
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 312 - The Great Battle between the Righteous and the Devil

  Several Immortal Cities were lost.

  At the same time the battle line was pushed into their sphere of influence.

  The sects of the Devil Dao Alliance were naturally unwilling to eat this dumb loss.

  Naturally, during the subsequent battles between the two alliances, the Devil's Path Alliance continuously tried to retake these several immortal cities.

  Unfortunately, since the Righteous Alliance had already occupied these several Immortal Cities and used them as the frontline of their attack, how could they be taken down so easily.

  For a time, the two major alliances centered around these several Immortal Cities, and soon engaged in great battles over and over again.

  To this day.

  The Devil's Path Alliance still hadn't taken back any of the Immortal Cities, nor had they earned any bargains from the Orthodox Alliance's hands.

  However, at the same time.

  He Song had also received a message from Realist Qing Yue.

  True Lord Qing Yue's cultivation level had already broken through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment as early as when He Song arrived at Tianquan Immortal City.

  After He Song came to Tianquan Immortal City and took over Bai Yun's position as the town guard, Qing Yue was immediately transferred back to the mountain gate of Hou Tu Sect.

  When she left, she also transferred Bottle to Jade Balance Immortal City, taking over her position and making Bottle the town guardian of Jade Balance Immortal City.

  After that, Qing Yue naturally began to look for opportunities outside, just like the other late Foundation Establishment real people.

  Real Person Qing Yue was different from He Song.

  She had vast connections within the Thick Earth Sect, and was even familiar with the disciples of True Lord Fa Xuan, a proper sect elite.

  Under such a premise, after the war between the Righteous Alliance and the Devil's Alliance, she was naturally recalled to participate in the war.

  The reason that Realist Qing Yue had sent a message with He Song was not because she wanted him to participate in the war as well.

  Rather, after returning to the sect and participating in the war, Qing Yue had remembered her previous agreement to inform He Song of any news at the first opportunity.

  Because of this, He Song's knowledge of the details of the war between the Alliance of Righteousness and the Alliance of Devil's Paths became clearer and clearer.

  Realizer Qing Yue, as well as some of the clan elites who had left the clan to look for opportunities in the outside world like her in general, had all been recalled recently to participate in this war.

  However, loose cultivators like Meng Guan, who were out looking for opportunities, had not received orders.

  This was the conclusion that He Song had reached after communicating with Meng Guan.

  Meng Guan had said that he hadn't received any messages.

  It was only after He Song told him about the news of the war between the Righteous Alliance and the Devil's Alliance that he learned of the news.

  Prior to that, he hadn't heard half a whisper at all.

  Seeing this situation, He Song didn't know what to say, but only asked Meng Guan to pay more attention to safety outside.

  The war in the outside world had basically nothing to do with He Song.

  Although He Song is not in Tianquan Immortal City, there are still three Foundation Establishment Real Persons in Tianquan Immortal City, and under their management, Tianquan Immortal City has not experienced any chaos.

  Since this was the case, what was the difference between having He Song within Tianquan Immortal City and not having He Song within Tianquan Immortal City?

  Therefore, during this period of time, He Song simply didn't go anywhere, and concentrated on the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  Regardless of what kind of fight the outside world had become, He Song remained immovable.


  He Song was still able to receive various transmissions occasionally, allowing him to have a certain understanding of what was going on in the outside world,

  However, just as He Song was comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him while listening to the various news from the outside world.

  As time slowly passed.

  One day.

  He Song, who was in the middle of comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation, suddenly discovered a hint of abnormality.

  Under the sweep of He Song's gaze, the Jindan Grand Formation, which had been running smoothly and steadily like Mount Taishan, suddenly experienced a hint of disorder at a certain moment in the power that was constantly running in its internal formation pattern.

  However, soon, this hint of disorder returned to normal, and the entire Jindan Grand Formation continued to operate again.

  Seeing such a scene.

  In the blink of an eye, He Song even thought that he had misread it.

  But very quickly, He Song threw this thought to the back of his mind.

  As a Foundation Establishment Real Person himself.

  How could he have misread it.

  Such a thing as misreading could only happen to mortals in the mundane world.

  For a Foundation Establishment Realist, and a Foundation Establishment Realist in the late Foundation Establishment stage, it was simply impossible to misread it.

  That is to say.

  The Jindan Grand Formation in front of one's eyes had indeed experienced a hint of disorganization just now.

  There were several reasons why a disturbance in a formation could be triggered.

  The first is that its internal spirit stone is about to run out, in the case of not being able to get enough spiritual qi to replenish, the formation disorder is natural and natural.

  The second is the problem of the method of the person who set up the formation, when laying down this Jindan Grand Formation, there may be some omissions, which may also trigger this situation.

  The third was that the formation was laid by a Jindan True Lord who had asked a formation master to lay it, and that formation master had left a backhand inside the formation.

  In a short period of time, He Song's mind flashed through the various possibilities for this disorder to occur.

