
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 301 - True Lord Disciple

  He Song wasn't too surprised as to why Realist Yun Jing knew the purpose of his visit.

  I'm afraid that the auction atlas that he had previously obtained from Realist Luo Jing had all come from Realist Yun Jing.

  She could guess what.

  Or hear anything.

  Or ask about something, it was all very normal.

  Realist Yun Jing and Realist Luo Jing were from the same sect, and He Song had already been psychologically prepared for this before.

  Thus, after hearing Realist Yun Jing's self-introduction, as well as his inquiry, He Song only nodded slightly before taking out the jade slip he was carrying from within his storage bag.

  "Greetings to Realist Yun Jing, my name is Cang Song, this time I have come here, it is indeed for that once in a decade auction."

  "This is the jade slip that Realist Luo Jing entrusted to me to bring to you."

  "Please also accept it, the remuneration, Luo Jing Zhenren has already been paid, so there is no need for you to worry about it."

  Placing the jade slip in his hand on the table, He Song pushed it in front of Realist Yun Jing, and it was considered to have delivered the goods.

  Seeing this situation, Yun Jing was slightly stunned.

  He did not expect He Song to be so dry.

  However, remembering Luo Jing's extremely high evaluation of He Song, Yun Jing's thoughts also turned.

  It seemed that this Realist Cang Song was indeed, as his own senior sister had said, a character that could be befriended deeply.

  However, although such a thought flashed through his mind, Real Person Yun Jing did not show anything, and only casually picked up the jade slip on the table.

  Immediately, his divine sense probed into it to view the information within.

  A moment later.

  The slightly reddish-colored Yun Jing opened his eyes again, but he had already engraved all the information in the jade slip in his memory.

  "Cang Song Real Person can really be a trustworthy person, Senior Sister had previously spoken to me about Cang Song Real Person being upright and worthy of deep friendship, now it seems that Senior Sister's words are indeed true."

  "Not to hide from the real person, in this jade slip, in fact, there is a hidden prohibition, if there is no secret method of the division, and someone wants to forcefully view it, the information in the jade slip will all be destroyed."

  "At that time, the jade slip that fell into my hands will become a useless piece."

  "Senior Sister Luo Jing did not inform us of this matter in advance, so I hope that the real person will bear with me."

  "It's the two of us sisters who are villainous."

  "If the real person doesn't mind, the youngest daughter has a great gift to give, and I hope that the real person will allow us to make up for our faults."

  The first moment she opened her eyes, Realist Yun Jing stood up and bowed towards He Song, apologizing under her breath and saying that she had a great gift to offer and wanted to make amends.

  As she said, there is indeed a prohibition in the jade slip, if He Song couldn't help but check it out on the way, I'm afraid that when this jade slip fell into her hands, it had already become a useless piece.

  At that time, although He Song has already taken more than 10,000 pieces of spirit stones from Luo Jing's hands, but things are screwed up.

  Things could not help to accomplish, but took more than 10,000 pieces of spirit stones in advance of the "payment", such a thing out, must be waiting for He Song, certainly will not be a good thing.

  He Song walked all the way here, knowing that this jade slip contains some kind of secret, but did not have any idea about the information in the jade slip.

  To be sure, He Song didn't know that there was a hidden prohibition within the jade slip.

  On the premise that even if he looked at it, no one would discover it.

  However, He Song remained true to his heart and did not look at the information in the jade slip.

  Under such circumstances.

  It was no wonder that when Realist Yun Jing realized that He Song did not covet the information in the jade slip halfway, he immediately got up and apologized.

  She also said that she wanted to give He Song a big gift, wanting to make up for the sisters' faults.

  At the same time, it was also to make He Song calm down, so that both sides could continue to interact in the future.

  Hearing the words of Realist Yun Jing.

  He Song frowned slightly.

  There was a prohibition in the jade slip?

  Once it was forcibly viewed, it would cause the information within the jade slip to be destroyed?

  A forbidden system?

  Realist Luo Jing, able to set up a forbidden system?

  The word forbidden flashed through his mind, and He Song had a hint of a guess as to the identity of Realist Luo Jing.

  However, he did not care about Realist Yun Jing's apology.

  This was because he had already taken the payment given by Realist Luo Jing long before he came to the Cloud Prefecture state capital.

  More than 10,000, nearly 20,000 spirit stones, just to allow himself to send her a jade slip to the Cloud Prefecture State Mansion.

  Such a large amount of spirit stones.

  But it was a year's annual salary for a Foundation Establishment Real Person!

  People could pay a year's salary for themselves to come to Yunzhou to deliver a jade slip.

  If one were to peek at the information in the jade slip, what kind of person would one be?

  It was as if in your previous life, someone offered you 100,000 dollars to deliver a letter to another city.

  If you took the 100,000 dollars in advance, would you still read what was written in the letter?

  If the letter is damaged in any way, the 100,000 dollars will not be so solid, right?

  With such a good thing, how could He Song go back to peeking at the information in the jade slip?

  In other words, Realist Yun Jing's apology, in He Song's opinion, was actually unnecessary.

  It was just a small matter.

  Who sends a letter without a bit of fire paint to prevent peeking?

