
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 324 - Golden Pill Appears

  "Is this place the cave residence of senior? Later generations can help clear it for a while."

  Six hours later, Wang Duan seemed to have thought of something and said with a light in his eyes.

  If he said so, if someone was really teasing him, it was impossible to watch him wander around in this cave, right?


  "Then, the late generation will begin to clean the cave for the senior, I hope that the senior will not be offended."

  Ten hours later, seeing that there was still no one taking care of himself.

  Wang Duan finally grew up and began to explore the cave in front of him.

  Who cares if no one is teasing him.

  The cave in front of him looked very luxurious, and even the building materials were all spirit materials.

  If he secretly got something for himself, he was afraid that he would immediately soar.

  I'm afraid that if I secretly get something, I'll be able to get a lot of money right away.

  Starve the timid.


  As an evil cultivator, this is the business of licking blood from the mouth of a knife, Wang Duan has never lacked guts.

Before pretending to be a wimp, but also do not want to cause more trouble.  

Now, since things have come to this, might as well take a chance, maybe even survive.

  The person who was able to knock himself out in an instant and bring him to this place must have a terrifying cultivation.

  If you don't do anything, and you are evil to that person.

  I'm afraid that what awaits him is nothing more than death.

  Since not moving is death, maybe when he moves, he can still live.

  With this thought, Wang Duan's footsteps quickened and he quickly walked forward.

  And on the other side.

  This change in Wang Duan's expression, as well as the change in attitude in his words, were all seen by He Song.

  Listening to Wang Duan's words within the cave, He Song's face was calm, but in his heart, he had already evaluated Wang Duan's behavior.

  As expected, he was an evil cultivator.

  After realizing that there was indeed no one around to answer, he immediately revealed his nature.

  What is cleaning the cave.

  I'm afraid that he didn't want to look for a chance in this Jindan cave, right?

  However, He Song's intention was just to let Wang Duan give himself a ride, so he didn't pay too much attention to it and just kept an eye on his every move.

  Wang Duan, like He Song, was the first to enter the parlor.

  Unfortunately, the living room was cleaner than a dog's lick.

  He Song returned disappointed.

  Wang Duan was no exception.

  After entering the parlor and realizing that no one had been there for a long time, Wang Duan's eyes turned.

  Wang Duan's eyes rolled, and he quickly began to clean up under false pretenses.

  Cultivators cleared the cave extremely quickly.

  After a spell went down, the entire parlor instantly became spotless.

  After doing this, Wang Duan walked around the parlor for a moment, seemingly looking for any treasures left behind.

  Only after determining that there were no treasures in this place did he leave resentfully.

  Only, as he left, his gaze lingered for a moment on the furniture that was made from spirit materials, as well as the houses.

  Looking at him like that.

  If he didn't see anyone in this cave, I'm afraid that he would move all of the houses and furniture here.

  After all, these things were all made of spirit materials and were worth a lot.

  After clearing the parlor, Wang Duan continued on and soon entered the alchemy room.

  The alchemy room, which had already been searched by He Song, had not been reset by He Song.

  Therefore, when Wang Duan entered the alchemy room and saw the empty alchemy room, he immediately walked out of it.

  Without looking back, he entered another room.

  This place.

  It was the Qun Fang Pavilion.

  In the Qunfang Pavilion, apart from some women's atlases, there was nothing else.

  Wang Duan casually flipped through some, then felt bored, after cleaning this place once, directly left the Qunfang Pavilion.

  After leaving the Qunfang Pavilion.

  Wang Duan's figure also appeared in the quiet room where the Jindan bones existed.

  When Wang Duan stepped into the quiet room and saw the Jindan corpse bones in the quiet room, Wang Duan's expression changed slightly.

  However, just as he wanted to retreat, his gaze was attracted to something on the floor of the quiet room.

  At this moment, on the floor of the quiet room, all sorts of things had been returned to their original places.

  The bones of a Jindan Realist.

  A Transmission Note.

  A storage bag.

  Some unknown pills that had fallen within the quiet room with no aura.

  As well as a jade slip.

  The appearance of these things caused Wang Duan to subconsciously look at the storage bag next to the bones.

  As an evil cultivator, Wang Duan understood very well.

  The entire fortune of the average cultivator was basically inside the storage bag.

  It was just that what Wang Duan couldn't figure out was why that previous senior who had taken himself captive hadn't taken these things away.

  Instead, he let himself go all the way here and saw these things.

  Could it be that. These things weren't worth much?

  His eyes looked towards the storage bag, the Transmission Note, the Jade Simplified on the ground, as well as the unknown pills that had no aura, and the bones of the corpse that had long since been turned into white bones.

  Wang Duan's brows furrowed slightly as his mind continued to ponder the value of these things.

  He recognized the storage bag.

  But did not recognize the Transmission Note.   

  He recognized the jade slips.

  But did not recognize the pills.

  He also did not know the cultivation level of that corpse that had been whitened.

