
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 304: The Secret Method Arrives

  "When this was first consigned for auction by my subordinate, the person from the Treasure Pavilion had said that this Purple Heavenly Silence Zen Technique was most likely a secret method of a sect that had been strayed from the outside."

  "And this thing, also happens to be under the chance to get, now in addition to the next, and no one else to learn."

  "This jade slip is also the original, after you buy it, you can pass it on to your descendants as you please without having to worry about anything else."

  "That is why it is indeed not too much to call it a secret method, as only I and the person who auctioned this item know this secret method."

  "Fellow Daoist rest assured, I have a contract with the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, and once the deal is completed, I will no longer be able to teach this secret method to others."

  "Coupled with the fact that it can evade divine sense probing after it is performed, the concealment effect is outstanding, whether it is escaping, or hiding oneself, it is extremely useful."

  "It belongs to the ranks of secret laws that ordinary loose cultivators simply cannot access."

  "Therefore, the value of this method is quite high, if it happens to be the person who really needs it, I'm afraid it's more than 100,000 spirit stones, it's not a big deal."


  Saying his own mental price under his breath, Realist Changkong's slightly apprehensive gaze was then placed on He Song as well as Realist Yun Jing's face.

  Although the words were spoken, there was inevitably some uneasiness in the heart of Realist Changkong.

  After all, the identities of these two people in front of him were not ordinary.

  Although the price of more than 100,000 spirit stones was reported by the people of the Treasure Pavilion in the beginning.

  But in the case of their identity is not general, their own reported price although not high, but also inevitably apprehensive.

  In case these two people feel that their price is reported high how to do?

  To know.

  This Treasure Pavilion, but people's territory.

  Although he is a late Foundation cultivator, but there is a Jindan True Lord in the Treasure Pavilion.

  Moreover, that Jindan True Monarch is also the master of the Yun Jing Real Person in front of him.

  If there was really a conflict because of this, what if he was accounted for here?

  However, after thinking about it, Changkong real person's heart was relieved again.

  This Treasure Pavilion usually has a good reputation, and today Yun Jing real person invited himself here, is also a good word to discuss, and again is to look at the tea, but also on the seat, and did not do anything out of the ordinary things.

  Think, this matter should really be as Yun Jing real said, just temporary intention, want to buy from their own hands this magic trick only.

  As for the crisis, I am afraid that there is no.

  He is now just a normal offer, the other party can accept, naturally excellent.

  The next direct transaction on the line.

  But if the other party can not accept, that can only be so, if you want, on the auction to compete with others to go.

  Maybe, after the auction, the price may even be lower.

  Of course, the price may also be higher.

  At this point, it was up to these two people in front of them to choose.

  As thoughts flashed through his mind, Realist Changkong's mind gradually calmed down, no longer as apprehensive as before.

  And in front of him.

  When He Song heard this offer at this moment, his heart was greatly relieved.

  This "Purple Sky Quiet Zen Technique", he was determined to obtain it.

  Even on the way here, he did not forget to sell his inventory around, allowing the spirit stones on his body to accumulate more and more.

  Nowadays, although He Song didn't have millions of spirit stones on him, he still had as much as 700,000 to 800,000 of them.

  Having prepared so many spirit stones, the other party's offer was only a hundred thousand or so spirit stones, although the Changkong real person did not quote a specific price.

  But even if the offer how high, when more than 100,000 this imaginary number from his mouth to say the occasion, I am afraid that the price, even how high, but not high 200,000 pieces of spirit stone.

  Since this is the case.

  With He Song's current wealth, buying this magic skill was no longer half a surprise.

  "The real person should still say that this is specifically over one hundred thousand spirit stones."

  Waving his hand, He Song knew that at this moment it was time for him to open his mouth and discuss the price with the Changkong Realist, so naturally he didn't hesitate and directly opened his mouth.

  The cultivation level of the Changkong Realist was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

  It looks like the cultivation is thick, is not the usual means of casual cultivator, should have a background in the body.

  Therefore, He Song did not have the idea of intercepting the other party.

  He Song's cultivation is not far from his own, and he may not have as many means as he does, but his strength is not to be underestimated.

  Facing such a late Foundation Establishment cultivator, He Song, whose cultivation level was also late Foundation Establishment, how could he possibly have bad thoughts about him.

  Because of this, when He Song asked for a price quote from the Changkong Realist, he had already planned it in his heart.

  As long as the Changkong Realist quoted a price.

  Whether it was nineteen hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine spirit stones or eleven hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and eleven spirit stones, he himself would have to frown and ponder for a while.

  Then he would quote a price that was a little lower to see if the Changkong Realist could accept it.

  If he accepted it, then naturally everything would be fine.

  But if he didn't accept it, he could only spend some more time bargaining with him.

  If he really couldn't cut it down, he would have to trade at the price of the Changkong Realist.

  For He Song.

  Bargaining was a must.

  It was not just a matter of price.

  Rather, it was a security issue.

  In case he made the Changkong Realist feel that he had sold at a loss, he might have a grudge in the future and might bring trouble to himself.

