
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 306 - Your Honorable Friend

  "Since that's the case, then I'll give fellow Daoist a ride."

  "When fellow Daoist returns, remember to send my regards to Brother Wei."

  Although he didn't know exactly why what He Song had done was suddenly done, Meng Guan didn't stay with He Song much when he saw the situation.

  He still knew He Song very well.

  Just as He Song knew him very well.

  What He Song had said was definitely true.

  Although he didn't know what He Song had experienced in these three short hours.

  However, since He Song had said that the matter had been completed, naturally, there was no need to stay here any longer.

  He Song had come to Yunzhou Prefecture this time just to do one thing.

  Now that the matter has been completed, it is not He Song's style to stay here.

  He Song, who knew He Song very well, naturally understood this point.


  After thinking about it, Meng Guan simply overturned what he had thought before and chose to send He Song away from the Yunzhou State Capital instead.

  "Good, then thank you, Old Meng."

  Faced with Meng Guan sending him off, He Song did not refuse.

  After arching his hand and thanking him, the two of them walked out of Meng Guan's residence together and headed towards the city gates of the Yunzhou Prefecture.

  However, on the way to the city gate, He Song also revealed to Meng Guan that he was able to do his job so smoothly this time because he had the help of a valuable person.

  Hearing this, Meng Guan was suddenly enlightened.

  No wonder, no wonder after He Song came to Yunzhou state capital, in just three hours he was already ready to return home.

  It turned out that there was a valuable person who helped He Song with the things he was originally going to do.

  In that case, it made sense.

  Within this Yunzhou state capital, someone who could be called a nobleman by a Foundation Establishment real person like He Song.

  His cultivation background was bound to be very powerful.

  Only then would he be able to quickly help He Song with something.

  With the help of such a nobleman, it made sense that He Song had done what he needed to do in three hours.

  Very quickly.

  After sending He Song to the entrance of the Yunzhou state capital.

  The two of them arched their hands at each other as a sign of goodbye.

  Under Meng Guan's gaze, He Song turned around and left where the city gates were, and immediately afterward, he turned into an aquamarine blue recluse that shot up into the sky under the envious gazes of many cultivators.

  Waiting until He Song's aquamarine light disappeared into the sky.

  Only then did Meng Guan at the city gate turn around and quickly returned to his mansion.

  Within the residence.

  Meng Guan looked at the direction He Song had left and sighed quietly.

  Immediately afterward, he began to pack up his things.

  As early as two years ago, he had talked to He Song about the idea of leaving Yunzhou and going to another Immortal State to look for opportunities.

  But then after some delays, two years had passed.

  A few days ago, he was about to talk to He Song about this matter and was about to leave the Cloud State capital.

  However, he accidentally heard the news that He Song was about to come here.

  Hearing this news, he immediately decided to stay here for a while longer.

  At the very least, it would be possible to wait until He Song came here before leaving.

  In this way, he would also be able to see this old friend of his for many years one more time before he left.

  Later on.

  He Song really came.

  But I didn't expect that after only one day, He Song had already finished his business and was ready to leave.

  In this way, it is also considered a prophecy, the two of them really just hurriedly met one side, and then they separated.

  "Alas, once we part today, we don't know when we will be able to see each other again."

  "Old friend, take care!"

  After packing up all the things in his mansion, Meng Guan left his mansion and once again arrived at the city gates of the Yunzhou state capital.

  Once again, looking away from the direction where He Song had previously left, Meng Guan let out a sigh in his heart.

  Immediately afterward, his entire body transformed into a green-colored recluse, and rushed up towards the sky in the opposite direction of where He Song had left.

  He was going to another Immortal State, so naturally, it was impossible for him to be on the same path as He Song.

  Since this was the case, it would be better to wait until He Song left.


  The news of Meng Guan's departure from the Yunzhou state capital.

  It was only after He Song had returned to the Heavenly Power Immortal City that he finally learned of it.

  One and a half months later.

  Tianquan Immortal City.

  The spirit boat maneuvered by He Song descended from the sky and landed straight into He Song's mansion in Tian Quan Immortal City.

  And as He Song's spirit boat fell.

  The sound transmission note that was hung on his waist also lit up at this moment.

  He put away the spirit boat and opened the note.

  A thin piece of paper was taken out from within the note.

  He Song raised his eyes and his gaze was immediately attracted by the lines of writing on the paper.

  "Fellow Daoist, after a farewell in Yunzhou, have you been well."

  "Two years ago, I had talked to fellow Daoist about wanting to leave the Cloud State Prefecture and go to another Immortal State to look for opportunities, I wonder if you still remember?"

  "I'm not hiding it from you, but I have now reached the territory of the Leaving State, the Leaving State, which is located at the more southern end of the Cloud State, and is further and further away from where the Thick Earth Sect is located."

  "After sending off fellow Daoist that day, I departed with him, heading south, rushing to Leizhou."

  "Counting the days, you and I set off at almost the same time, I'm afraid that you have also arrived at the Heavenly Power Immortal City now."

  "The prosperity of this Leizhou is said to be even greater than that of the Cloud State, and I'm sure that the chances of this place are by no means comparable to that of the Cloud State, so it seems that I'll have to do some good exploring in this place again."

  "Unfortunately, this time, when we gathered in the Cloud State, we were unable to tour the Cloud State with you, which is a pity."

