
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 297 - Rushing to Yunzhou

  Even if He Song's cultivation was now in the late Foundation Establishment stage, maneuvering the spirit boat forward was much faster than the speed of early Foundation Establishment and mid Foundation Establishment cultivators.

  But even so, it was feared that it would take at least a month and a half at the very least.

  And at this moment, there was only three months left until the start date of the Cloud State Auction.

  One and a half months was only half of three months.

  In case something happened on the way to Yunzhou and there was a delay, I'm afraid that there was a real possibility that he wouldn't be able to make it.

  In that case.

  Knowing that time was somewhat tight, He Song naturally began his preparations immediately after returning to his mansion.

  First of all.

  He Song put almost all of the things that belonged to him in his residence into his storage bag.

  This time, I'm afraid that it will take at least half a year or more before he can return.

  During this half a year, or even longer, if the things left in the mansion were discovered or even stolen, for He Song, the loss would naturally be huge.

  In order to not let his home be taken out after he went out for a trip, He Song would naturally choose to take away almost everything that he could.

  Even the various things in the alchemy room, He Song didn't leave any of them behind.

  He Song behaving in such a manner was also the normal behavior of cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation World when they went on a long journey.

  Keeping all the valuable things all on their own was something that every Immortal Cultivator would do.

And this, in turn, was why after beheading an Immortal Cultivator, one would usually be able to get the entirety of the other person's body.  

In a cultivator's mind.

  Places like caves were far less secure than in one's own storage bag.

  The only thing that was safest was to put all of one's things into a storage bag and carry it with them.

  Even if one's family will be cheaper to the opponent when one's body dies, but if one is dead, what do one care about this?

  Therefore, unless there are some special circumstances, almost all the cultivators' entire wealth, are in their storage bag.

  Even He Song was not exempt.

  After packing up all the things, He Song looked at the huge Jade in front of him and had a hard time.

  Yu'er was no longer the previous Yu'er that was so small that it could be picked up with his hands.

  It was already the size of a water tank.

  At this size, although it wasn't particularly huge, I was afraid that it would be difficult to carry it around.

  Moreover, He Song was going to Yunzhou this time, and there was a high possibility that he would encounter some unforeseen circumstances.

  Bringing Jade with him was afraid that it would put it in an incomparably dangerous situation.

  Thus, Jade Child could never be brought to Yunzhou by itself.

  After some thought, He Song had an idea in his mind.

  Casually grabbing a corner of Jade's tortoise shell, He Song lifted it up, then transformed into a recluse and rushed straight into the sky.

  After quickly leaving Tian Quan Immortal City, He Song finally found a secluded place after some searching.

  This place was a riverside.

  However, there were few people.

  There were a lot of fish in the river, so it should be enough for Jade's turtle to eat.

  After coming to this place, He Song quickly set up a Luo Smoke Formation in the surroundings, plus a Seven Killings Heavenly Flame Formation.

  After thinking about it, he ended up placing another Sea Setting Morning Glory Formation.

  Maneuvering the three formations to cover the surrounding area, and purposely going deep into the river, He Song then casually threw Yu'er into the formation.

  At the same time, he released another Qi Practicing Stage Spirit Puppet and ordered it to immediately replenish the spirit stones if there was any depletion in the formation, and at the same time, he also needed to feed Yu'er a Hundred Beasts Dan every day.

  In this way, the food was sufficient, the formation was complete, and the daily Hundred Beasts Dan would not be cut off.

  Jade's temporary residence was completed.

  However, the Spirit Puppet that fed Yuel every day had changed from Qingfeng to a Qi Practicing Stage Spirit Puppet.

  Qingfeng was a Foundation Establishment Spirit Puppet, which was also considered a combatant, and was bound to leave with He Song this time.

  The Qi Practicing Stage Spirit Puppet was not helpful to He Song nowadays.

  Therefore, He Song chose to release a Qi Practicing Stage Spirit Puppet to feed Yu'er the Hundred Beasts Dan every day.

  After doing all this, He Song knocked on Jade Child's turtle shell and opened his mouth to instruct.

  "Just stay here and don't move around, this seat will go and return."

  After saying this, He Song didn't expect any response from Jade Child, and directly left the place enveloped by the formation, rushing back to Tian Quan Immortal City once again.

  The water-blue colored recluse light came from the distance.

  It fell straight into the Tian Quan Immortal City.

  However, it did not land in He Song's own mansion, but in Wei Fan's mansion.


  He Song was informed by his subordinates that Wei Fan was in seclusion.

  Wei Fan was in seclusion, and He Song had no choice but to go to Wei Fan's residence.

  He Song had no choice but to go and seek out the Xuanhe real person.

  He told Xuanhe that he wanted to leave for half a year or more before he could return.

  At the same time, let XuanHe real estate follow up to tell Wei Fan, as well as Fengquan real estate.

  Only after XuanHe had agreed did He Song bowed his hand and said goodbye.

  Once again, he turned into an aquamarine blue recluse and shot up into the sky.

  He headed straight towards the south of Tian Quan Immortal City.

  This time.

  He Song was formally departing to the Yunzhou state capital.

  Just as He Song transformed into a recluse and rushed towards the place where the Cloud State was located.