  If it really was the first one.

  The spirit stones within this Jindan Grand Formation were about to run out, and how long this formation would be able to last would depend on the will of heaven.

  If this disorder had just appeared, with the effect of spirit gathering within this Jindan Grand Formation, it might still be able to last for a few years.   

  After a few years, I'm afraid it will completely dissipate.

  The things within the Jindan Grand Formation would also come out in this way.

  If this place is discovered by others, I'm afraid that it will also become known as a place of opportunity, attracting countless people to fight for it.

  If it was the second.

  Then the cultivator who set up this formation, most likely bought it from other formation masters, and was not skilled in the setting up of formations himself.

  That was why this Jindan Grand Formation had a hint of disorder by chance, but it was not likely to affect the operation of the Jindan Grand Formation.

  This did not mean anything, it only proved that the cultivator who had set up the formation had not been attentive when setting up the formation.

  But if it was the third one.

  He Song would need to be careful.

  This Jindan Grand Formation in front of him, if it was really a certain Formation Dao Master who helped lay it down and left a backhand inside the formation.

  That's what caused the disturbance in the Jindan Grand Formation.

  Then, it was highly likely that that formation dao master had also set his sights on this Jindan True Lord who had asked him to take action.

  Facing a hidden formation master, He Song had to be careful enough not to tip over in the gutter.

  It was also good that He Song had already acquired the three concealment techniques, namely the Violet Sky Silent Zen Technique, the Dust Transformation Technique, and the Breath Convergence Technique.

  Now that he was practicing these three techniques and studying the Jindan Grand Formation here, he didn't need to worry about being discovered by others.

  However, he still had to be careful, and must not be discovered by others.

  In his mind, he once again alerted himself, and He Song was very fortunate.

  He had not let his guard down and had not withdrawn the three techniques that he had performed while he had been here for a long time to comprehend this Jindan Grand Formation.

  In other words, He Song had spent a long time in this place, yet no one would have noticed him for this reason.

  Under such circumstances, He Song was naturally still safe.

  After pondering over the three possibilities in his mind, He Song's heart also immediately had a sense of urgency.

  Although he himself was in this place, he could be considered to be close to the water.

  Even if something changed in this Jindan Grand Formation in front of him, he would be the first to know and react.


  This Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  I don't know how long it can be maintained.

  In the event that the spirit stones in this Jindan Grand Formation are indeed going to run out soon, how can he deal with himself when he doesn't know the internal situation of the Grand Formation?

  After thinking about it, He Song's mind quickly came to a decision.

  Continue to study the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  At the same time, he also needed to keep an eye on the movements of the Jindan Grand Formation.

  If it was really as he thought, that this disorder was caused by the shortage of spirit stones inside the Jindan Grand Formation, I am afraid that there would be more such disorders in the future.

  If it really happened consecutively, He Song naturally needed to be prepared for this Jindan Grand Formation in front of him to dissipate with time.

  If this Jindan Grand Formation really dissipated due to the lack of spirit stones inside.

  Naturally, there could not be a Jindan True Lord inside.

  If a Jindan True Lord existed, it would be impossible for this Jindan Grand Formation to dissipate due to a lack of spirit stones.

  Under such a premise, He Song naturally needed to cover up what was hidden within the Great Formation before seeing it dissipate.

  At the very least, when the Jindan Grand Formation disappeared, a new Luo Smoke Formation should be placed over the area covered by it to block others' gazes as well as probes.

  In this way, even if the Jindan Grand Formation dissipated into thin air.

  He Song could also enter it and start exploring the treasures hidden within.

  He could even take away all the array disks and flags of this Jindan Grand Formation and reproduce such a Jindan Grand Formation in its original form elsewhere.

  With the original array disk and flag, He Song's comprehension of this Jindan Grand Formation would naturally not be broken.

  On the premise of being able to continue comprehending this Jindan Grand Formation, He Song was also able to obtain the hidden chances within it.

  In this way, it was simply perfect.

  Of course, since it was necessary to make such preparations.

  Naturally, there was also a need to prepare for the other two hands.

  If the disturbance of the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him continues, but no other movement is seen, He Song is afraid that he will need to seriously conceal himself to ensure that he is not discovered by others.

  Because in that case, it would mean that the Jindan Formation in front of He Song might only have a slight disturbance due to a slight deviation in the laying of the formation.

  Or perhaps, it was because the Formation Dao Master who had laid down this formation had left behind some backstabbing.

  In the Jindan Formation in front of him, it was very likely that there was a Jindan True Lord in seclusion.

  However, even if this was true, He Song was not the least bit disadvantaged.

  Being able to learn a Jindan formation for nothing, He Song would be able to walk horizontally in the Foundation Establishment Realm in the future.

  Once the Jindan Formation was out, it wouldn't be difficult to kill a Foundation Establishment.

  At that time, He Song's strength would also receive a huge increase.

  Such a good thing was naturally not a loss.

  (End of chapter)