
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 292 - Late Foundation Establishment

  On top of that, after spending a month in the middle of the Thick Earth Sect's mountain gate, He Song originally wanted to leave directly.

  But then he thought about it.

  But then he thought about it and felt that it wasn't too safe.

  He continued to grind in the cave for another month, until now two months have passed, He Song was only relieved to boldly out of the gate, ready to return to the Tianquan Immortal City.

  Two months have passed, even if there is really a tracking mark on his body, I am afraid that it has long since dissipated.

  It was also time to leave the Thick Earth Sect's gates and return to Tian Quan Immortal City.

  After two months of study, He Song's study of the Dust Transformation Technique, although it had not yet reached the realm of proficiency, it had already begun.

  Like the Dust Transformation Technique, this Foundation Establishment Technique could be successfully executed after the introduction, but its power was high and low, depending on the specific situation of the person who cast the spell at that time.

  Only after becoming proficient could it be performed at will without losing the slightest bit of its power.

  As such, since He Song's study of the Dust Transformation Technique had already been initiated, it was just the right time to return to Tianquan Immortal City.

  After He Song emerged from the gate, he simply disappeared into the ground and performed the Dust Transformation Technique once, fusing himself with the surrounding soil.

  After doing all this, He Song performed the Breath Convergence Technique, completely converging his own breath.

  Only after his breath was completely hidden, and he seemed to have merged with the surrounding rocks and soil, did He Song perform the Lianshan Transportation Technique and head towards the gate of the Thick Earth Sect.

  All the way forward.

  Because he wanted to test the effectiveness of the Dust Transformation Skill, He Song spent half a month before finally returning to Tian Quan Immortal City.

Tian Quan Immortal City.  

When He Song returned to his mansion, he maneuvered the Luo Smoke Formation, the Seven Killing Heavenly Flame Formation, and the Sea Fixing Chaoyuan Formation to protect himself properly.

  Only then did He Song let out a long breath.


  This time, when he returned to Tian Quan Immortal City, he did not encounter any crisis.

  However, He Song was not too surprised.

  He had stayed in the mountain gate of the Thick Earth Sect for a full two months before coming out of it and returning to the Tian Quan Immortal City.

  If he could still encounter danger like this, I'm afraid that there would be no safe places in this Immortal Cultivation World.

  After informing Wei Fan, as well as Xuan He and Feng Quan Zhenren of his return to Tian Quan Immortal City, He Song quickly went back into seclusion.

  Although within the mountain gates of the Thick Earth Sect, he had already cultivated the Dust Transformation Technique to the introductory realm.

  However, it was still relatively far from being proficient.

  In order to be able to cultivate the Dust Transformation Skill to the proficient realm as soon as possible, He Song would naturally seize the time.

  At the same time.

  Since he hadn't found a method to trick the divine sense within the Thick Earth Sect's bookstore, He Song also had to take matters into his own hands and began to think about how he would be able to achieve this goal.

  In order to be able to fool divine sense and not be detected by other people's divine sense scans, He Song's first thought was spells.

  The first thing He Song thought of was spells.

  However, there were no records of such spells in the Thick Earth Sect's library.

  As a last resort, He Song could only rely on himself.

  Fortunately, he was proficient in the Dao of Formation, the Dao of Runes and the Dao of Dans, and he had some research in the area of deceiving cultivators' divine sense.

  The Luo Smoke Formation was able to deceive the divine sense, so that the people or things under the Luo Smoke Formation's cover completely ignored the scanning of other people's divine sense.

  Even if the Divine Sense swept through, it would not be able to discover these people or objects.

  By placing the Luo Smoke Formation, He Song was able to make himself, as well as the things he didn't want others to discover, disappear under the scrutiny of other people's divine sense.

  After having the Luo Smoke Formation as a reference target.

  He Song's second goal was to find the characteristic of the Luo Smoke Formation that could deceive divine sense.

  Deduce exactly how it was created.

  And to extract it and add it to his own body.

  Only in this way would He Song's existence be able to deceive the divine sense of others, so that he would not be detected by a single sweep of the divine sense.

  This kind of enchantment.

  It could be to simplify the Luo Smoke Formation as some sort of decoration on He Song's body, and then lay a miniature formation within it.

  It can also be to deduce this characteristic and burn it on some kind of medium, and when it is needed, it will stimulate this effect.

  After pondering, He Song quickly began to try again and again.


  So on.

  In the blink of an eye, two years passed by.

  During these two years, He Song almost skipped sleep and meals, focusing on how to deceive others' divine sense.

  Starting from delving into the Luo Smoke Formation again, with the intention of finding out from the Luo Smoke Formation why it was able to deceive other people's divine sense.

  Then to how to be able to deduce this characteristic and completely stabilize it.


  After two years of constant exploration.

  He Song was never able to get to the bottom of it.

  Trying to transfer the kind of efficacy on the Luo Smoke Formation that could fool others' divine sense was indeed strangely difficult.

  Although He Song himself was proficient in the Dao of Formation, the Dao of Symbols, and the Dao of Dan, even so, it was extremely difficult to delve into.

  Two years had passed since the difficulty, but He Song still hadn't made the slightest inch of progress.

  All the ideas were still in theory.

