
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 288 - Heaven Opening Finger

  When He Song found this evil cultivator that he had been searching for a long time.

  This evil cultivator had just finished sneaking up on a cultivator and was stuffing the other person's storage bag into his own clothes.

  At the same time, this person was also preparing to destroy the corpse, so that the cultivator in front of him, who had died for no reason, would disappear from this world.

  After his divine sense sensed that a robbery and murder had taken place here, He Song, who was still several miles away from this place, also immediately rushed towards this place.


  When He Song's figure arrived here.

  That evil cultivator also happened to finish destroying the corpse and was about to leave.


  With a cold shout, He Song's figure also appeared at this place.

  At this time, the robes on He Song's body had already been changed from the previous black robes to the robes of a deacon of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  At first, He Song had also been a deacon of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop for a while.

  Naturally, he also kept the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop deacon's robe in his storage bag.

  Originally, He Song was prepared to keep it as a reminder.

  However, he didn't expect that this robe would come in handy at this moment.

  In addition to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop deacon's robe on He Song's body, He Song's cultivation level was also revealed to be at the ninth level of Qi cultivation at this moment.

  The cultivation of the ninth level of Qi cultivation, coupled with the robes of the deacon of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  Even if He Song stood within the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop at this moment, I'm afraid that no one would suspect his identity.

  This cultivation, this robe, is already enough to prove He Song's identity.

  With the sound of He Song's voice, the evil cultivator who had just burnt the corpse and was preparing to leave this place as soon as possible immediately judged He Song's identity with these.

  Noticing that He Song's gaze lingered on the puddle of ashes on the ground for a moment.

  That evil cultivator's face immediately changed.

  A hint of dismay flashed through his heart.

  "My name is Lin Dong, this fellow Daoist, is he calling me?"

  However, after the matter had come to a head, Lin Dong did not panic, instead, he put on a puzzled look and turned his head towards He Song.

  At the same time, Lin Dong also pointed at the puddle of ashes on the ground and hurriedly continued.

  "In fact, I have just arrived here, and previously heard a tragic scream coming from here, which is why I quickly rushed here."

  "Unfortunately, this fellow Daoist has suffered after all."


  With the sound of Lin Dong's words, his footsteps became more and more immobile as he moved away from the puddle of ashes.

  It seemed as if he was trying to get out of the way to allow He Song to come forward and observe the puddle of ashes.

  However, He Song sensed that although this Lin Dong had moved aside, if he really went forward to view it, he was afraid that he would hand over his back to this person.

  At that time

  A trace of coldness flashed in his heart, He Song's eyes looked towards Lin Dong.

  This Lin Dong in front of him.

  His cultivation level was invisible under He Song's divine sense.

  He Song's cultivation was only at the seventh level of qi cultivation.

  It was precisely because he had known that, that He Song had revealed his cultivation at the ninth level of Qi Practicing.

  But what he didn't expect was that this Lin Dong didn't escape after seeing himself, and even thought of ways to sneak attack himself.

  Evil Cultivator, worthy of being an Evil Cultivator.

  Any move was creating an excellent opportunity for himself to attack.

  But unfortunately.

  The one he encountered was not someone else, but He Song.

  As a Foundation Establishment Realist, He Song naturally wouldn't take this kind of small trick to heart.

  His purpose of searching for several days in this place was also not to punish the wicked.

  "Hmph, looking for death."

  "Open Tablet Finger!"

  With a seemingly cold snort, He Song did not talk nonsense, and directly cast a middle-grade attack type spell that he had acquired at the Qi Practicing Stage.

  The Open Tablet Finger was something that He Song had learned at the middle stage of Qi cultivation, but had never had much use for it.

  But now, since he wanted to put on a show, he had to put on a full show.

  Using the Tablet Opening Finger was only to injure Lin Dong in front of him and make the other party flee with injuries.

  With He Song's cold snort.

  A thick golden light immediately shot out from the tip of He Song's finger, instantly piercing through Lin Dong's body in front of him.

  Even after piercing through Lin Dong's body, this thick golden ray of light shot off towards the distance and landed on a mountain, leaving behind an incomparably dark and deep hole in the mountain.

  At the same time, Lin Dong's body also violently retreated under this strike, and his entire body was directly thrown out by more than ten meters.

  The entire person fell to the ground and could not even crawl.

  Fortunately, He Song had retained his strength and did not use his mana to execute the Open Tablet Finger.

  Instead, he controlled his own mana to convert it into spiritual power, and then used spiritual power to perform the Open Tablet Finger.

  The power of the Open Tablet Finger was also reduced to a certain extent.

  It was not so powerful that it could kill Lin Dong in a single strike.

  However, due to He Song's own cultivation, although this strike failed to kill Lin Dong, it did scare him out of his wits.

  Lin Dong, who was currently collapsing on the ground, could swear.

  He himself had never seen a Tablet Opening Finger with such a terrifying power!

  You say that this is the Tablet Opening Finger?

  I'm afraid this is not the Heaven Opening Finger, right?

  With just a casual finger, a light as thick as a child's arm shot out from the tip of He Song's finger.

  With a single strike, it directly penetrated his entire body, and it also sent his entire body flying over ten meters.

  It even opened up a deep pit with no black bottom in the distant mountain.

  You say this is the Tablet Opening Finger?

