
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 323 - Capturing the Evil Cultivator

  However, Idle Cloud, who had already collected all the other things into his storage bag.

  At this moment, he was suddenly stopping his movements.

  In theory.

  Within a cave, the greatest opportunity must be the cave owner's storage bag.

  Other things.

  Such as formations, such as spiritual fields, such as medicinal gardens, such as alchemy rooms, and even some other things.

  Their value was completely incomparable to the cave master's storage bag.

  In the Immortal Cultivation World, almost all cultivators would put their entire fortune into their storage bag.

  Unless one is within a cave.

  Only then would they put things such as spirit pills into the alchemy room.

  One might also put spirit minerals and other materials into the refining room.


  At the time of leaving the cave, certainly will be their entire body, all into their own storage bag.

  For all cultivators.

  Regardless of the level of cultivation, there is a consensus.

Their own storage bag, is the safest place.  

Placing one's own things in a cave, or within a family, in case the cave is destroyed and the family is destroyed.

  Wouldn't all of one's things be lost?

  But switching to placing one's things in one's storage bag was completely different.

  As long as one did not die, one's things would never need to worry about losing them.

  And if one died.

  It wouldn't matter if one's things were still there or not.

  It could be said.

  This idea existed in the minds of all cultivators and was very deep.

  Even He Song.

  Being a traveler, he also accepted this idea very quickly after coming to this world.

  Other cultivators who were born and raised in this world naturally accepted it even earlier.

  And also at the same time, it was because of the existence of this idea.

  It caused He Song to be intensely wary of the storage bag in front of him.

  In the Immortal Cultivation World.

  Good people don't live long.

  This was something that He Song knew from the start.

  A Qi Practicing Stage cultivator could be a good person.

  Because of the large number of Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, it was inevitable that some oddballs would appear among them.

  But the probability of a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator being a good person would instantly fall to the bottom.

  Even for a Foundation realm cultivator who grew up in the clan and had not suffered from the outside world, the word "good guy" could never summarize it.

  After all, if you want to grow up in the sect, you also need to fight.

  Foundation dan, cultivation resources, the same door dumping, etc., can be real, to fight for their own hands.

  In the sect, although there is less deceit than in the outside world, but want to achieve foundation building, but is bound to encounter.

  In such a situation, even a Foundation Establishment real person from a sect can never be called a good person.

  If they were really a good person, I'm afraid that when they were competing with others for Foundation Establishment Pills and cultivation resources, as well as when they were faced with their fellow sect members tipping their hand, they would have already withdrawn in dismay.

  How could there be a successful Foundation Establishment?

  Of course, it was also possible to be like Meng Guan, who had succeeded in building a foundation without relying on anything but a Vein Protection Pill.

  There might be good people amongst the Foundation Establishment True Lords who succeeded in establishing their foundations in this way, but they were certainly in the extreme minority.

  If a Jindan True Lord also wanted to be labeled as a good person.

  Not to mention that He Song didn't believe it, I'm afraid that there wouldn't be any cultivators who would believe in this statement.

  To break through from the Foundation Establishment Realm to the Jindan Realm was far from as simple as one might think.

  First of all, you have to break through from the Qi Practicing Stage all the way to the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle, right?

  Secondly, one would have to break through to Jindan before the end of one's lifespan in the Foundation Establishment Realm, right?

  Once again, one had to make sure that one was not killed at the Foundation Establishment Realm, right?

  Lastly, there must be two essential things to step onto the Jindan Avenue, right?

  It was extremely difficult to obtain all of these things and have them all returned to one's body.

  From the Qi Practicing Stage all the way to the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle, the difficulties and dangers during the period can be said to be unimaginable.

  If you want to break through the Jindan realm before the end of the Foundation Establishment realm's lifespan, the most important thing is the cultivation resources.

  Cultivation resources, too, needed to be fought over.

  If one wanted to break through the cultivation level as soon as possible, one had to compete with other cultivators for the resources.

  At the same time, during the process of cultivation along the way, one also needed to make sure that one's battle power, could keep up with one's cultivation progress.

  And, one would also need to be very lucky to be able to dodge one life and death crisis after another.

  Lastly, the Golden Pill Congealing and the Golden Pill Secret Method were naturally essential.

  Their difficulty, naturally, was also imaginable.

  Who could guarantee that their hands would not be stained with blood if they wanted to obtain these?

  Even He Song, with a smooth journey, had a lot of blood on his hands, let alone other cultivators who needed to fight with their lives.

  And because of this.

  The vigilance in He Song's heart towards this storage bag in front of Idle Cloud at this moment could be imagined.

  I'm afraid no one would know what a Jindan True Lord who wasn't a good person would do with his own storage bag before he died.

  With just a slight guess, He Song came up with many, many means used to trap people.

  For example, laying a divine sense attack inside the storage bag.

  Once someone probes into the divine sense, they will be able to instantly kill each other.

  For example, changing the name of the pills inside the storage bag.

  Using poisonous pills to disguise as good pills, and die when you take them.

  For example, hiding their souls somewhere, and when they see someone come in, they will directly take over their souls.

