
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 318: Huge Harvest

  Of course.

  It would be great if he could test the strength of those two golden-armored guards in passing.

  Under He Song's gaze.

  The four Spirit Puppets quickly rushed into the valley and began to rapidly harvest the spirit rice and spirit medicines planted in the valley from four directions.

  The speed of the Spirit Puppets in harvesting spiritual rice and spiritual medicines was not slow.

  What's more, the spirit puppets all had the storage bags given by He Song in their hands, so the harvested spiritual rice and spiritual herbs quickly all went into the storage bags.

  At first.

  The two golden-armored guards guarding the depths of the valley, at the entrance of the cave did not react.

  However, as the four spirit puppets finished harvesting all of the spiritual rice and spiritual herbs on the periphery of the valley, and began to gradually continue harvesting towards the interior of the valley.

  It was not known which spirit puppet had touched something.

  Or perhaps which Spirit Puppet stepped into the alert range of the two golden-armored guards.

  Under He Song's gaze, the two golden-armored guards that were originally just quietly guarding the entrance of the cave suddenly moved at a certain moment.

  Immediately after that, the heads of the two golden-armored guards also turned instantly at that moment, facing towards the place where the wild crane among the four spirit puppets was located.

  Looking at that appearance, it seemed that they had already locked onto Wild Crane and would launch a stormy attack next.

  The wild crane among the clear wind and bright moon and idle clouds is now collecting all the surrounding spiritual rice into its storage bag.

  According to He Song's original setting, the four great spirit puppets would all go all the way to harvest all the spiritual rice as well as spiritual herbs before returning to the Luo Smoke Formation.

  However, at this moment, after realizing that the Wild Crane had already been targeted by those two golden-armored guards, He Song thought a little bit and eventually took over the control of the Wild Crane, manipulating it on his own to deal with the situation.

  At the same time, in his mind, He Song had already made preparations, ready to let the Wild Crane hold back the two golden-armored guards, to give the other three Spirit Puppets some time to harvest the spiritual rice and pills.

  This time didn't need to be too long, just need to hold on until the other three spirit puppets finished harvesting all the spirit rice as well as spirit medicine in the valley.

  Of course.

  If things were really impossible.

  For example, if the two golden-armored guards had reached the Jindan realm.

  He Song will also decisively give up his four spirit puppets, and he himself will also disappear, away from this place, and wait until the strength is enough, and then come back to get back their own things.

  As He Song took over the control of the Wild Crane, the Wild Crane, which was originally still harvesting the spiritual rice, was suddenly shaken.

  Immediately afterward, it turned around and fled without thinking.

  As the wild crane fled, the two golden-armored guards that had originally locked onto the wild crane also suddenly moved at this moment.

  This movement was as fast as lightning!

  Almost in the blink of an eye, the two golden-armored guards had already appeared beside the fleeing Wild Crane.

  In an instant, the two large hands blocked the escape route of the wild crane one after the other, and their speed was extremely fast as they slapped towards the wild crane's head.

  He Song, who was hiding in the dark and was originally maneuvering Wild Crane, preparing to stall for a while, also changed his expression at this moment.

  The speed of these two golden-armored guards was too fast.

  If the wild crane manipulated by He Song continued to move forward at this moment, he was afraid that it would immediately be grabbed by these two golden-armored guards and then be torn into pieces.

  Although the Wild Crane was a Spirit Puppet, its body was refined from extremely strong materials and would not be torn apart so easily.

  However, these two golden-armored guards in front of him were also puppets.

  Their bodies were also made of extremely strong materials.

  If Wild Crane was truly grabbed by them, under the combined strength of the two, I'm afraid that Wild Crane would instantly lose his fighting strength.

  After all, He Song didn't know how strong these two golden-armored guards were in battle.

  In such a situation, He Song had no choice but to maneuver the Wild Crane to stop in its tracks, and after narrowly dodging the golden-armored guards' interception, he immediately flashed to the side.

  At the same time, while maneuvering the Wild Crane to dodge, He Song didn't forget to slap his backhand on the body of another golden-armored guard.

  With a bang.

  The Wild Crane's palm ruthlessly struck the body of one of the golden-armored guards, and his figure narrowly dodged the palm of the other golden-armored guard with the force of the recoil.

  Rushing out from the encirclement of the two golden-armored guards, He Song immediately maneuvered the Wild Crane towards the outskirts of the valley.

  Behind the wild crane, the two golden-armored guards also silently chased after him at this moment.

  In the next moment, the two golden-armored guards blocked the Wild Crane's retreat once again, and their entire bodies also stuck up.

  This time, the two golden-armored guards did not give Wild Crane another chance to escape.

  After sticking their bodies up, the two golden-armored guards almost blocked all the paths of escape for the wild crane.

  As a last resort, He Song could only maneuver the Wild Crane to fight back when his speed was inferior.

  However, the Wild Crane's counterattack landed on the two golden-armored guards, but did not leave any wounds.

  Instead, it was the two golden-armored guards.

  After completely surrounding Wild Crane, they each grabbed one of Wild Crane's arms.

  Accompanied by a toothache-inducing metal twisting sound, Wild Crane's two arms were twisted off, and the spirit puppet arms that had lost their maneuvering were thrown away like scrap metal.

