
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 282 - Eight Years Later

  "Fellow Daoist, I have already left from amongst the Eight Veins Immortal City a few days ago."

  "That Li Clan reneged on their word, promising very painfully verbally, but secretly doing things in the dark."

  "Now it has been slaughtered by my entire clan."

  "Good thing that previously listened to the Taoist friend's exhortation, in the clan's library cabinet to practice some soul searching techniques."

  "It was also with this soul searching technique that I was able to detect the wolfish ambitions of the Li family."

  "When it came time to make my move, the chances that the Li Family had previously promised me, as well as the place where the treasures of the entire family were located, had also been put into my hands."

  "Otherwise, even if the Li Family had reneged on their promise, I could only look at the ocean and sigh, unable to do anything about it."

  "You really helped me a lot, this soul searching technique is worthy of what you said, belongs to the essential technique when going out."

  "That old piker of the Li Family also enjoyed a taste of the Soul Searching Technique on his deathbed, it was really a great pleasure."

  "However, due to the Tu Family's extermination, I am no longer well-liked amongst the Eight Veins Immortal City."

  "I had to travel far away to seek another opportunity elsewhere."

  "Immortal City is too small, Cloud State is where Foundation Establishment cultivators like me should go."

  "Fellow Daoist, we'll talk again in Yunzhou."

  "Meng Guan."

  Looking at the dense handwriting on the paper in his hand, He Song's heart was clear.

  Previously, he had received a message from Su Qian, saying that a big battle had suddenly occurred at the Li family's compound, and he was afraid that Meng Guan had directly taken action against the Li family's Foundation Establishment real person.

  As for the Li family's betrayal of trust, on the surface of the promise is very fast, but in the dark is secretly in the dark, He Song also did not suspect anything.

  He was still clear about Meng Guan's acting style.

  If the Li family hadn't done something that threatened Meng Guan's own safety or personal interests, he wouldn't have suspected anything.

  Given Meng Guan's character, he wouldn't have done such a thing as slaughtering a family to exterminate it.

  I think that the Li family did something that Meng Guan could not tolerate, and that is why they suffered so much.

  But what exactly is it.

  Meng Guan did not say.

  He Song also did not want to ask.

  From the point of view of Meng Guan thanking himself for letting him practice the Soul Searching Technique, what the Li family did should have been done very covertly.

  If he didn't have the Soul Searching Technique in his possession, I'm afraid Meng Guan might have been caught in their path.

  Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Meng Guan was so angry that he killed them, uprooting the entire Li family.

  It was just that Meng Guan had already left from the Eight Veins Immortal City and rushed to Yunzhou, but He Song had never expected that.

  Cloud State.

  It was one of the ten Immortal States under the One Sun Sect.

  Under Cloud State, there were more than twenty other Immortal Cities standing.

  The strongest people of the more than twenty Immortal Cities all converged within the Cloud State, so one could imagine the prosperity and flourishing of the Cloud State.

  The Cloud State mentioned here did not refer to the entire sphere of influence of Cloud State in general.

  Rather, it is the state capital of Yunzhou.

  Yunzhou is where the state capital is located.

  The name of the state capital was called Yunzhou.

  Within the state capital of Yunzhou, there were several Jindan True Monarchs sitting around, many Foundation Establishment Real People, and countless Qi Practicing Stage cultivators.

  Within such a huge state capital, the dangers and opportunities that Meng Guan could encounter could be said to be more than any Immortal City.



  Both danger and opportunity.

  It was up to Meng Guan to see if he could seize the opportunity and stay away from the danger.

  After all, when he was in the Eight Veins Immortal City, Meng Guan had almost flipped his boat in the gutter and had been plotted against by the Li Family.

  Although the follow-up Meng Guan directly out of the Li family, will be destroyed, and even made a large amount of resources, the original Li family promised the opportunity also directly to hand.

  However, it was always the Li Family that made the first move, and Meng Guan had no choice but to strike back.

  At the same time, it was also because Meng Guan's strength was strong enough to fight back.

  If he had been weaker, or if the Li family had been stronger.

  I'm afraid things wouldn't have been like this.

  Yunzhou wasn't like the Eight Veins Immortal City, in Yunzhou, there was a Jindan family.

  With Meng Guan's current strength, although he was already strong enough in the Foundation Establishment realm, if he were to face a Jindan True Lord, I'm afraid he wouldn't be enough to look at.

  In such a situation, if he went to the Cloud State and encountered this kind of thing again.

  The situation might be completely different by then.

  In response, He Song had the intention to remind Meng Guan, but gave up after thinking about it.

  After spending so much time with himself, Meng Guan had also learned a few moments of caution from He Song, or else he wouldn't have been able to learn the Soul Searching Technique.

  Since Meng Guan already had a cautious mind, why would he bother to go through the extra trouble.

  With such thoughts.

  He Song put this matter behind him and began to continue studying alchemy.


  Time was long.

  The years passed.

  In the blink of an eye, eight years passed away.

  During these eight years, the connection between He Song, Meng Guan, and Su Qian remained unbroken.

  As early as eight years ago, Meng Guan had already gone to Yunzhou, renting a cave in the middle of Yunzhou and settling down.

  Yunzhou was worthy of being a state capital.

  Even though Meng Guan's cultivation was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he still looked a bit inconspicuous within Cloud State.

  Like him, Foundation Establishment Real Persons from other Immortal Cities and Jindan powers could be seen from time to time.

  In addition to this, within the Immortal State, there were also Immortal State cultivators, backed by the Immortal State, with ample resources.