  "But no matter, when we meet again in the future, perhaps it will be the three of us traveling together, wouldn't it be enjoyable."   

  "Meng Guan."

  Looking at the lines of pale handwriting on the paper, a trace of consternation surfaced on He Song's face.

  Meng Guan had indeed spoken to himself more than two years ago about wanting to leave the Yunzhou state capital and go elsewhere to find opportunities.

  However, he had thought that Meng Guan hadn't mentioned it for the past two years because he had a better development in Yunzhou, so he hadn't asked about it in detail.

  He hadn't thought that Meng Guan would leave Yunzhou at the same time as he left Yunzhou, and go to the more southern state of Lizhou.

  Looking at the letter, Meng Guan said that it was a pity that he had not been able to travel to Yunzhou with himself.

  I'm afraid that when I said goodbye to Meng Guan, Meng Guan already had the idea of traveling to Yunzhou with himself.

  However, for some reason, Meng Guan did not say this out loud.

  Meng Guan's appearance at that time flashed in his mind.

  He Song slightly sighed.

  According to his understanding of Meng Guan.

  He thought that what Meng Guan thought at that time should be that he thought that he would have another chance in the future.

  There is no need to be in a hurry.

  It would be the same to do it again in the future.

  Therefore, after He Song proposed to take his leave, he did not open his mouth to disclose the plan in his heart.

  At the same time, Meng Guan said in his letter that when they met again in the future, they might be traveling together, which also verified He Song's idea.

  But He Song didn't quite understand.

  Why was Meng Guan certain that there would definitely be another opportunity in the future.

  Could it be that before he chose to leave Yunzhou, he had already anticipated what would happen in the future?

  Or, was it that Meng Guan felt that the three of them would surely embark on the path of searching for opportunities one by one in the future, and that there would surely be a time to meet again in the future?

  Thoughts flashed through his mind, He Song finally shook his head and put away the paper in his hand.

  However, immediately afterward, another thin paper appeared in He Song's hand.

  As mana surged out from the tips of his fingers.

  A line of writing also emerged above the paper.

  "Many thanks to Old Meng for hanging around."

  "I just arrived at Tian Quan Immortal City today, and before I had the chance to meet Brother Wei, I received a message from Fellow Daoist."

  "Fellow Daoist doesn't do things generously."

  "At that time, if fellow Daoist had opened his mouth, I wouldn't have been in a hurry to leave."

  "Unfortunately, it's too late for regrets now, so according to what fellow Daoist said, in the future it will be three people traveling together."

  "I shouldn't have, I was in a hurry to leave at that time, but I let your friend's intentions fall through."

  "Wait until the next time we meet again, I will definitely punish myself with three cups to thank you for your thoughts."

  "However, if you have arrangements next time, you must open your mouth to tell you, I heard that, now my heart is very ashamed."

  "He Song."

  Fitting the thin paper in his hand into the Transmission Note.

  With a spit of mana, the thin paper instantly disappeared.

  As for He Song, after transmitting the message to Meng Guan, he also sighed with it.

  The occurrence of this matter really shouldn't have happened.

  But now that it had already happened, He Song didn't have much of a remedy.

  He could only sigh, but there was nothing he could do.

  Only after sighing did He Song begin to organize his mansion.

  He Song had left the Heavenly Power Immortal City for only three months.

  During these three months, there did not seem to be any changes in Tian Quan Immortal City.

  Even the things in He Song's mansion had not changed in the slightest.

  Moreover, since it was within the Immortal City, even the dust in the residence did not fall on it, and it was still the same as when He Song left.

  Seeing this situation, He Song casually laid down several formations in the residence.

  Small Spirit Gathering Formation.

  Luo Smoke Formation.

  Fixed Sea Morning Glory Formation.

  The Seven Killings Heavenly Fire Formation.

  After placing all the formations, He Song restored the other things in the residence to their original state.

  After all this, He Song left Tian Quan Immortal City and went to the place where Yu'er was, removed the formations in that place, and brought Yu'er back to the mansion.

  In the past three months, Yu'er hadn't changed too much, and only looked bigger than before.

  However, her cultivation level is still at the late stage of Qi cultivation, and she has not broken through the Foundation Establishment realm.

  After bringing Yu'er back to the residence.

  He Song put it in the pool, and then he went out again and rushed to Wei Fan's residence.

  However, after entering Wei Fan's residence.

  He Song heard another familiar news.

  Wei Fan was still in seclusion.

  Just like three months ago, he was still in seclusion and had not come out.

  Seeing this situation, He Song had no choice but to rush to the mansion of Realist Xuanhe.

  Within the mansion of the Xuanhe Realist, He Song was in a room with the Xuanhe Realist.

  He Song and Xuanhe Zenith were sitting in a small pavilion.

  As the aroma of tea gradually filled the surroundings, Realist Xuanhe's voice also sounded at this moment.

  "During the three months that you have been away, Realist Chengfu did not come out of seclusion, so I think he must have been in seclusion at a critical moment."

  "I have also not seen him for several months."

  While listening to Realist Xuanhe's explanation in his ears, He Song's gaze could not help but look in the direction where Wei Fan's mansion was located.

  It was several months in one seclusion, and he hadn't come out of the seclusion all the time.

  This kind of situation

  Could it be that Wei Fan's cultivation was about to break through from the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, to the late stage of Foundation Establishment?

  (End of chapter)