
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 296 - Mysterious Jade Slip

  Seeing this situation, He Song naturally sat in place and waited quietly.


  He Song didn't have to wait too long.

  Luo Jing's figure had already returned to this place.

  Sitting down beside He Song, Luo Jing casually waved his hand.

  More than twenty jade boxes appeared in the originally large hall.

  With another wave of his hand.

  With a fluctuation of mana, the twenty-odd jade boxes in the hall opened up, revealing a single magic weapon inside the jade box.

  These artifacts had both offense and defense, and all of them looked like rare gems.

  With He Song's vision, the power of these magic weapons was afraid that they were no better than the magic weapons produced by the Thick Earth Sect's Weapon Refining Hall.

  Seeing this, He Song's mind was certain.


  It seemed that in the future, there was no need to return to the Thick Earth Sect and go to the Thick Earth Sect's Weaponry Refining Hall to replace magic weapons.

  One must know that the magic weapons sold in the outside world were actually still somewhat different from those refined within the Golden Dan Sect.

  However, nowadays, the magic weapon sold within the Treasure Pavilion, I'm afraid that its power is not inferior in the slightest.

And this, naturally, made He Song's heart less worried.  

"Please take a look, these are all extremely high-grade magic weapons, and in the jade slips next to the magic weapons, there are descriptions of each of them."

  "Which one does a True Lord have his eye on, just speak with me."

  As Realist Luo Jing's voice came out, He Song's gaze followed suit as he looked at the twenty-odd extremely high-grade magic artifacts in front of him.

  His eyes swept over one Extreme Grade magic weapon after another.

  He also read the jade slips next to the extremely high-grade magic weapon he had his eye on to check the information in it.

  In this way, He Song also ended up choosing two of the extremely high-grade magic weapons after several viewings and after several comparisons.

  The extremely high-grade magic weapon used for offense was called the Spirit Snake Bone Seal.

  The Spirit Snake Bone Seal was refined from the whole body bones of a Foundation Establishment Spirit Snake, plus many precious materials.

  After activating it with mana, it could manipulate the spirit snake and launch an attack against the enemy.

  Similar to the Black Tiger Seal.

  Similar to the Black Tiger Seal, the Spirit Snake Bone Seal was also able to protect He Song himself by virtue of the Spirit Snake Bone Seal itself after manipulating the spirit snake.

  At the same time, since the Spirit Snake Bone Seal was an extremely high-grade artifact, the spiritual snakes it could manipulate were naturally more powerful, and even more terrifying than the Black Tiger.

  He Song had also already tried the Black Tiger Seal and found it very useful, and this time, when he saw the Spirit Snake Bone Seal, he naturally wouldn't let it go.

  This kind of magic weapon that could both injure the enemy and protect itself was naturally more than enough for He Song.

  As for the extremely high-grade magic weapon used to protect his body, it was named the Vajra Shield.

  The Vajra Shield was made from a blend of many precious materials and was incredibly strong.

  At the same time, its entire body was as if it was cast in gold, hence the name Vajra Shield.

  After being activated by mana, the Vajra Shield was able to transform into a golden barrier, protecting He Song's entire body within it.

  It was no longer like the previous shield-shaped magic weapon that could only roam around He Song's body.

  The protection of the adamantine shield for cultivators was all-encompassing.

  As long as the adamantine shield could not be broken, the attacks from the outside world would be nothing to He Song.

  He Song chose the adamantine shield because of this characteristic.

  If he really encountered a great battle, once the adamantine shield was out, He Song's own safety would naturally be greatly guaranteed.

  After picking out the two extremely high-grade magic weapons he used.

  He Song opened his mouth once again, naming the other things he wanted to procure.

  For example, Foundation Establishment Spirit Talismans.

  Such as various types of pills.

  Such as other life preserving items.

  For example

  As He Song purchased more and more things, Luo Jing's gaze towards He Song gradually grew thick with surprise.

  She couldn't figure it out.

  She couldn't figure it out.

  Why would a mid Foundation Establishment cultivator have so many spirit stones in his body.

  In this short period of time, He Song had purchased more than 100,000 spirit stones of various things from her.

  Those two extremely high-grade magic weapons alone were priced at over 100,000 dollars.

  Together with those foundation building talismans, all kinds of pills, and other life preserving things, He Song's spending in her place was more than 100,000 spirit stones.

  More than 100,000 spirit stones, for a cultivator in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, it was actually considered a huge sum of money.

  Even for her, the owner of the Treasure Pavilion Branch Pavilion, more than 100,000 spirit stones was a considerable expense that would allow her to save up for some years.

  And what about He Song?

  In a short period of time, He Song had spent more than 100,000 spirit stones here.

  One must know that although the annual bounty of a Foundation Establishment Real Person was high, the other earnings were also sufficient.

  If one became a town guard in the Immortal City, I'm afraid that one would have an income of around twenty thousand spirit stones in a year.

  However, the expenses of a Foundation Establishment Realist were also high.

  Daily cultivation, plus the purchase of artifacts, taking pills and a series of expenses, Foundation Establishment real people seem to have a very good income every year, but really to calculate, in fact, a year can not save a lot of spirit stones.

  Unless one didn't make any effort to cultivate and become stronger, then one year's income of around 20,000 spirit stones would all be saved.

  But this was unlikely to happen.

  As for He Song, in her opinion, it was also unlikely that he had already wasted his own cultivation.

  Therefore, she was naturally shocked in her heart at He Song's large purchase this time.