  For example, the Jindan Grand Formation that was arranged outside the cave, such as the two golden-armored guards at the entrance of the cave.

  Even the two golden-armored guards behind the door of the quiet room were all means left behind by that Jindan True Lord.

  It was only that they had all been removed one by one by He Song.   

  If it were anyone else, I'm afraid that I don't know how many times they would have died.


  In the Immortal Cultivation World, the matter of taking away the body also exists.

  However, not every cultivator has the ability to take away the body.

  Only when the cultivation has reached the Jindan realm, and the divine sense is hosted within the Jindan, with the Jindan carrying the soul, and the divine sense manipulating the Jindan to find a mortal body far away from the other side, is it possible to succeed in seizing the body.

  The owner of this cave in front of me, his cultivation must have reached the Jindan realm.

  He has the ability to take over the body.

  Although He Song did not discover where his Jindan was, but in case his Jindan was in this storage bag in front of Idle Cloud, what could be done?

  A trace of worry flashed through his mind, and after thinking about it, He Song finally maneuvered the idle cloud to remain in place.

  Did not touch the storage bag in the quiet room.

  However, He Song himself, at this moment, opened his eyes in the Jindan Great Formation.

  It was impossible to personally enter the cave and deal with that storage bag.

  Before finding out where that Jindan True Lord's Jindan was, He Song was bound to not be able to take half a step into that cave.

  Even if he found out where that Jindan True Lord's Jindan was located, it was impossible for He Song to personally deal with that Jindan.

  If it was really taken over, then the fun would be great.

  Be that as it may.

  With worries in his heart, He Song frowned and pondered for a long time, and finally made a decision.

  Go to the outside world and grab a Qi Practicing Stage Evil Cultivator to come over and let that Evil Cultivator enter that Jindan Cave Mansion instead of himself.

  After that, he would only need to keep an eye on that Qi Practicing Stage evil cultivator.

  It didn't matter what happened to the other party.

  Anyway, He Song's own safety was something he didn't need to worry about.

  After making the decision.

  He Song's silhouette silently left the valley and began to search for the evil cultivator in the surroundings of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  For searching for evil cultivators.

  He Song still had some experience.

  The first time he wanted to explore this valley, He Song found an evil cultivator outside the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop and chased the other party all the way through this valley.

  It was also because of that time, He Song's heart for catching the evil cultivator over to help himself do some things that he was not convenient to do, there is no longer any stigma.

  Nowadays, his identity is an Elder of the Thick Earth Sect.

  As an Elder of the Thick Earth Sect, catching evil cultivators in the territory of the Thick Earth Sect could be considered as a matter of course.

  In order to protect the other casual cultivators in the territory of the Thick Earth Sect, it was He Song's responsibility and obligation as an elder of the Thick Earth Sect to capture the evil cultivator.

  In the face of evil cultivators, everyone had to be killed.

  Naturally, there wouldn't be any psychological pressure to capture them to help him scout the way.


  He Song then sought out an evil cultivator near the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Place.

  When He Song searched for him, he was waiting for a rabbit in the middle of a mountain forest, seemingly trying to ambush a passing casual cultivator.

  Seeing this situation, He Song naturally could not let his plot succeed.

  Being in the dark, He Song directly slapped him unconscious, and then quickly brought him into the valley where the Jindan Cave was located.

  Casually, he threw the evil cultivator who had already fainted into the Jindan Cave.

  After He Song thought about it, he then maneuvered the idle clouds to put all the other things within the quiet room that had already been put into his storage bag back into the quiet room.

  A corpse of a Jindan real person.

  A Transmission Note.

  A storage bag.

  Some unknown pills that had fallen within the quiet room and had no aura at all.

  As well as a jade slip.

  After restoring all the things in the quiet room, He Song moved the four golden-armored guards at the entrance of the Jindan cave, as well as behind the door of the quiet room, and hid them elsewhere.

  After doing all this and ensuring that there would be nothing in the Jindan Cave Mansion that could scare that evil cultivator away.

  Only then did he maneuver the idle clouds to hide in the shadows and began to wait quietly.


  After this evil cultivator discovered this undefended cave.

  It would help itself to explore it properly.

  But by that time.

  If anything untoward happened to him, he himself would be considered to have done the people a favor.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song remained hidden in the shadows while also focusing his attention on that evil cultivator.

  There was no letting He Song wait for too long.

  As he had mastered the force when he made his move.

  Therefore, the evil cultivator did not fall unconscious for too long and soon woke up and realized that the place where he was had changed drastically.

  In an instant, that evil cultivator stood up, immediately arched his hand and saluted the surroundings, and spoke aloud.

  "I don't know which senior is joking with the late generation, I still hope that senior will show himself."



  An hour later, that evil cultivator was already a bit puzzled.


  "Senior is a loose cultivator from Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, his name is Wang Duan, I don't know where I offended senior, I still hope that senior will be magnanimous and let senior leave, senior will surely be grateful."

  Three hours later, Wang Duan had a confused look on his face.

  Wasn't someone trying to tease himself?


  (End of chapter)