  Inside the Gathering Treasure Pavilion of Tian Quan Immortal City, Luo Jing Zhen Zhen also saw the scene of He Song's transportation light heading south.

  "Rather a person who listens to advice, going really fast."

  "Let's hope we don't encounter any trouble on the way."   


  As the words fell, Realist Luo Jing turned around and returned to the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, no longer paying attention to the matter of He Song's departure.

  And within Realist Xuanhe's residence.

  Realist Xuanhe and Realist Fengquan were currently sitting opposite each other.

  "Realist Cang Song has something to go out for, and will not return until half a year in the short term, or a year in the long term."

  "When he was on his way out, he sought me out and said that when he left, the portion of the profits in the Chamber of Commerce that belonged to him would be divided equally between the three of us."

  "Of course, the three of us will have to turn a blind eye to his departure."

  "This matter, is also considered an exchange of benefits, what does Realist Feng Quan think?"

  Realist Xuanhe looked at the aquamarine colored recluse light in the sky that was gradually moving away, and opened his mouth to ask towards Realist Fengquan.

  "Since True Man Cangsong is so sophisticated in terms of human affairs, in that case, there's no harm in agreeing."

  "On the side of Realist Chengfu, just inform him after he emerges from the gate."

  Realist Feng Quan pondered for a moment and quickly gave his reply.

  He Song had already conceded a portion of his benefits.

  As for the remaining three, they only needed to turn a blind eye without any risk.

  In this way, it would be hard for him to not agree.

  This was also the reason why the Fengquan Realist would say that He Song was very experienced in human affairs.

  Wanting to get something, one had to pay for it, this was a rule that had remained unchanged throughout the ages.

  On the side, after hearing that Realist Feng Quan had agreed, a trace of a smile also appeared on Realist Xuanhe's face.

  After so many years, his relationship with He Song had also become very familiar.

  After He Song couldn't find Wei Fan, he was the first person he thought of.

  From this, it could be seen how the relationship between the two was.

  After hearing Realist Fengquan's promise, a stone in Realist Xuanhe's heart naturally fell to the ground.

  "This is very good, I will thank you on behalf of Realist Cang Song."

  As Realizer Xuanhe's words fell, the two of them quickly raised their cups and drank together.

  And He Song.

  After flying with the recluse for several hours, he soon took out the white jade boat from his own storage bag and maneuvered the spirit boat all the way to the south.

  It would take too long to rush from Tianquan Immortal City to the state capital of Yunzhou.

  Even He Song, after thinking about it, still chose the spirit boat that consumed less mana for the long distance trek.

  One way forward.

  The white jade boat maneuvered by He Song soon left the sphere of influence of Tian Quan Immortal City.

  It entered the sphere of influence of Lianshan Immortal City.

  After leaving Lianshan Immortal City's sphere of influence.

  He soon bypassed the Thick Earth Sect's mountain gate.

  It continued south.

  Entering the sphere of influence of Youlu Immortal City.

  Following that.

  It quickly left the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect and entered the sphere of influence of the Qiong Hua Sect.

  As a Foundation Establishment Real Person, coupled with the fact that He Song was maneuvering the spirit boat forward, he basically didn't encounter any accidents along the way.

  Even after entering the sphere of influence of the Qionghua Sect and passing by an immortal city, he didn't attract anyone's attention.

  When a Foundation Establishment Real Person was walking outside, their safety was still guaranteed.

  Foundation Establishment Real People were not as numerous as Qi Practicing Stage cultivators.

  In comparison, the number of Foundation Establishment Real People was very rare in the Immortal Cultivation World, but since He Song was now a Foundation Establishment, the people he could notice were basically Foundation Establishment.

  More Qi Practicing Stage cultivators would not be able to catch He Song's eye nowadays.

  Flying out from the sphere of influence of the Qionghua Sect, He Song's figure soon entered the sphere of influence of the Yiyang Sect.

  The Yiyang Sect, as a YuanYing Upper Sect, had an immense sphere of influence.

  There were as many as ten Immortal States alone.

  After entering the sphere of influence of the First Sun Sect.

  He Song followed the map of Cloud State in his mind and quickly arrived at the place where the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop was located.

  This time, when he left the Heavenly Right Immortal City, although the Yunzhou Auction was more important, but Su Qian in the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop, He Song still hadn't forgotten about it.

  He also remembered that when he first gave a few dozen spirit stones with his hand, he let Su Qian pass on a letter for himself for decades.

  Although there are occasional twists and turns, but the monthly letter, Su Qian is not once less.

  Since this was the case, how could He Song not take this matter to heart?

  To know.

  In the following decades, He Song is a spirit stone did not pay, all rely on the first time to give the spirit stone said, that sentence day after day to make up the words.

  Then he let Su Qian pass on the letter for himself for decades.

  This. If it were He Song himself, I am afraid he would never do such a thing.

  And because of this, it made He Song remember this thing that Qian'er did for himself.

  Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop.

  When He Song came here again, the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop was still the same as the original Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop.

  However, when He Song came again, he was no longer like the first time, just a loner.

  Since he had greeted Su Qian in advance.

  When He Song arrived dozens of miles away from the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop, he saw Su Qian alone, waiting for herself within a valley that the two of them had arranged in advance.

  (End of chapter)