  Immortal State cultivators were similar to Immortal Place and Immortal City cultivators.

  Although they were not disciples of the Yi Yang Sect, they were inextricably linked to it.   

  Of course, being in the Immortal State, the daily treatment of Immortal State cultivators was much better than that of Immortal Square and Immortal City cultivators.

  After all, there was a Jindan True Lord from the Yi Yang Sect in this place, and Immortal State cultivators still had a lot of say within the Immortal State.

  After setting foot in the Cloud State capital, Meng Guan quickly began to look around for opportunities.

  Within the sphere of influence of the Yi Yang Sect, there were quite a few Jindan forces.

  His chances of obtaining the Golden Dan secret method or condensing the Golden Dan were much greater than in the Thick Earth Sect.

  After all, the Thick Earth Sect had expressly forbidden loose cultivator foundation builders from participating in the competition for these two types of opportunities.

  Only the sect elites were allowed to compete for them within the Thick Earth Sect.

  And within the sphere of influence of the Yi Yang Sect.

  The number of Jindan forces was more than just one.

  Although it was likewise extremely difficult, it was not without a chance.

  He had left the Thick Earth Sect and had originally come here in search of a chance that would allow him to step onto the Golden Dan Dao.

  Naturally, after arriving in Yunzhou, Meng Guan quickly began to move around, wanting to start searching for a chance.

  During these eight years, Meng Guan had searched everywhere, and occasionally managed to find some opportunities.

  But there was a difference between chance and opportunity.

  The chance that would allow him to step onto the Jindan Avenue, compared to the cave of some Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, was one heaven and one earth.

  It was unfortunate.

  Although Meng Guan had sought out some places of opportunity during these eight years, the best he had ever gotten was to harvest the entire fortune of a Foundation Establishment Realist after his death.

  As for the other things about the Secret Method of Golden Dan, Condensing Golden Dan and the like.

  Do not say see.

  Not to mention seeing, not even hearing about it.

  In this regard, He Song, during these eight years, also constantly heard Meng Guan sighing.

  He said that the difficulty of cultivation is unparalleled and so on.

  It is just that both of them are also clear.

  If the Jindan Avenue was so good, I'm afraid that the Jindan True Lords in the world would not be so scarce.

  Jindan true monarchs, but in the remote place to open up a sect of strong people.

  Just like the Thick Earth Sect, and the other Jindan sects around the Thick Earth Sect.

  As long as someone was able to ascend to the Jindan realm and had the desire to continue climbing upwards, then they would be able to start a sect in any remote place.

  Then one would be able to establish a Jindan clan, or Jindan family, in any remote place and have it continue smoothly.

  The face of a Jindan True Lord was still worth more.

  The fights between Jindan True Monarchs were also far less intense than those between Qi Practicing Stage, or Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators.

  Once a Jindan clan or Jindan family was established, there really wasn't much of a problem with it continuing smoothly.

  It was even possible to join a YuanYing upper sect such as the YiYang Sect and become an elder in it, acquiring profound spells.

  Of course.

  Its identity, should also be like Song and others in the thick earth sect in general, will be called loose cultivation Jindan.

  It was just that, compared to a Foundation Establishment True Lord, a Jindan True Lord was stronger and had a higher status.

  The things that could be learned were also much more.

  The Yuan Ying Upper Sect, Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, and Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators were nothing more than disciples.

  Only by achieving Jindan could they be ordained as elders.

  For most Jindan True Lords, joining a YuanYing Upper Clan such as the YiYang Sect was not really their first choice.

  Establishing a clan on their own.

  Establish a clan on their own.

  Traveling on their own.

  It is the choice of most Jindan True Monarchs.

  Rather be the head of the chicken, not the tail of the phoenix.

  This is the true reflection of the hearts of many Jindan true monarchs.

  If they are all Jindan, but still be subject to others, by the YuanYing ShangZong differentiation, then why not their own free and happy?

  Now, eight years have passed.

  The recent exchanges between Meng Guan and He Song have gradually become more frequent.

  In a recent exchange, Meng Guan had raised the idea of wanting to visit other state capitals.

  In response, He Song expressed his approval.

  If you stayed in Yunzhou and could never find any opportunities, why would you need to stay here?

  There were ten Immortal States under the jurisdiction of the Yi Yang Sect, so why not go to other Immortal State capitals to look for opportunities?

  Even if you can't find a chance in the Yiyang Sect, it's still not a problem to go to the sphere of influence of other Yuanying Sect.

  As a late Foundation Establishment cultivator, Meng Guan could still ensure his safety by traveling long distances.

  The tree moves to death.

  People move to live.

  Maybe after moving a place, luck would come too?

  However, during their exchange last month, Meng Guan did not make up his mind and still had some hesitation in his heart.

  In addition to Meng Guan, He Song himself stayed in Tian Quan Immortal City for eight years, and his own mastery of various pills has also improved tremendously.

  Eight years ago, He Song had already begun to study the Resolving Stasis Pill.

  Now that eight years had passed, He Song had long since become skilled in the refining of the Stasis Removal Pill.

  After mastering the method of refining the Bruising Stasis Elixir, He Song quickly set his sights on the next elixir he had chosen.

  The Three Lives Spirit Pill.

  This was the elixir that he had chosen long ago and tried to refine after he was able to skillfully refine the Bruising Stasis Elixir.

  The Three Lives Spirit Pill was a healing elixir with a little bit of poison removal, and for Foundation Establishment Mortals, the Three Lives Spirit Pill was extremely effective.

  It is a must-have medicine for going out.

  (End of Chapter)