  He would even believe it when he said it was a Heaven Opening Finger!

  In this instant, Lin Dong even had the illusion that he was facing the Heavenly Might.   

  Feeling the huge wound on his body that was the thickness of a child's arm.

  Lin Dong continuously struggled and tried to retreat, trying to escape from where He Song was, but his hands and feet went limp, and he was unable to move his body even the slightest bit.

  Under the fire, Lin Dong's eyes went black and he almost fainted.

  However, he did not wait for him to come back to his senses.

  The sky in front of him quietly darkened at this moment.

  "Are all the evil cultivators nowadays so hardened? Knowing that they're not an opponent, they still don't run."

  With the sound of He Song's voice.

  Lin Dong's eyelids jumped straight up and just as he raised his head, he saw He Song who was currently staring at him with a deadly stare.

  In that instant.

  Lin Dong only felt that he had something extra in his mouth, which melted in his mouth.

  With a surge of spiritual energy exploding within his body, his entire body was instantly filled with strength.

  Not knowing where the strength came from, Lin Dong subconsciously turned around and desperately fled towards the distance.

  Seeing this scene.

  He Song, who had just stuffed a Three Lives Spiritual Elixir into Lin Dong's mouth, then nodded with satisfaction and chased after him unhurriedly.

  In his heart, the plan that he had long thought of began to rumble at this moment as well.

  As a deacon of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop and a cultivator of the ninth level of Qi cultivation, he himself was chasing after evil cultivators passing through that valley.

  It should be quite reasonable, right?

  As long as He Song didn't explore his divine sense and be detected in his true cultivation.

  He Song, who had hidden his cultivation with the Breath Convergence Technique, could only detect that He Song was at the ninth level of Qi Practicing Cultivation, even if he used his divine sense to probe.

  However, with He Song's proficiency in the Dao of Formation, he could only detect that he was at the 9th level of Qi cultivation.

  If there was really a formation in that valley, He Song would only need to take a glance to know.

  It was just a glance, not a divine sense probe, and even if there was someone inside, there was no need to worry about being discovered and thus causing trouble.

  In this way, not only could he explore whether there was anything fishy in that valley, he could also hide himself in case he was discovered.

  It was simply the best of both worlds.

  If there was nothing unusual in that valley, He Song would naturally turn around and leave.

  However, if there really was a formation in it, He Song would naturally think long and hard to see if he could grab some chance from it.

  Moreover, this evil cultivator he was chasing after was also a person of ten evils.

  After passing through that valley and the other party had no use for it, killing him again was not something unacceptable.

  In the face of evil cultivators, everyone must be killed.

  This was an idea that had sprung up in He Song's mind as early as when he was in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  Now that He Song's cultivation had reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, killing a few evil cultivators naturally wouldn't have any psychological pressure.

  Follow along the way.


  Instead of following.

  It was actually more like repelling.

  He Song constantly adjusted Lin Dong's escape direction, constantly making the other party head towards that valley.

  At the same time, in order to make the matter of him chasing and killing the Evil Cultivator more real, He Song would also strike from time to time in an attempt to stop Lin Dong.

  And as a result, with He Song and Lin Dong chasing each other and escaping.

  The two of them were soon driven away from where the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop was located by He Song and headed towards the valley known to He Song.

  Along the way, in order to prevent Lin Dong from making any mistakes halfway and not following his plan to continue escaping, He Song was not at all merciful when he struck.

  In Lin Dong's eyes, the person behind him who was chasing after him, his purpose from the beginning was to kill himself.

  In such a life and death situation, Lin Dong naturally did not dare to delay at all as he continued to run for his life.

  Although he did not know why He Song did not continue to use his Open Tablet Finger to send himself to the sky with a single finger.

  However, he, who had already been gutted by He Song's first shot of the Tablet Opening Finger previously, did not have the slightest thought of resisting.

  Moreover, the injuries on his body.

  It also became lighter and lighter under the continuous repair of the Three Life Spirit Pill.

  However, every time the injuries on his body were almost repaired, He Song would thoughtfully send another attack, causing him to be injured again.

  With this kind of repetition.

  Although Lin Dong still did not know what exactly He Song's purpose was, he gradually gained some clarity in his heart regarding this behavior of He Song.

  He felt that He Song was just playing cat and mouse.

  He did not want to kill him for the time being, but just wanted to tease him.

  With these flashes in his mind, Lin Dong was still fleeing forward, but in his mind, he had already started to plan how to escape from He Song's hands.

  A cat teasing a mouse?

  Then let you play.

  However, a mouse also has a chance to escape!

  Lin Dong was secretly vicious in his heart.

  However, he did not know that He Song was not doing this for any cat-playing mice at all.

  The game of cat play with mice, he never played.

  All that he had done was merely to fulfill his own plans.

  After passing by that valley, and having probed into the bottom of that valley, Lin Dong would naturally be of no value whatsoever.

  At that time.

  That was when Lin Dong would die.

  As the silhouettes of the two of them continued to move away from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, they were getting closer and closer to the valley that Lin Cong had mentioned.

  The countdown to Lin Dong's death also began to slowly ring out as time passed.

  However, at this moment, Lin Dong was still fuming in his heart, wanting to escape He Song's pursuit in this regard, so that He Song's game of cat playing with a mouse would fizzle out.

  (End of chapter)