True Monarch's identity as an elder of the Yiyang Sect, he is afraid that even the Thick Earth Sect will protect him.

  I am afraid that even the Thick Earth Sect cannot protect He Song.


  I'm afraid that the Thick Earth Sect wouldn't even care about a casual cultivator like He Song.

  Before True Lord Silvermoon came to the door, I'm afraid that they would tie up He Song and personally deliver him to True Lord Silvermoon's hands.

  In the Immortal Cultivation Realm, this kind of thing could be done without any burden.

  After all, a small loose cultivator who was just a foundation builder, even if he was a sect elite.

  I'm afraid that he would also have to be discarded by the higher echelons of the clan.

  Shaking his head, he cast away the thoughts in his mind.

  He Song continued to look through True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag.

  Within True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag, there were also some jade slips.

  Since He Song had already read True Lord Silvermoon's memories, he knew most of what was written in these jade slips.

  However, due to the dissipation of True Lord Silvermoon's memories, there were some slight errors and omissions.

  Now that he had found these jade slips, he had naturally filled in some of the information that he had not read.

  For example, He Song had previously seen the secret Jindan method from True Lord Silvermoon's memory.

  He Song then searched for the jade slip that recorded the secret method.

  He carefully flipped through it again.

  Only after seeing that there were no mistakes or omissions did he put the jade slip back.

  The other spells that He Song could look at, he naturally also compared them one by one, fearing that he would miss a word or two.

  After all, secret spells and such things, I'm afraid that if you read one word wrong, you will miss a tiny bit and miss a thousand miles.

  Don't be afraid that you won't be able to utilize the secret spells, but you will have to suffer the consequences.

  Naturally, He Song handled it carefully.

  In addition to the jade slip, there were many pills in True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag.

  He Song had also seen quite a few pills taken by the Jindan realm.   

  As a late Jindan cultivator, the things within True Lord Silvermoon's own storage bag were naturally all good things.

  Moreover, he had sat down with serious injuries, not at the end of his lifespan, and the things within his storage bag were all that he had in his heyday.

  In such a case, there were naturally countless good things.

  A late Jindan cultivator in his heyday.

  How rich was his family.

  He Song had seen it now.

  The two middle-grade spiritual weapons, according to He Song's guess, I'm afraid that their value far exceeded his imagination.

  According to He Song's guess, the value of the lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat is also very scary.

  Coupled with the spirit talismans, spirit pills, and even jade slips within the storage bag, its value was even more incalculable.

  However, in addition to these things above, there were many other things within True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag.

  For example, spirit medicines, spirit mines, spirit materials, many cultivation resources, and so on.

  The value of these things was equally incalculable.

  However, since True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag was now in his hands, He Song was in no hurry to count it.

  Anyway, all of them were inside the storage bag and couldn't run away.

  In the future, he could just count them slowly.

  The only thing that makes He Song feel a little pity is.

  Inside the Silver Moon True Lord's storage bag, there weren't too many spirit stones.

  He Song only found more than 30,000 pieces of spirit stones in it, and looking at the scattered appearance, I am afraid that these spirit stones are still used by the Silver Moon True Monarch to use the rest.

  As for the other spirit stones on his body, according to He Song's thoughts, I am afraid that they were all used to heal the severely injured him, as well as the Jindan Formation that had been maintained for more than a hundred years.

  The amount of spirit stones consumed by the Jindan Formation to operate was massive.

  If one wanted to maintain its operation for hundreds of years, I'm afraid that the amount of spirit stones that would need to be used up would also be a huge number.

  Calculating it this way.

  It made sense that the number of spirit stones within True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag was scarce.


  He Song, however, felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the spirit stones within True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag.

  Although its volume was comparable to a normal spirit stone, its color was more sparkling than a normal spirit stone.

  Not only did it look more beautiful, but it also vaguely carried a hint of spiritual light flowing through it.

  With doubt.

  He Song casually took out a spirit stone from True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag.

  He also took out a normal spirit stone from his own storage bag.

  Placing the two spirit stones in front of his eyes, he compared them to each other.

  Very quickly.

  He Song's heart came to a conclusion.

  The spirit stone within True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag was not a normal spirit stone, and its grade, I'm afraid, was higher than a normal spirit stone.

  This was because the quantity and even the quality of the spiritual qi contained within it was too much higher than that of a normal spirit stone.

  When a cultivator absorbed it, it was feared that he would be able to obtain a cultivation speed that far exceeded the usual.

  Seeing such a spirit stone.

  He Song subconsciously had a term emerge in his mind.

  "Medium grade spirit stone?"

  Searching his memory along with this term.

  Sure enough, He Song quickly sought out the specifics about this kind of spirit stone from True Lord Silvermoon's memories.

  The more than 30,000 spirit stones in True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag.

  As He Song expected, all of them were medium grade spirit stones.

  A middle-grade spirit stone could be exchanged for a hundred lower-grade spirit stones.

  The lower grade spirit stones were the kind of spirit stones in He Song's storage bag.

  One hundred lower grade spirit stones can not be exchanged for one middle grade spirit stone.

  In other words.

  Although the spirit stones inside the Silver Moon True Lord's storage bag did not seem to be much, they were the spirit stones that were left over after many had been used up.

  However, there were more than three million lower grade spirit stones!

  After calculating this number in his mind, He Song looked towards True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag.

  In his heart, the thought that he had gotten rich flashed through his mind as well.

  More than three million lower grade spirit stones?

  I'm afraid that I haven't even earned this many spirit stones since I've been cultivating Immortality, right?

  When He Song had the most abundant spirit stones on his body, it was only more than seven hundred thousand spirit stones, or he had sold many of his possessions to save them.

  But nowadays?

  True Lord Silvermoon had used the remaining spirit stones alone, which amounted to more than three million.

  Although now that it was placed in He Song's hands, there were only more than thirty thousand mid-grade spirit stones left.

  However, the purchasing power between the two has not changed at all, and even the purchasing power of these 30,000-odd medium-grade spirit stones is even better.

  In such a situation, He Song then suddenly realized.

  Just how rich a late Jindan cultivator at his peak was!

  Going through all the items within the Silver Moon True Lord's storage bag.

  After coming to the conclusion that he had gotten rich.

  He Song quickly walked out of the deep pit and returned to the Jindan Grand Formation.

  It wasn't that he didn't want to personally go to the deepest part of the cave to personally see the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree that had been growing here for hundreds of years.

  To see if that Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree had produced Mixed Gold Spirit Fruits or not.

  Rather, it was because.

  After reading the memories of the Silver Moon True Lord, He Song clearly knew that there was still a crisis in this cave.

  The crisis had yet to be lifted, so how could he risk his own life?

  Although he already knew where those crises were and what he would encounter when he triggered them.

  However, He Song only read most of the Silver Moon True Lord's memories, and there were still some that were fragmented.

  In case there was key information he didn't know, I'm afraid that what would greet He Song would be a huge crisis.

  (End of chapter)