
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 283 - A Friend Dying

  And after eight years, He Song had long been able to skillfully refine the Resolving Stasis Pill in addition to it.

  He had also been able to skillfully refine the Three Life Spirit Pill.

  Nowadays, he had even set his sights on the God Protecting Pill.

  God Protecting Pill.

  It was an elixir that was made with the God Protecting Spirit Fruit as the main medicine, supplemented by many precious elixirs.

  It had the effect of enhancing the strength of a cultivator's divine sense.

  Since He Song was a traveler, his own divine sense was much stronger than other cultivators.

  Therefore, this kind of elixir that could enhance the strength of a cultivator's divine sense was also extremely suitable for He Song.

  If one's Divine Sense was strong, it would naturally be more powerful when performing the Divine Sense Secret Technique.

  He Song's divine sense was already much stronger than other cultivators, and if he added the strength of his divine sense boosted by the God Protecting Pill, I'm afraid that he would be even more terrifying when he performed the divine sense secret method.

  Moreover, He Song had already learned a Divine Sense attack method like the Yagami Thorn that could be used as a base card back when he had just built his foundation.

  With his already powerful Divine Sense, coupled with the Divine Sense Strength boosted by the Divine Protection Pill.

  Using this to execute the Yagami Thorn, I'm afraid that the power of the Yagami Thorn would be able to inflict great trauma on cultivators of the same rank.

  At that time, if He Song were to go out, his safety would be greatly increased.

  However, due to the fact that the God Protecting Spirit Fruit required to refine the God Protecting Pill needed a full twenty years to mature.

  Thus until now, He Song had only harvested it once.

  The number of God Protecting Spirit Fruits for refining the God Protecting Pill was small.

  At the same time, the price was also quite expensive.

  That was why He Song chose to try to refine the God Protecting Pill after he had mastered all the other types of pills.

  Nowadays, He Song was trying to refine the God Protecting Pill while also continuously taking the God Protecting Pill to make the strength of his divine sense even stronger.

  In addition to refining the God Protecting Pill.

  He Song's cultivation nowadays had also grown tremendously from eight years ago.

  The mana in his body had filled up immensely, as if he could successfully break through from the mid Foundation Establishment stage to the late Foundation Establishment stage in the next second.

  However, He Song didn't suddenly realize until his own mana had filled up to the extreme.

  His previous speculation about when he would be able to successfully break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage had actually forgotten one important condition.

  The bottleneck.

  Regarding the bottleneck, He Song had also experienced it when he broke through to the late stage of Qi cultivation in the middle stage of Qi cultivation.

  However, that bottleneck did not stop He Song for too long.

  There was no bottleneck for the subsequent breakthrough to the early stage of Foundation Establishment.

  When he broke through the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, there was also no bottleneck.

  But now that his cultivation had reached the mid Foundation Establishment stage, he was only one step away from breaking through the mid Foundation Establishment stage and reaching the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  But he encountered a bottleneck.

  His previous estimation was not wrong.

  He had indeed allowed his mana to reach the critical point of breaking through to the late Foundation Establishment stage within ten years.

  To be clear, it was actually eight years.

  Today, eight years later.

  If this bottleneck did not exist, He Song's cultivation should have successfully broken through to the late Foundation Establishment stage at this moment.

  However, it was also because of the existence of the bottleneck.

  He Song's cultivation stopped at the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and no one knew how long it would take for him to reach the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

  Fortunately, after He Song encountered the bottleneck, he immediately began to try to launch an impact towards the bottleneck.

  As He Song continued to impact, the bottleneck in front of him gradually began to loosen up.

  Perhaps it was because the bottleneck between the mid Foundation Establishment stage and the late Foundation Establishment stage was not strong.

  Perhaps it was because He Song was too strong and the intensity when he impacted the bottleneck was too high.

  Or perhaps.

  As He Song continued to impact the bottleneck, he clearly felt that the bottleneck in front of him was becoming more and more fragile.

  However, wanting to completely punch through the bottleneck was not that easy.

  According to He Song's estimation, it should take another year, or at most no more than two years, before the bottleneck could be completely broken open.

  After breaking the bottleneck, He Song's cultivation would naturally break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  At that time, it would still be less than ten years.

  In other words.

  His initial guess that he would be able to break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage within ten years wasn't just an empty statement.

  If it wasn't for the bottleneck in his cultivation during that time, he was afraid that he would already be a late Foundation Establishment cultivator today.

  "Fortunately, the bottleneck that I encountered this time wasn't too powerful, and a year or so isn't too long."

  "The bottleneck between the middle stage of Foundation Establishment and the late stage of Foundation Establishment isn't too powerful either."

  "As long as I cultivate peacefully for another year or so, I'll be able to successfully break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage."

  Stopping the act of impacting the bottleneck, He Song sensed the surging mana in his body and subsequently made an estimate in his heart.

  This time, He Song was already satisfied.

  To know.

  Bottleneck this thing, in the view of many people are very terrible.

  Bottleneck one to, there will be many cultivators life are difficult to break through the bottleneck, can only in the current realm helplessly wasted.

  This is also the reason why many cultivators would rather go to the mortal world and be a free and rich man than stay in the Immortal Cultivation World.

  There was already no path of ascension, so why be like the other cultivators and do that blood-licking business?

  Was life in the mortal world not exciting enough?

  Or was the mortal world's gentry not good enough?

