
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 315 - A Great War

  That great battle started by that old man dragged almost everyone into the war.

  Even Realist Qing Yue had no choice but to go there with the cultivators of the Thick Earth Sect to provide support.

  When she arrived, the battlefield was already scorched, with a group of Foundation Establishment real people fighting in mid-air.

  Flying swords and spells were intertwined, and people from the Devil's Way and cultivators from the Righteous Way clashed with each other.

  One by one, the Golden Sword Sect's disciples had even killed each other.

  They fought until the sky was darkened and blood stained the sky.

  In the end.

  Several hours after Qing Yue Zhen Zhen joined the battlefield.

  Because the scale of the battle was too large, it was stopped by the Jindan True Lords of both sides, and did not continue to fight.

  Otherwise, I'm afraid that many Foundation Establishment True Lords would have lost their lives there.

  But since then, the Golden Sword Sect's reputation was also made.

  Almost everyone, after seeing the Golden Sword Sect's disciples, would secretly say "reckless" in their hearts.

  When Realist Qing Yue spoke with He Song about this matter afterward, his eyes were also filled with palpitations.

  The memories that the battle brought back to Qing Yue were the flying swords and spells that flew all over the sky, as well as all kinds of strange and bizarre Foundation Establishment Techniques.

  There were also the Foundation Establishment real people who were falling down to the ground like dumplings.

  That was the first time she had seen such a large-scale casualty of Foundation Establishment real people.

  It was also good that she went late.

  After only a few hours of fighting, both sides stopped.

  Otherwise, according to her, I'm afraid she would have been seriously injured if not killed.

  Since then, Qing Yue had started to have a grudge against the battle.

  Of course, this hint of complaint only appeared in the exchange with He Song.

  According to Qing Yue Zhenren's words.

  Since they were the elite of the clan, they naturally had to put the interests of the clan first.

  Speaking privately about their views on this war was actually nothing.

  As long as one is clear on the big right and wrong.

  Just don't expose this idea on other occasions.

  In this regard, He Song was secretly curious in his heart as to how tragic that war was to make a late stage Foundation Establishment real person have such thoughts.

  At the same time, He Song immediately alerted himself in his heart.

  It seemed that it was better for him not to participate in great battles like this one in the future if he could.

  Otherwise, perhaps the safety of his own life would be fatally threatened.

  It was fine to be like Qing Yue Zhenren, at least the person was still alive.

  If one really died in the middle of a great battle, one was afraid that everything would be lost.

  Moreover, after seeing that Qing Yue Zenith had a hint of complaint about going to the battlefield after experiencing that great battle.

  In his heart, He Song also agreed with the behavior of the major sects that did not allow casual cultivators to go to the battlefield.

  A loose cultivation base was not like the elite of a sect.

  If the war had really reached this level, I'm afraid that loose cultivator foundations would have run away long ago.

  Where would they be able to hold out until the end of the battle like Realist Qing Yue did.

  And seeing that someone on their side had already fled the battlefield, what would the others on the battlefield think?

  Perhaps, those sect elites who were originally still able to fight would subconsciously follow and run.

  In the end, when the entire battlefield turned into a great rout.

  I'm afraid that it would be a defeat of the soldiers.

  If such a situation were to develop, the scattered cultivator foundations that fled early would definitely be the culprits.

  In order not to affect the fighting strength of the clan's elites, it would naturally be wise not to allow the casual cultivators to enter the battlefield.

  Although it was said that one more person would have more power.

  However, the uncontrollability of loose cultivation bases could also completely sway the outcome of a battle.

  The lesser of two evils, the greater of two benefits.

  After weighing the pros and cons, choosing to let the loose cultivators guard the rear Immortal City and leave one or two clan elites in the Immortal City to supervise was the best choice.

  After all, the number of casual cultivators who had built the foundation was not large, and the main battle force of each major sect was actually the sect elites.

  The number of loose cultivators who built foundations was actually only a very small portion compared to the sect elites.

  It was just like the Tian Quan Immortal City today.

  Even though there were He Song and Wei Fan, the two loose cultivator foundation builders, there were actually Realist Xuanhe, as well as Realist Fengquan supervising from the sidelines.

  This hand of trade-offs was something that the senior management of the Thick Earth Sect had naturally thought about.

  In this regard, He Song naturally also knew it well.

  However, he did not care about this.

  The Thick Earth Sect did not treat the scattered cultivator builders as their own, and He Song naturally would not treat the Thick Earth Sect as his home either.

  The relationship between the two was actually mutual.

  The Thick Earth Sect couldn't trust him.

  He naturally did not have a deep sense of belonging to the Thick Earth Sect either.

  And because of this, the grievances in Qing Yue Zhen's mouth were not too deeply felt for He Song.

  After all, the Thick Earth Sect wouldn't let him, an uncontrollable loose cultivator who had built his foundation, go to the battlefield.

  Today's He Song.

  Was continuously comprehending this Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  The comprehension of this Jindan Grand Formation in front of him also continuously surged to his mind.

