
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 305: The Heart of Returning

  After the sudden realization, a complex color flashed across the face of Real Person Yun Jing, and then hurriedly invited He Song, to attend one of her long-prepared receiving banquets.

  He Song's reception banquet.

  It wasn't because of her impromptu idea.

  Instead, she had already prepared such a banquet when Realist Luo Jing informed her that she should entertain He Song properly.

  Faced with Realist Yun Jing's invitation, He Song hesitated slightly.

  To be honest.

  After he had gotten the jade slip, he had wanted to leave Yunzhou directly.

  What banquet, what invitation, what other miscellaneous things were not on his mind.

  Since his purpose had been achieved, why should he continue to stay in Yunzhou?

  However, after seeing the expectant gaze of Real Yun Jing, and hearing her say that she had prepared the banquet long ago.

  Moreover, it was specially prepared for herself.

  At that moment, he felt that it was not good for him to leave now.

  People had specially prepared a banquet for themselves, and as a result, they turned around and left.

  This. A disciple of a Jindan True Lord doesn't want to lose face? If True Lord Yun Jing held a grudge against He Song because of this, I'm afraid that this matter would not be over.

  After realizing that he couldn't be so disrespectful, He Song's original words of farewell were immediately swallowed in his stomach.

  Immediately, He Song nodded his head and promised Realist Yun Jing to attend such a banquet that was specially prepared for him.

  Due to the fact that it was an account from Realist Yun Jing, the specifications of this reception banquet were still relatively high.

  The banquet location was inside the Treasure Pavilion.

  Those who came were basically all the insiders of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion as well.

  Seeing the face of Realist Yun Jing, many people came over to meet with He Song, sort of mixing their faces.

  In this regard, He Song didn't care too much.

  He just met up with each of these people and casually exchanged pleasantries.

  He was about to leave Yunzhou, so even if he knew more people at this banquet, I'm afraid he wouldn't see them again in nine cases out of ten.

  In that case, why should he care?

  However, He Song did not lose his manners.

  For the people who came to meet him, he also returned the greetings one by one.

  As time passed, there were fewer and fewer people in front of He Song.

  Until after the banquet.

  The Yun Jing real person also sent He Song out of the Treasure Pavilion on purpose.

  At the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion.

  He Song arched his hand towards Realist Yun Jing, then spoke.

  "Thank you for this generous hospitality, since the purpose of this time has been accomplished, I will take my leave and prepare to leave Yunzhou and rush back to Tianquan Immortal City."

  With the Violet Sky Tranquilizing Zen Technique already in his hands, He Song no longer had a reason to remain in Cloud State.

  As such, immediately departing and rushing back to the Heavenly Power Immortal City to practice the "Violet Heavenside Quiet Zen Technique" had become the most important thing that He Song needed to do right now.

  As long as he cultivated the Violet Heavens Tranquility Technique to the point of proficiency, he would be able to go to the place where that Jindan Grand Formation was located and conduct research on that Jindan Grand Formation.

  With the help of the Violet Heavens Tranquility Technique, even if there was a Jindan True Lord in that Jindan Grand Formation, He Song would not be able to be discovered by him.

  And if there was no Jindan True Lord present in that Jindan Grand Formation.

  He Song was also able to keep other people passing by from discovering him after he activated the Purple Sky Quiet Zen Technique, greatly enhancing his concealment.

  In such a situation, as long as He Song could calm his mind and work hard to study that Jindan Grand Formation.

  Then there would always be a day when he would be able to penetrate it.

  As long as the Jindan Grand Formation was fully understood, He Song could simply say that entering it was as easy as a slap in the face.

  At that time, wouldn't the contents of the Jindan Grand Formation be within his reach?

  With this thought flashing through his mind, He Song instantly felt like he was returning, and he really wanted to return to the Heavenly Power Immortal City immediately to study the Purple Heavenly Silence Zen Technique.

  He Song offered his farewell.

  While in front of him, after hearing this, Realist Yun Jing's eyes flashed with a trace of a look that was really like this.

  Realist Yun Jing and He Song had only met for the first time today.

  However, as early as when He Song had set off from Heavenly Power Immortal City and rushed to Yunzhou, she had heard of He Song's name from Realist Luo Jing's mouth.

  Even, she had also learned various information about He Song from Realist Luo Jing.

  According to Luo Jing's words, He Song's character was cautious and disliked fighting, but his actions were thunderous.

  Now, it seemed that He Song's cautious character and dislike of fighting had been completely verified.

  The item of acting in a thunderous manner was also determined by He Song when she just said goodbye.

  Because of this, she wasn't surprised when He Song said goodbye.

  This was because according to what Luo Jing had told her about He Song's understanding.

  It would be strange for He Song not to leave immediately after obtaining the Purple Sky Meditation Skill.

  Taking his leave at this time was the normal reaction.

  Having expected this, Realist Yun Jing was naturally not surprised by He Song's sudden resignation.

  Instead, after He Song opened his mouth to say goodbye, he nodded his head very quickly.

  "Fellow Daoist really acts in a thunderous manner, since you are in a hurry to rush back to Immortal City, then I won't stay much longer, be careful on the road, take care of yourself along the way."

  As Realizer Yun Jing opened her mouth to give her blessing, He Song also nodded slightly towards her.