  However, although there was no inch of progress in this matter, He Song had made a huge improvement in the other two aspects.

  Although he had spent the past two years almost sleeplessly studying how to trick others' divine sense, it was impossible for him to leave behind cultivating and practicing the Dust Transformation Technique.

  In addition to studying how to trick others' divine sense, He Song had not relaxed his practice of the Dust Transformation Skill.

  Dust Transformation Technique.

  Although it could only conceal one's own form, allowing one to have the ability to hide in certain situations.   

  But, where in the world was there no land?

  In the Immortal Cultivation Realm, there were mountains and rocky lands almost everywhere.

  In the Immortal Cultivation Realm, there weren't any skyscrapers, concrete roads, or floor tile plazas.

  In such a situation, the Dust Transformation Skill was simply the most suitable method for He Song to conceal his figure.

  As long as there are rocks and soil, He Song will be able to disappear directly into the ground, and then will merge himself with the surrounding soil.

  If in the future, he will be able to deceive others' divine sense scanning spells, I am afraid that he will be able to disappear in front of people in a moment.

  In this way, He Song naturally spared no effort in practicing the Dust Transformation Skill.


  After two years of practicing, He Song was already able to skillfully perform the Dust Transformation Technique.

  He had also long been familiar with the Dust Transformation Technique.

  Acquiring a Foundation Establishment Technique in two years' time, this speed could already be said to be fast compared to other cultivators.

  According to what He Song had heard from other cultivators, it basically took three years for an average cultivator to practice a spell.

  And He Song?

  It only took two years.

  Compared to other cultivators, it was nearly one-third faster.

  In addition to the connection for the Dust Transformation Technique, He Song was not slacking off at all above his cultivation.


  It was always the top priority.

  Although due to the extra daily research on fooling others' divine sense, as well as the practice of the Dust Transformation Technique.

  However, He Song's cultivation was beginning to make progress.

  One day.

  He Song, who was sitting in the quiet room, constantly trying to absorb the spiritual qi around him, suddenly had a shock on his face.

  Just now.

  When he was running the mana in his body to impact the bottleneck, he suddenly felt that the empty door in front of him was wide open, and the entire bottleneck collapsed at the touch of a button.

  In an instant, He Song felt that there was a constant flow of spiritual qi from the outside world surging towards his place.

  With the continuous influx of spiritual qi, the mana in He Song's body also began to grow rapidly at this moment.

  He Song's body also began to grow rapidly at this moment.

  When the bottleneck was unbroken, no matter how He Song cultivated, the mana in his body would only progress without an inch.

  In such a situation, cultivation was nothing more than just hitting the bottleneck over and over again.

  When this kind of aura poured into his body from the outside world, it meant that He Song was blocked from practicing.

  It meant that the bottleneck that had been blocking He Song for two years was completely broken today.

  The mana in He Song's body also began to grow rapidly as the bottleneck was broken.

  Feeling his own mana growing, He Song's face also flashed with a trace of joy.

  "Late Foundation Establishment, it's done!"

  Sighing in his heart, He Song's heart was overjoyed, and then he also quickly operated the mana in his body, incorporating the surrounding spiritual qi into his body in a continuous stream.

  He then transformed these spiritual qi into spiritual energy, and then transformed it into mana.

  By the time the spiritual qi had been transformed into mana, He Song's cultivation, too, was gradually growing.

  His current cultivation at the late Foundation Establishment stage was also gradually consolidated.

  Consolidating one's cultivation at the late stage of Foundation Establishment required several months.

  During these months, He Song sat in the quiet room, operating the Thick Earth Decision at all times, absorbing the outside world's spiritual qi and transforming it into his own cultivation.

  It was only after several months that He Song's aura was completely stabilized at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and he successfully left the gate.

  This retreat.

  The harvest was huge.

  He Song's cultivation broke through from mid Foundation Establishment to late Foundation Establishment.

  His strength had also undergone a huge change.

  The mana in his body became thicker, and the power of spells cast with mana naturally became stronger.

  Under such circumstances, He Song's strength had also received a huge boost.

  After his cultivation broke through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, He Song would gain a huge increase in power whether he was casting spells or maneuvering magic weapons to meet the enemy.

  At the same time, after his cultivation had reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, it was time to replace the top-grade magic weapon that He Song had in his hands today.

  Early Foundation Establishment, as well as mid Foundation Establishment cultivators, basically used top-grade magic weapons.

  However, the magic weapons used by late Foundation Establishment, as well as Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivators, were basically all top-grade magic weapons.

  Although there was only a difference of one word between the two.

  However, the price of a top-grade magic weapon is several times lower compared to a top-grade magic weapon.

  The top-grade magic weapon in He Song's hand now was no longer applicable, so he naturally needed to replace it with an extreme-grade magic weapon.

  After replacing the top-grade magic weapon, He Song's personal strength would also be greatly improved.

  At that time, He Song could be considered a true late Foundation Establishment cultivator, possessing the actual combat power of a late Foundation Establishment.

  Consolidating cultivation.

  Plus replacing magic weapons.

  It was the first thing a late Foundation Establishment cultivator had to do after his cultivation breakthrough.

  These two things related to one's battle power, as well as one's cultivation advancement.

  (End of chapter)