  Even though the great war between the Righteous Alliance and the Devil's Alliance had already opened for a long time, it had never allowed him to move the slightest bit.   

  And time.

  It also began to quietly pass as He Song continued to comprehend the Jindan Grand Formation.

  And as time continued to pass, He Song's comprehension of this Jindan Grand Formation in front of him also became deeper and deeper.

  However, with the passage of time, the number of times that the Jindan Grand Formation in front of He Song appeared to be disturbed also began to become more and more frequent.

  Soon, the time interval between the disorders of the formation went from a year apart, to half a year apart, to three months, to one month apart.

  In this way, while He Song continued to perceive the grand formation in front of him, he also felt more and more obscure in the face of the increasingly unstable formation.

  The Jindan Grand Formation in front of him had become less stable than before due to the occasional disorders.

  With the increasing disorder, the stability of this formation began to gradually decrease.

  It was as low as it is today.

  When the stability of this Jindan Grand Formation was nearly lost.

  He Song was no longer able to carefully comprehend the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  As a last resort, He Song could only stop comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him and swept his gaze around.

  With such a drastic change in the Jindan Grand Formation, if it was not restrained, it would probably attract cultivators from elsewhere.

  Generally speaking, when a formation dissipated, what was concealed by the formation would come out and subsequently be discovered by others.

  A cave, a large spiritual field, a medicinal garden, or some other structure suddenly appeared amidst the mountains and rivers.

  Something so conspicuous.

  Naturally, it would attract the attention of passing cultivators, as well as mundane mortals.

  Unless it was located in a remote area, the first person to realize it took something and ran away.

  Or after taking the item, they would completely destroy the place where the chance was located, not allowing others to notice the abnormality of this place.

  In this way, the news of the opportunity will not spread too far, and will only be known by the first person.

  And if the news leaked out, it would naturally attract countless cultivators to come and look for the chance.

  However, the first group of people to discover the location of the opportunity here, naturally, will also get more things than the other cultivators who came after them.

  But at the same time, they will also face the pursuit of the cultivators who come after them, so there are both advantages and disadvantages.

  Of course, there is more where the chance is.

  It was discovered when the formation that shrouded the chance was about to dissipate, revealing what was inside to the outside world, and when the outer formation had not yet completely dissipated.

  This kind of chance is located, basically can attract countless cultivators to fight, foundation real people down to kill, is also commonplace.

  This kind of chance is where He Song often heard, in a certain region suddenly appeared in the cave of the ancestors, attracted countless cultivators to fight for the origin of the news.

  The formation will be dispersed, and there is still some power to maintain the operation.

  In this way, the person who discovered the location of the opportunity will not be able to risk his or her own life.

  Because no one knows how strong the power of the formation that will be dispersed is.

  In case one rushes in and dies inside, wouldn't that be doing a favor to someone else?

  But that was precisely the case.

  As time passes slowly, the number of people who discover the location of this place will naturally increase gradually.

  When the news leaks out, it will naturally attract a large number of cultivators.

  It wasn't impossible to attract Foundation Establishment real people.

  In such a situation, this place will certainly also set off a storm of blood.

  And these circumstances.

  It was also the reason why He Song was not interested in the news of those opportunities coming out in the past.

  It was too dangerous.

  He Song swept his gaze across the surroundings.

  Although the internal operation of the Jindan Formation in this place was already very disorganized, it had not directly manifested itself, revealing the scenery inside the formation.

  Therefore, there were no cultivators around today.

  Seeing that there was no one around, He Song nodded slightly, and then immediately began to take action.


  He Song took out a formation disk, as well as several formation flags.

  With a surge of mana in his hand, the array disk immediately turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the depths of the ground.

  At the same time, the several array flags in He Song's hand also turned into streams of light and fell into the depths of the earth together with the array disk.

  After doing this, He Song strangled his hand and cast a spell, connecting the array disk and the array flags together.

  In this way, the next step was just to wait for He Song's mind to move, and then he could directly set up a Luo Smoke Formation in the same place.

  However, He Song did not directly lay down the Luo Smoke Formation at this moment, instead, he maintained the current action and did not continue.

  Although there was already a guess in his heart.

  In front of this Jindan array, there must not be a Jindan True Lord in seclusion.

  However, after thinking about it, He Song still decided to stabilize his hand.

  Watching from afar.

  When the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him is about to disperse, the scenery in the Grand Formation will emerge.

  Wait until you have a clear view of the scenery in the formation, and make sure that no one is in it.

  Then, at that instant, one can lay down the Luo Smoke Formation.

  In this way, even if there really was a Jindan True Lord in this Jindan Grand Formation, He Song's existence was not exposed.

  There was a high probability that that Jindan True Lord would not be able to detect He Song's existence.

  However, if the Luo Smoke Formation was laid down in advance.

  When the Jindan Formation dissipated, the Jindan True Monarch within the Jindan Formation would immediately realize that an unfamiliar formation had appeared around him.

  In such a situation, He Song was afraid that he would not be able to escape.

  (End of chapter)