  After that, he arched his hand again before turning to leave.

  The entrance of the Treasure Pavilion.   

  Seeing He Song's silhouette disappear from her sight, only then did Realist Yun Jing quietly return to the interior of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

  Inside an expensive room, Real Person Yun Jing retreated and waited until she was the only one left in the room before she took out another exquisite blank jade slip from her storage bag.

  With a movement of Yun Jing's mind.

  The method of double rest that had been read from the jade slip that He Song had brought earlier was instantly engraved in this exquisite blank jade slip.

  After the method was finished being engraved, with a wave of the hand of Realist Yun Jing, an object that was like a jigsaw puzzle with countless small, densely-packed compartments on it appeared in the middle of the room.

  This thing is very large, all jade, those densely packed small compartments, has been placed in many exquisite jade slips.

  After carefully recognizing the various patterns on the object, Realist Yun Jing placed the exquisite jade slip in his hand, discreetly placing it into one of the small compartments.

  When the jade slip fell, the small compartment was instantly filled to the brim and tightly closed.

  After doing all of this, as Realist Yun Jing looked at this huge puzzle in front of him, a trace of satisfaction immediately flashed across his face.

  "Very good, another technique has been placed into the Ten Thousand Techniques Diagram, in this Ten Thousand Techniques Diagram, another technique has been added."

  "It's one step closer to collecting all 10,000 kinds of spells."

  "Let me do the math . Only seven thousand three hundred and fifty-two more to go."

  "It's been quite a painstaking effort to collect all these strange spells over the years."

  "Alas, the spells nowadays, are also getting harder and harder to collect, senior sister has only sent one after searching for so long."

  Muttering a few words under her breath, Realizer Yun Jing finally took one last look at the Ten Thousand Secrets Diagram in front of her before finally putting it away in her storage bag.


  After he had left the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, He Song did not know anything about what had happened within the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

  He didn't realize that in the hands of Realist Yun Jing, something called the Ten Thousand Secrets Diagram actually existed.

  And it was this Ten Thousand Secrets Diagram that allowed He Song to get that jade slip from Realist Luo Jing and bring it all the way to Yunzhou, and eventually hand it over to Realist Yun Jing's hands.

  Without the Ten Thousand Secrets Diagram, He Song would definitely not have been able to obtain the Purple Sky Quiet Zen Skill from Realist Changkong so easily, and perhaps would not have gotten acquainted with Realist Yun Jing at all.

  And after leaving the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, He Song's figure, too, quickly returned to Meng Guan's mansion.

  He sought out Meng Guan again.

  And after explaining to him about his upcoming departure.

  Meng Guan was instantly startled.

  "Fellow Daoist only came for one day, and then you've gotten what you wanted and want to leave just like that??"

  Looking at the sincere He Song in front of him, Meng Guan only felt that the He Song in front of him seemed to have become incredibly mysterious at this moment.

  He Song came here for just one day.


  To be precise.

  But only a few hours.

  Because when He Song entered the state capital of Yunzhou, he personally went to pick him up.

  From the time he received He Song into the city, to the time He Song said that he wanted to leave, only a few hours had passed.

  In these several hours, there was still more than an hour where He Song was with him.

  Entering from the city gates, then going to the teahouse to drink tea, and then returning to Meng Guan's residence to rest for a while.

  These things, then, took more than an hour.

  It wasn't until later, when He Song asked him about the place where the Ten Thousand Flowers Tea House was located, that the two of them parted ways.

  But the result.

  After the two of them separated, another three hours had passed.

  During these three hours, Meng Guan had even thought in his mind that he would bring He Song to take a stroll in the state capital of Yunzhou these days.

  It was also good to let He Song take a look at the prosperity of Yunzhou State Capital and the gap between it and the Immortal City under the jurisdiction of the Thick Earth Sect.

  He even thought that after He Song came back, he would agree on a time with He Song, and the two of them would also have a good tour.

  Things were indeed as he thought, three hours later, He Song did come back.

  However, when He Song came back, he said that he had finished his business in Yunzhou and was ready to leave.


  Looking at He Song, who had an embarrassed look on his face and was saying sorry to himself, the shock on Meng Guan's face was slow to dissipate.

  Truly, what He Song said was too bizarre.

  To know.

  From the middle of the Heavenly Power Immortal City to Yunzhou.

  With He Song's footsteps, it had taken a month and a half.

  During this month and a half, He Song had traveled day and night, rushing slowly to finally reach the Yunzhou state capital.

  However, this one and a half month's rushing time was extremely incompatible with the time He Song came here to do business.

  A month and a half of traveling.

  Three hours of errands.

  Then another month and a half to continue rushing back to Tian Quan Immortal City.

  If it wasn't for the fact that He Song had told him in a serious manner that the things he had come to Yunzhou to do had indeed been done, Meng Guan was afraid that he would still think that He Song had come to Yunzhou to do something.

  Meng Guan was afraid that He Song was joking.

  There is no such thing as traveling for three months.

  But only three hours to do the errand?

  "That's just it, that's just it, I originally wanted to take you, Fellow Daoist, on a nice tour of this place."

  "I didn't expect that just after you came, things were already done and that you were in a hurry to go back."

  (End of chapter)