
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 313: Three Years Later

  A not-so-long period of time was used to delve into the Jindan Grand Formation.

  When he had mastered the method of arranging this Jindan Grand Formation, He Song's strength would naturally see a surge.

  No matter who it was, anyone would know how to choose such a cost-effective deal.

  After settling on a plan, He Song continued to start studying the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.


  It was in the midst of He Song's continuous study of the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him that time slowly passed.


  Time was long.

  The years passed.

  In the blink of an eye, three years had passed in the blink of an eye.

  During these three years, the outside world was in turmoil, and the situation changed endlessly.

  However, He Song, who had been comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation, did not care too much about the outside world.

  During these three years, He Song has been comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation day and night, and although his own cultivation has continued, the effect of his cultivation is far from being able to compare with the usual.

  There is no help.

  The aura of this place is thin, in order not to let anyone discover his existence, He Song also can't lay down a formation here.

  Without the support of the rich spiritual qi in the Small Spirit Gathering Formation, He Song only relied on pills and other treasures for cultivation, but the speed of cultivation was also much slower than usual.

  The rich spiritual qi within the Small Spirit Gathering Formation was able to make He Song's cultivation rise rapidly.

  However, after leaving the Small Spirit Gathering Formation and relying only on the power of pills, He Song's cultivation speed naturally dropped.

  However, even so, He Song felt that his cultivation speed was not much slower than other Foundation Establishment real people.

  After all, although He Song was in a place where the spiritual qi was thin, the pills he took were not saved at all, and other treasures were also used as usual.

  Under such circumstances, although He Song's cultivation progress was not as good as before, it would not be much slower than other Foundation Establishment real people.

  Even without the rich spiritual qi of the Small Spirit Gathering Formation, He Song's cultivation speed would still be a bit faster than other Foundation Establishment Real People.

  Not any Foundation Establishment Real Person could be like He Song, where pills never stopped.

  And as a result.

  The mana in He Song's body had also increased a bit after these three years of cultivation.

  With the increase in mana in his body, the strength of his attacks when casting spells and manipulating magic weapons naturally increased.

  With more mana, He Song's strength, which had also grown slowly over the three years, had now also risen by that small amount.

  Although it wasn't considered a great increase.

  But He Song had only been here for three years.

  In three years' time, his own strength had increased by such a small amount, amongst the Foundation Establishment real people, it could already be called very good.

  At the same time as his own strength grew, He Song's understanding of the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him had also taken a big step forward.

  However, due to the fact that this Jindan Grand Formation in front of him was a Jindan Formation.

  At the same time, He Song did not have the specific arrangement method of this Jindan Grand Formation.

  Therefore, although He Song's understanding of the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him had already taken a big step forward, it seemed that there was still a relatively long way to go.

  A Jindan Grand Formation was, after all, a Jindan Grand Formation.

  Its difficulty was much more difficult than the formations in the Initial Explanation of the Formation Dao.

  At the same time, it was because the formations recorded in the Initial Explanation of the Formation Dao all had their detailed methods of deployment.

  Studying the formations in the Initial Explanation of Formation Dao was like looking at the answers and copying the homework, the difficulty would definitely be greatly reduced.

  The Jindan Grand Formation before He Song's eyes, on the other hand, did not belong to this situation.

  The initial explanation of the Dao of Formation did not record the specific arrangement method of the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him, and this Jindan Grand Formation was not the formation recorded in the initial explanation of the Dao of Formation.

  Because of this, He Song could only rely on his own understanding of the foundation of the Dao of Formation to reverse the arrangement method of the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  This method was like relying on one's own strength to solve a problem step by step, rather than directly copying homework.

  Therefore, the efficiency of this method was also a bit slower than directly copying homework.

  However, it was precisely because of this that He Song's own understanding of the Dao of Formation had begun to progress by leaps and bounds as he continued to push back against the Jindan Grand Formation's arrangement method.

  If the He Song of the past knew what was right but not what was wrong, then today's He Song had already understood the Dao of Formation by leaps and bounds.

  Nowadays, He Song already knows both what is right and what is wrong.

  I think that if he meets such a Jindan Grand Formation next time, He Song will naturally be able to be more comfortable with it.


  With enough knowledge, He Song could also rely on the characteristics of the formation pattern he wanted to create his own formation.

  Whether it was an introductory formation, a Foundation Establishment formation, or a Jindan Grand Formation, they could all be created.

  The understanding and utilization of the basics brought great benefits to He Song.

  This was also the reason why He Song had been enjoying himself in this place.

  This place.

  Not only was he able to acquire a Jindan Grand Formation for nothing, but he was also able to lay the foundation for him to create his own formations in the future.

  Under such circumstances, He Song had naturally spared no effort in regards to the enlightenment of the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  However, just as He Song continued to comprehend the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  One day.

  He Song suddenly realized that his own Transmission Note had sent out a strange movement.

  Regarding the strange movements coming from his own Transmission Note, He Song had seen a lot in these three years.

  Thus, with nothing more than a thought, the Transmission Note appeared in his hand.

  As the transmission note opened.   

  A thin piece of paper also appeared in He Song's hand with it.