  But, the mere fact that he recognized a storage bag, as well as a jade slip, had already caused an evil cultivator like him, who was in the late stage of Qi cultivation, to have a hint of greed in his heart.

  What exactly was in the storage bag?

  Within the jade slip, was there any divine secret method recorded?

  Thoughts flashed through his mind.

  Within Wang Duan's gaze as he looked at these things in front of him, a trace of greed gradually arose.

  "How about. Take a look?"

  "Anyway, even if I take a look at it myself, no one should find out, right?"

  "It's just placing the jade slip on one's forehead, it's just grasping the storage bag in one's hand."

  "I can tell if there are any secret techniques recorded within the jade slip, and if there are any precious treasures within the storage bag."

  "The senior who brought me here shouldn't be able to discover this tiny movement of mine."

  "Moreover, even if he found out, wasn't he the one who brought me to this place?"

  "Perhaps, he wants to leave these chances to me?"

  In his heart, Wang Duan constantly tried to convince himself.

  Although he knew that the senior who had brought him to this place definitely did not have any good intentions.

  Although he knew that there was probably some kind of crisis hidden within these things in front of him.

  Although he knew that the voice in his head was not correct, and might not even be what he had in mind.

  Although he knew .

  But there was always a voice echoing in his mind.

  Take a look.

  Just one look!

  After one glance, he would be able to know what secrets were hidden within this jade slip.

  After one glance, he would know what kind of treasures were hidden within this storage bag.

  Gradually, the greed within Wang Duan's gaze grew more and more prevalent.

  His gaze towards the jade slip, as well as the storage bag, also became more and more greedy.

  He Song, who was hidden in the shadows, had a chill in his heart after seeing this scene.

  This Wang Duan in front of him, although he was an evil cultivator, his mind was completely normal.

  This was evident from the fact that he was hiding in the shadows and wanted to ambush the incoming and outgoing loose cultivators.

  As well as when he waited for a long time after entering this cave, before finally starting to act, it could be seen.


  This person's gaze towards that jade slip, as well as that storage bag, after entering into the quiet room, became clearly out of place.

  That gaze, when he had seen those women in the books in the Qun Fang Pavilion before, was not even so greedy.

  Its look, as well as its mind, seemed to have been affected in some way.

  Seeing such a scene, He Song instantly realized something and hid himself even deeper.

  At the same time.

  After a long struggle, Wang Duan also finally raised his step forward and reached out to grab the jade slip closest to him in front of him.

  When the jade slip entered his hand, He Song clearly saw a trace of enjoyment flash across Wang Duan's face.

  Soon, when Wang Duan put the jade slip in his hand on his forehead.

  He Song immediately saw Wang Duan's expression become surprised and happy.

  He seemed to have learned something from the jade slip that surprised him.

  And when Wang Duan removed the jade slip from his forehead, Wang Duan's feet moved with it and grabbed the storage bag next to the corpse bones in his hands.

  The next moment.

  He Song then saw Wang Duan throw his head back and laugh wildly.

  It must be due to seeing the treasures in the storage bag.

  After laughing for a while.

  The color of joy on Wang Duan's face did not decrease at all, but his voice gradually decreased.

  At the same time, Wang Duan's gaze also looked towards the unknown pills that had no aura next to the bones.

  He Song did not know why Wang Duan was focusing on these pills.

  In He Song's opinion, these pills were just some trash.

  After a hundred years, they had long since lost all their spiritual qi.

  Even if something like this was thrown to a cultivator at the first level of Qi Practicing, I'm afraid it would be thrown away with a look of disgust.

  It doesn't contain spiritual qi.

  It would have no value in the eyes of a cultivator.

  However, just as He Song was wondering, Wang Duan, who was currently in the quiet room, did something unexpected.

  After Wang Duan looked at the pills that had no aura, he immediately lifted his leg and stepped forward - one foot stepping down.

  Instantly, an elixir that was closest to Wang Duan deflated in its entirety after Wang Duan's foot stomped on it.

  It was trampled into a piece of mud cake that clung to the ground.

  And after this was done, Wang Duan did not show any other expression on his face.

  It seemed that he was not surprised by the scene that appeared in front of him.

  However, just as He Song was wondering in his mind.

  Wang Duan, however, raised his leg again and stomped another elixir into a mud cake.


  Under He Song's puzzled gaze, Wang Duan stomped on all of the pills that were located in the quiet room, that had no spiritual qi at all.

  It was only in the end, when all the pills had all been stomped over and almost all of them had turned into mud cakes, that He Song could see the clues from it.

  One of the pills in the quiet room had not turned into a mud cake because of Wang Duan's stomping.

  Instead, after he stepped on it.

  The surface of the clay-like shell cracked open, and a flash of golden light came out from it.

  And with the appearance of this golden light, a thick color of joy appeared on Wang Duan's face.

  There was no more stepping on the elixir on the ground.

  Wang Duan stretched out his hand and took the pill-like object that had already cracked open a slit, with golden light emanating from the slit, in his hand.

  (End of chapter)