  However, the word forbidden in Realist Yun Jing's mouth was what gave He Song a hint of an idea in his heart.

  According to True Lord Yun Jing's description, True Lord Luo Jing was able to set up a forbidden system.

  And something like a forbidden system.

  Although He Song had heard of it, he had never seen a physical object.

  Even if it was the simplest prohibition, He Song had never seen it anywhere.

  As a Foundation Establishment Real Person, yet he had never come into contact with such a thing as a forbidden system, one could imagine that the existence of such a thing should be very precious and rare.

  So, why would a Foundation Establishment Elder of a Jindan Sect like He Song not have acquired something, but why would a Sub-Pavilion Master like Realist Luo Jing be able to acquire it?

  Furthermore, Realist Luo Jing and Realist Yun Jing were master and sister.   

  Naturally, it also meant that there was definitely another master teacher existing above them.

  Could it be that this Luo Jing Zhenge and Yun Jing Zhenge's master was a Jindan True Lord?

  Thinking like this, the fact that Realist Luo Jing would set up a forbidden system could be explained.

  This thing.

  It should have originated from that Jindan True Lord.

  A flash of realization flashed through his heart, and He Song's gaze towards the Yun Jing Realist in front of him instantly took on a different light.

  The Yun Jing Realist in front of him.

  It seemed that she was not simple.

  Her identity was most likely the disciple of a Jindan True Lord.

  A disciple of a Jindan True Lord.

  In the middle of this Cloud Prefecture state capital, I'm afraid that her words would be more effective than any Foundation Establishment True Lord, right?

  Especially, in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion where she worked.

  A bold thought flashed through his mind, but He Song's face was unmoving, only quietly looking at Realist Yun Jing.

  "True person don't blame me, it's really because the things within this jade slip are too private, it's not good to let true person know, that's why..."

  Seeing He Song looking at himself and not saying anything, Real Person Yun Jing's face slightly reddened, and he hurriedly explained a few more words softly.

  Seeing that Real Person Yun Jing seemed to have a feeling of being unable to resist.

  It seemed like he was about to share the information within the jade slip with himself.

  Seeing this, He Song then waved his hand, stopping Realist Yun Jing's words.

  "There's no harm in this matter, since I received payment from Realist Luo Jing, I will naturally take care of this matter."

  "You are not at fault, it's all just human nature."

  "Just that . I'm bright and open, but I didn't expect to always still be defended against a hand."


  Shaking his head, a look of disinterest surfaced on He Song's face.

  Looking at his appearance, it seemed as if he had really been hurt.

  However, although He Song showed a look of disillusionment on his face, in his heart, he was quite satisfied with his performance.

  Although he didn't care about the prohibition in the jade slip, but this kind of thing, what's done is done, and you have to admit when you're wrong.

  Real Person Yun Jing's attitude of admitting her mistake was very good.

  But that was not a reason for He Song to directly forgive her.

  Since he knew he was wrong.

  Then come up with sincerity.

  Give the great gift that you had previously said with both hands.

  You have already said so yourself, and you have also shown a look of having your heart broken.

  Next, isn't it time for you to deliver a great gift to soothe my wounded heart?

  It didn't come as a surprise to He Song.

  Since this matter was originally the fault of the two sisters, Yun Jing and Luo Jing.

  Naturally, after hearing He Song's words and noticing the change in He Song's complexion, Realist Yun Jing immediately waved his hand back and forth.

  At the same time, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Realist Yun Jing's face at this moment.

  He Song's words were too damaging, as if he was pointing at their noses and calling the two of them villains.

  It was just that the words were slightly euphemistic.

  Wanting to reverse this impression He Song had on them, the next natural time should also be when the great gift came out.

  After all, when He Song came, Luo Jing had told her that she would try to make good friends with He Song if she could.

  A Foundation Establishment Realist with good character and behavior, it was always no loss to befriend him.

  "This won't do, this matter is indeed the fault of my sister duo, so please be lenient, Realist."

  "Since the real person is already here, why don't you listen to what exactly is the great gift?"

  "My youngest daughter had heard her senior sister say that the real person came here because she had her eye on one of the lots in the Treasure Pavilion this time."

  "I wonder if it's true or not?"

  With a hint of embarrassment, after Realizer Yun Jing finished speaking, her pair of beautiful eyes suddenly looked at He Song without blinking.

  She wanted to see how He Song reacted.


  He Song's complexion did not change much.

  After hearing her words, he only nodded his head flatly and said yes.

  Seeing this, Realist Yun Jing immediately felt some remorse in her heart.

  Why did she say this matter out earlier.

  If she didn't say it, she and He Song would still be able to chat freely, but she didn't realize that when she said it, it seemed like she had offended someone.

  However, if she didn't say it, it would be a waste of He Song's behavior of sending it all the way without any second thoughts.

  In that case, for He Song, it was even more disrespectful.

  After pondering over it, Yun Jing finally decided to continue.

  At the very least, after delivering this great gift, surely it could also remedy the relationship, otherwise, what if He Song went back and broke with his own senior sister?

  Thinking of the scene where his own senior sister would come to his door to ask for punishment, Realizer Yun Jing really hated to swallow the words he had previously said again.

  (End of chapter)