  How could He Song have so many spirit stones on him?

  A question surfaced in Luo Jing Zhenren's mind.

  It seemed to have sensed Realist Luo Jing's doubt.

  He Song raised his head and glanced at her.

  He then said carelessly.

  "Don't be surprised, I am a talisman master and still have quite a few spirit stones on me."   

  "Otherwise, I'm afraid that I don't have the financial resources to dare to go to Yunzhou to participate in this auction."

  Pushing the source of the spirit stones he had on him all onto his status as a talisman master.

  This was something He Song had been doing since the Qi Practicing Stage.

  Now that he saw that Luo Jingzhen was doubtful, he would naturally use his identity as a talisman master to dispel the other party's doubts as well.

  As a talisman master.

  What's wrong with having more spirit stones on you.

  Although He Song himself also bought Foundation Establishment Spirit Symbols, but which talisman master was proficient in all Foundation Establishment Spirit Symbols?

  In this way, the fact that He Song was a talisman master, yet he bought spirit talismans outside, there was no more cracks.

  In the eyes of outsiders, He Song's claim was simply seamless.

  However, they didn't know.

  He Song is a talisman master.

  It was only one of He Song's many identities.

  Using the identity of a talisman master to cover up other identities was what He Song had been doing all along.

  Alchemy master.

  Formation Master.

  These two identities, He Song would definitely not expose them.

  Naturally, the spirit stones that he had obtained were all attributed to his identity as a talisman master.

  "I see, I didn't realize that the real person was actually a talisman master."

  "No wonder his fortune is so rich."

  "It's a pity that my Gathering Treasure Pavilion was unable to buy a spirit talisman from a real person."

  "But I think that with the Chamber of Commerce operating under the real person, all the spirit talismans produced should be sold from there as well, right?"

  Upon hearing He Song's casual remark, Luo Jing came to a sudden realization, linking the amount of spirit stones on He Song's body to his status as a talisman master.

  Since then, her doubts about the number of spirit stones on He Song's body were instantly dispelled.

  She even let out a sigh, seemingly feeling some regret for not receiving the spirit talisman drawn by He Song.

  Seeing this, He Song did not say any more, but just silently chose what he needed.

  Then he let Realist Luo Jing calculate the price at a 90% discount.


  It was calculated that he had purchased a total of more than eighteen hundred and twenty thousand spirit stones of things within the Treasure Pavilion.

  He Song gave over 164,000 spirit stones.

  This was the number of spirit stones given after a 90% discount.

  It could be said that although He Song had purchased a lot of things here today, he had also saved himself more than ten thousand spirit stones, nearly twenty thousand spirit stones.

  For this kind of benefit, He Song was naturally satisfied.

  After picking out all the things he needed, He Song was about to open his mouth again and ask when the Cloud State Auction was to open.

  However, he saw Realist Luo Jing suddenly slap his head, a trace of chagrin flashing across his face.

  "That's right, I almost forgot to inform the real person."

  "This time, the Cloud State Auction will be held after March, don't forget about it, Real Person."

  "Tian Quan Immortal City is very far away from Cloud State, although with the footsteps of a Foundation Establishment Real Person, maneuvering a spirit boat is only about two months' journey."

  "But in case we encounter something during that time and are delayed, I'm afraid we'll miss this auction."

  "It's better for the real person to set off as soon as possible."

  Saying this under her breath, a trace of apology flashed in Realist Luo Jing's eyes along with it.

  She had previously focused on asking He Song to help send the jade slip to Yunzhou, but for a moment, she had forgotten about He Song's previous inquiry.

  It wasn't until now that she suddenly remembered.

  It was fortunate that she remembered, or else she was afraid that she would have to send a letter to be able to know.

  Seeing this situation, He Song, who was about to ask, closed his mouth.

  He just smiled and waved his hand, saying that he didn't care.

  After that, he chose to say goodbye and leave.

  Today, He Song's purpose of coming here had all been achieved.

  In this Treasure Pavilion, there was no need to continue staying.

  Seeing this situation, Luo Jing quickly got up to see him off.

  The two of them left the Treasure Pavilion one after the other, separating at the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion.

  As they left, He Song arched his hand with a smile, signaling that there was no need to send them off again.

  Luo Jing, who personally sent He Song out of the Treasure Pavilion, also wore a smile on his face and stopped there.

  Only after seeing He Song's back disappear from sight did Luo Jing return to the Treasure Pavilion.

  In a hall, a thin piece of paper appeared in Luo Jing's hand.

  As mana surged out, a line of writing appeared on top of the thin paper.

  "Senior sister, senior sister has a friend who happens to be traveling to Yunzhou recently to attend this Yunzhou Auction."

  "The double rest method you wanted, senior sister has already asked this friend to deliver it for you."

  "When he arrives, he will find you by himself and give you the jade slip."

  "Remember to treat him well, senior sister still wants to strike up a good relationship with this friend."

  "If it's possible, senior sister can also get acquainted with this fellow Daoist, this person ."


  He Song did not know anything about what had happened within the Treasure Gathering Pavilion after he had left.

  After learning the exact time of the Cloud State Auction.

  After purchasing most of the items he needed from the Treasure Gathering Pavilion again.

  He Song returned to his own mansion and quickly began his preparations.

  There was no mistake in what Realist Luo Jing had said.

  Tian Quan Immortal City was too far away from Yun Zhou, and even a Foundation Establishment Realist would need about two months to arrive.

  (End of chapter)