  When Meng Guan was in the middle stage of Qi cultivation, the bottleneck he encountered stuck him for many years.

  In the end, if it wasn't for his chance, Meng Guan would probably have been stuck in the Qi Practicing stage, and wouldn't even have had the chance to build his foundation.

  At the time, Meng Guan's entire person had become depressed.

  Although he was in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, his entire person had a feeling of being late in life.

  This was also the reason why he had disguised himself as an old man in the first place.   

  I'm sure that if there wasn't hope for a follow-up, I'm afraid Meng Guan would have chosen to go to the mortal world after wasting away in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop for a long time, right?

  The horror of the bottleneck flashed through He Song's mind, but in his heart, he was greatly relieved about the bottleneck he had encountered this time.

  The bottleneck he encountered was not bad.

  At least it hadn't reached an intensity where no matter how much he impacted it, he wouldn't be able to shake it in the slightest.

  Even if he wanted to forcefully break through the bottleneck, it would take about a year.

  However, this time was very little compared to those cultivators who were stuck in their bottlenecks for the rest of their lives.

  Moreover, this time of about a year, even when added together with the previous eight years, was likewise within ten years.

  What he had previously guessed.

  The idea of being able to successfully break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment within ten years was not wrong.

  It was just that there was a little more than a small twist in the middle.

  However, it was harmless.

  Getting up.

  Walking out of the quiet room.

  A small jade bottle appeared in He Song's hand.

  Pouring out a God Protecting Pill from the jade bottle, He Song swallowed it into his stomach.

  The God Protecting Pill quickly turned into a warm current, and the gentle medicinal power quickly surged towards He Song's Mud Palace Pill.

  Immediately afterward, He Song noticed a hint of growth in his divine sense.

  And as the medicinal power continued, He Song's divine sense continued to grow as well.

  Only after noticing that his divine sense was gradually becoming stronger did He Song satisfactorily put away the jade bottle in his hand and put it into his storage bag.

  The Divine Protection Pill was precious.

  Unusual Foundation Establishment real people simply had no place to buy it.

  He Song had previously planted the God Protecting Spirit Fruit because of this reason.

  Nowadays, it was only because He Song could already refine the God Protecting Dan that he was able to taste it.

  Although He Song's success rate in refining the God Protecting Pill wasn't really high now, it was completely enough to satisfy his own needs.

  Perhaps when the success rate was higher in the future, the extra God Protecting Pills could be sold for huge amounts of spirit stones.

  Letting the medicinal power of the God Protecting Pill continue to enhance his own divine sense.

  He Song felt his divine sense being slowly strengthened while he also set off on the road to the alchemy room.

  Nowadays, He Song had already gotten used to refining pills after consuming a Divine Protection Pill.

  After the God Protecting Pill was consumed, its medicinal power would continuously enhance the strength of He Song's divine sense.

  At this time, it happened to be the time when the divine sense was most active.

  Naturally, when alchemizing pills at this time, the success rate would also increase by a touch.


  Before He Song could walk to the alchemy room, a sound transmission paper crane quietly flew from the sky and landed directly in front of He Song.

  Seeing this, He Song's heart stirred.

  He immediately thought of Su Qian's figure.

  Could it be that something big had happened in Yunzhou again that could make Su Qian contact himself at this time?

  With such thoughts, He Song released one of his breaths and took the voice transmission paper crane in his hands.

  Spreading out the thin paper, He Song's gaze followed towards the paper.

  "Fellow Daoist He Song is personally enlightened."

  "After the last parting, I have returned to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop to enjoy my old age in peace, and I wonder where you are now."

  "In the blink of an eye, since the day you and I parted ways in Qingguan Immortal City, several long decades have passed."

  "Now, I am already dying of old age, and although I have many children and grandchildren at my knees, none of them have Spiritual Roots."

  "I think that in a few more days, I will move out of this place and head to the mundane to settle my family."

  "I haven't seen you for decades, I miss you in my heart, but unfortunately, I'm old and decrepit now, and I don't know where you are."

  "I don't know if it's convenient for you, I would like to invite you to my home."

  "I wonder if it's possible?"

  "Lin Cong."

  Looking at the lines of pale handwriting on the thin paper in front of him.

  And seeing the word Lin Cong at the bottom of the inscription, He Song's eyes immediately flashed with a sense of being a world away.

  Lin Cong?

  What kind of person is he?

  The time that He Song had known Lin Cong was not much different from the time that he had known Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  It could be said that Lin Cong was the first batch of cultivators that He Song had known after crossing over.

  At that time, Lin Cong.

  He was vigorous, with a bright light in his eyes, and a tough body that was not to be messed with.

  Because He Song was a neighbor, he was able to get acquainted with He Song, and eventually became a good friend.


  Since decades ago, when He Song had just broken through the Foundation Establishment Realm in the cave he had opened up.

  After Lin Cong informed himself with a voice transmission technique that he had already failed to build the Foundation and was about to rush back to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  During these long decades, there was no more interaction between the two of them.

  But I didn't expect that Lin Cong, who had failed in his attempt to build the foundation and was only interested in returning to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop to leave behind his descendants.

  At this time, he would even send a message to himself.

  Counting the days.

  It dawned on He Song's mind.

  "Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, their lifespan is not more than one hundred and twenty years."

  "Lin Cong's life span, I'm afraid it's not much longer."