  Immediately after that, the two golden-armored guards fired their hands and dismantled the Wild Crane's body as well before turning their gaze back to the other three Spirit Puppets.

  But at this moment.

  After the previous slap, the speed at which the two golden-armored guards acted, the power with which they dismantled the wild crane's body, as well as some other information, He Song had no idea what to expect from the two golden-armored guards.

  He Song also had a number in his mind regarding the battle power of these two golden-armored guards.   

  The battle power of these two golden-armored guards.

  Very strong!

  Being able to dismantle a Spirit Puppet with their bare hands that was comparable in strength to a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator.

  The strength of these two golden-armored guards was at least at the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Realm.

  The strength crossed two small realms to be able to have such a terrifying suppressive power.

  The materials on their bodies, I'm afraid, were also extremely sturdy, and normal Foundation Establishment realm cultivators were simply unable to cause damage to them.

  And because of this, the Wild Crane's counterattack was simply scratching an itch for them.

  It was also for this reason that these two golden-armored guards were able to dismantle the wild crane's body so easily.

  However, these two golden-armored guards were not able to crush the wild crane manipulated by He Song like an ant, and they were able to crush it at will.

  From this, it could be seen that although these two golden-armored guards had an extremely terrifying suppressive power over He Song's four spirit puppets, they had not reached a complete crushing of their strength.

  In other words.

  Their battle power had not yet reached the Jindan level.

  Since the battle power of these two golden-armored guards hadn't reached the Jindan level, then the next step would be good.

  With a thought.

  He Song decisively maneuvered the remaining three Spirit Puppets to start scattering and fleeing when the two Golden Armored Guards focused on the remaining three Spirit Puppets.

  Although these two golden-armored guards were not as powerful as He Song originally guessed.

  However, two puppets that could arm wrestle with a Foundation Establishment Great Circle were not something that He Song at this moment was able to counter with a single person.

  Today, He Song's cultivation level was only at the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  How could he be so virtuous as to dare to face two puppets whose battle power had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection?

  Therefore, having already tested out the strength of these two golden-armored guards, and having harvested most of the spiritual rice and medicines in the valley, He Song's first thought was naturally.

  He Song's first thought was naturally to bag all the spirit medicines as well as spirit rice that the spirit puppets had harvested.

  When the spirit medicine and rice reached his own hands, he would naturally not need to worry about them being destroyed.

  However, just as He Song maneuvered the three spirit puppets to start scattering and fleeing.

  The two golden-armored guards that had already been activated were each staring at a fleeing spirit puppet at the moment.

  As the two golden-armored guards moved.

  He Song, who was maneuvering the three Spirit Puppets to escape, immediately noticed that a Golden Armored Guard had appeared beside both Qingfeng and Mingyue.

  However, since he had already maneuvered the Wild Crane to fight these two golden-armored guards before.

  Although the result was He Song's complete defeat, it was a Spirit Puppet facing two golden-armored guards, so it was only natural that it would be defeated quickly.

  Moreover, defeat is defeat, the middle stage of foundation building to fight the great circle of foundation building, it is strange not to be defeated.

  However, although he was defeated, he had accumulated a trace of experience.

  When He Song maneuvered Qingfeng Mingyue in the follow-up to circle with those two golden-armored guards, the pressure in his heart was not as great as before.

  One must know that before, He Song had treated the two golden-armored guards as Jindan cultivators.

  Now that he realized that their battle strength was only the Foundation Establishment Great Circle, naturally, he did not have that sense of caution.

  At the same time, while maneuvering Qingfeng Mingyue to dodge, He Song also ordered Idle Cloud to go and bring back all of Wild Crane's fragmented body.

  After giving such an order, He Song then focused and began to maneuver the Clear Wind Bright Moon, dodging the attacks of those two golden-armored guards.

  In the end.

  Idle Cloud was the first to return within the Luo Smoke Formation.

  Qingfeng, after losing an arm, also returned inside the Luo Smoke Formation in a sorry state.

  Mingyue, on the other hand, had half of her body smashed, dragging her heavily injured body to escape from that golden-armored guard.

  After the Spirit Puppets had all entered the Luo Smoke Formation, He Song immediately maneuvered the Luo Smoke Formation to astringe away their bodily aura.

  After doing all this.

  Only then did the two golden-armored guards within the valley, who had already lost their targets, return to the entrance of the cave and continued to guard the cave.

  Seeing this situation, He Song swept his gaze over the four spirit puppets under his command that had already suffered heavy damage, and could only sigh.

  Then, from their respective storage bags, he completely collected the harvest this time into his own storage bag.

  This time out.

  The four great spirit puppets had harvested quite a lot.

  There were tens of thousands of pounds of spiritual rice, all of which were good spiritual rice that had been growing in the valley for more than a hundred years, perhaps its original seed was some kind of excellent spiritual rice that could increase cultivation even if it was consumed by the Jindan realm.

  There are many different kinds of herbs, many of them are recognized by He Song, they are worth a lot of money, but there are also some that He Song doesn't know, I think there should be some precious ones.

  After all these things were put into the storage bag by He Song, a trace of joy flashed across He Song's face.

  Spiritual rice, it was an excellent spiritual rice for the Jindan realm.

  Spirit medicines, most of them were precious spirit medicines.

  Those spirit medicines that He Song didn't recognize, according to He Song's guess, I'm afraid they were worth more.

  (End of chapter)