  "I have successfully broken through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment a few months ago, and when I came out of the gate, I realized that you, Taoist Friend, have been away from Tianquan Immortal City for a few years."

  "I wonder if something has happened?"

  "Now that my cultivation has reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, I'm afraid that after a few more years, I'll have to be transferred back to where the mountain gate is, just like Old Meng."

  "At that time, I will also follow Old Meng's footsteps and head elsewhere to seek another opportunity."

  "During these few years, I also don't know if I will still be able to meet fellow Daoist."

  "On the other hand, Realizer Xuanhe also broke through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment a year ago, counting the days, it seems that the day of Realizer Xuanhe's cultivation breakthrough is not too far away from me."

  "Real Person Xuanhe is the elite of the clan, such a cultivation speed, but it makes me ashamed."

  "I wonder where you are now, can you make it back before I leave Tian Quan Immortal City?"

  "Wei Fan."

  As his eyes swept over the paper in his hand, a hint of dawning realization flashed underneath He Song's eyes.

  He had thought who would be looking for him at this time.

  He did not expect it to be Wei Fan.

  Wei Fan had been in seclusion for more than five years, and now that he had finally succeeded in breaking through the bottleneck and advancing to become a late stage Foundation Establishment Cultivator, it was only normal that he would look for himself on the occasion of his release from seclusion.

  Only, He Song now, however, had already broken through the late stage of Foundation Establishment for more than five years.

  During these five years, He Song had gone to Yunzhou, obtained the secret method, and had also been enlightened for three years in the place where this Jindan Grand Formation was located.

  Such a long time had passed.

  Wei Fan, however, had not managed to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment until now.

  Such a gap made He Song feel emotional.

  At the beginning, Wei Fan's cultivation level was much higher than He Song's.

  His cultivation level was two small realms higher than He Song.

  Although nowadays, it seemed that the lead was not too much.

  I'm afraid that the time needed to reach the early stage of Qi cultivation to the late stage of Qi cultivation was not as much as He Song today who had casually broken through a small realm.

  But now, He Song was five years ahead of schedule, breaking through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment before Wei Fan.

  Not only did He Song catch up with the gap of those two small realms, but he also surpassed Wei Fan and broke through the cultivation five years ahead of time.

  With the two comparisons, He Song's progress in cultivation was naturally visible.

  And this, in turn, was the reward for him spending huge amounts of resources and fully investing in his cultivation progress.

  Faced with the gap between the two that was rapidly drawing closer and then gradually overtaking and pulling away, He Song did not know what to feel in his heart.

  Obviously his own cultivation speed is faster, He Song should be happy.

  But when he thought that Wei Fan's cultivation progress was so slow, a trace of melancholy flashed through He Song's heart.

  If Wei Fan's cultivation progress had been so slow.


  That Jindan Avenue will have no chance with him.

  Although this matter is just a speculation in He Song's mind, but after carefully thinking about it, He Song also felt in his heart.

  If there were no major changes, his own conjecture would probably become a reality.

  At that time.

  Wei Fan

  A certain thought flashed through his mind, He Song let out a sigh and casually put the paper in his hand inside his storage bag.

  Then, a thin piece of paper appeared in He Song's hand again.

  As the mana surged out, a line of writing also instantly appeared on top of the thin paper.

  "Congratulations to Brother Wei for breaking through the late stage of Foundation Establishment, his cultivation has greatly improved, and Jindan is within reach."

  "Brother Wei doesn't need to worry about me, and nothing has happened in the Tian Quan Immortal City."

  "I have not been inside the Immortal City all these years, but in fact, I have been traveling outside, searching for where the opportunity lies."

  "It's not that anything has happened, it's just that I feel that life is too short, and I want to take advantage of my high energy to move around more, and perhaps find some treasures as well."

  "Now that we have all built our foundations, it's also time for us to look ahead to the Jindan Avenue."

  "And it's also because we can't see any hope within the Thick Earth Sect, so I had no choice but to choose to travel around, so perhaps when the opportunity arrives, I'll be able to change my destiny a bit."

  "Even if I can't find the chance to step onto the Jindan Avenue, finding some treasures that can prolong one's life would still be good."

  "Brother Wei don't worry, within five years, I will definitely make a trip back to Tianquan Immortal City to bid farewell to Brother Wei, and also to Realist Xuanhe."

  "He Song."

  Waiting until the writing on top of the thin paper was clear, He Song obediently placed the thin paper in his hand into the Transmission Note.

  As He Song spat out his mana, the paper in his hand suddenly disappeared, presumably to the place where Wei Fan was.

  But immediately after, He Song's hand appeared in another thin paper.

  Since he already knew that the cultivation of Xuanhe had reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, He Song naturally had to send a letter to congratulate him.

  Although the Xuanhe real person is a clan elite, but with He Song relationship is quite good.

  His character is not too domineering, and the relationship between He Song, Wei Fan, and Meng Guan is not bad.

  In such a situation, Xuanhe Zhenzhen and Wei Fan also stepped into the late stage of Foundation Establishment, within a few years will leave Tianquan Immortal City, He Song naturally had to send a letter to congratulate some.

  (End of chapter)