  However, if he bought it after haggling, the Changkong Realist would definitely not have the idea that he had sold it at a loss, and would only feel that it was because he had hardened his tactics enough to be able to sell this spell at a high price.

  This situation was about human nature, and He Song naturally had to take this into consideration for the sake of his own safety.   

  And for that reason, after the Changkong Realist said the offer of 160,000 spirit stones.

  He Song immediately frowned, followed by bargaining with the Changkong Realist under the stunned gaze of the Yun Jing Realist on the side.

  After some haggling, although in the end the two of them still to 160,000 spirit stones price deal.

  However, He Song could clearly detect the joy that was hidden in the heart of the Changkong Realist.

  After feeling the joy in the heart of the Long Kong real person, a stone in He Song's heart naturally fell to the ground.

  It seems.

  From now on, this Long Kong real person would not think of coming to find his own trouble.

  Even if he later learned that He Song's identity was not what he thought it was, that he was the disciple of a certain Jindan True Lord.

  He wouldn't come looking for trouble from He Song because he felt that he had sold himself short.

  Perhaps at that time, he would have to worry about whether He Song would come to trouble him because he had bought it at a higher price.

  On the side, when He Song and Changkong real estate bargaining was over, both sides handed over the money in one hand, and the deal was concluded.

  Realist Yun Jing was still unable to react from her astonishment.

  She couldn't understand why He Song would bargain with the Changkong Realist.

  Wasn't He Song a talisman master?

  Wasn't he worth a lot of money?

  Why did he still need to bargain for this hundred thousand or so spirit stones?

  Where is your pride as a talisman master?

  Is bargaining really something that a valuable talisman master can do?

  If she were herself, she would definitely be just like He Song, bargaining with Realist Changkong.

  But that was only because she had been in the Treasure Pavilion all along and had been exposed to all of this.

  That was just a subconscious reaction.

  This is what the disciples of the Treasure Pavilion are supposed to do, this is their duty.

  And He Song.

  As a talisman master, how could He Song possibly develop the habit of bargaining like her?

  However, although he had doubts in his heart, Realist Yun Jing did not open his mouth to ask in public, instead, he just quietly watched the scene unfolding in front of him.

  Waiting until He Song and Changkong Real Estate had finished their transaction, after Changkong Real Estate said goodbye and left.

  Only then did Real Person Yun Jing hold back his left and right, and his gaze followed as he looked at He Song.

  "My youngest daughter has heard her senior sister say that as a talisman master, the Realist is well off, so I don't think that she would care about this amount of spirit stones."

  "But why is this..."

  Pointing to the place where Realist Changkong had just been, Realist Yun Jing's face carried a strong sense of incomprehension.

  Could it be that this Realist Cang Song in front of himself was not a talisman master?

  The Rune Master status he spoke of in front of his own senior sister was nothing but a falsehood?

  "Do you want to ask why you are bargaining with him?"

  Putting the jade sketch in his hand that he had just obtained from the Changkong Realist into his storage bag, He Song had a flash of joy on his face.

  However, when he heard Real Person Yun Jing open her mouth to ask, He Song also immediately reacted to what she was asking.

  In response, He Song casually asked a rhetorical question.

  After seeing Real Person Yun Jing nod her head.

  Only then did he slowly open his mouth to reply.

  "My identity and status is far from being comparable to that of fellow Daoist, but I am just a foundation cultivator of a small Jindan sect, and I don't have much of a background."

  "Taoist friend directly buy is no harm, that Changkong real person afterward absolutely do not dare to come to the Treasure Pavilion to create chaos."

  "But this jade slip is sold to me, if that Changkong real person feels that selling loss afterward, find door to this trouble, how should I do?"

  "Purchase with him bargaining, he will certainly not have such thoughts in his mind later."

  "He will then only think, fortunately today he skillful tongue, will this jade slip sold to me at a high price, otherwise wait until the auction, may not find this kind of wrongdoer."

  "This is the purpose of my bargaining with him."

  As He Song's voice fell, a trace of sudden realization also flashed across the eyes of Realist Yun Jing, who was standing beside him.

  So it was like this.

  So that's how it is.

  No wonder He Song, as a talisman master, did not lack spirit stones himself, yet he still bargained with that Changkong Realist.

  No wonder the elder sister said in her letter that this He Song has both virtue and talent, and is worthy of deep friendship.

  It turns out that the style of behavior of this Daoist friend He Song is actually so cautious.

  Simply based on their own identity, as well as the price of the goods purchased, they projected the risks that may be encountered in the future.

  And in the beginning of the incident will be avoided.

  So cautious.

  No wonder the senior sister said that she wanted to befriend him, and even hoped that she would also befriend him.

  It was only at this point that True Cloud Jing finally realized the reason why her own senior sister had sent a special message to inform herself that she had to treat He Song well in the first place.

  "So that's how it is, for fellow Daoist to be so far-sighted is truly an eye-opening experience for my youngest daughter."

  "But now that the matter is done."

  "Fellow Daoist, please follow me, my little lady has already prepared a banquet, and I will be receiving you today."

  (End of chapter)