
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


  Chapter 281 - Foundation Building Battle

  He Song couldn't figure out for a moment what exactly Meng Guan saw in the Li Family that he chose to help them.

  According to He Song's guess.

  If there were really any benefits, what Meng Guan would have done would have been to take the Li Family first, and then take what he wanted.

  It would not be like this to help out.

  It would be nice not to fall into the well.

  How could he still act like a savior and save the Li family from danger?

  With an approach like today's, He Song was somewhat unable to understand.

  However, he knew that Meng Guan naturally had his intentions for doing so.

  If Meng Guan was said to be a good old man.

  He Song would not be the first to believe it.

  A Foundation Establishment Realist who had been labeled as a Soul Breaker since the Qi Practicing Stage would be a good old man?

  However, since He Song did not know what exactly was attracting Meng Guan in the middle of the Li Clan, Meng Guan had not said anything about it either.

  Under such circumstances, He Song could only silently keep an eye on the matter.

  As for the specifics, He Song had no way of knowing.

  Su Qian's cultivation level was indeed a bit lower, and the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop was only an Immortal Workshop under the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  Faced with the hidden secrets of such a Foundation Establishment family, it would be strange if Su Qian could inquire about it.

  As for Meng Guan's message.

  He had not told He Song about those hidden matters either.

  Being able to tell He Song where he had been and what he had experienced was the most detailed information Meng Guan could provide.

  If he wanted him to tell He Song all about the opportunities he had obtained and what kind of treasures he had acquired, that would be a bit difficult.

  That would indeed be a bit of an imposition.

  Everyone had secrets.

  Meng Guan had them, and so did He Song.

  There were some secrets that could not be told to anyone.

  He Song himself did just that.

  Naturally, for Meng Guan's slight concealment, He Song wouldn't care too much.

  This was something that was meant to be their own secrets.

  After learning that Meng Guan had already cooperated with the Li Family of the Eight Veins Immortal City, and seemed to have gained a considerable amount of benefits as well.

  He Song quickly put the matter behind him and began to concentrate on his own affairs.

  Regarding the refining of the Stasis Resolving Pill, He Song was still experimenting, trying to increase the success rate of the Stasis Resolving Pill.

  Once he was able to skillfully refine the Stasis Removal Pill, He Song would then turn to start trying to refine another kind of pill.

  The Three Lives Spirit Pill.

  This was a healing elixir.

  The main medicine was the Bruising Spirit Flower, plus some auxiliary medicines refined into a healing elixir.

  For Foundation Establishment real people, the effects of the Three Lives Spirit Pill were very powerful, able to quickly recover from injuries and even get rid of some common toxins.

  As for Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, if they ate a Three Lives Spirit Pill after a serious injury, I'm afraid that they would be able to recover as quickly as possible.

  However, for Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, although the effect of the Three Lives Spirit Pill was strong, it was also very expensive and was not an elixir that they commonly used.

  However, for Foundation Establishment cultivators, carrying some San Sheng Spirit Pills with them in case of accidents was something that almost every Foundation Establishment cultivator would do.

  In the medicinal garden that He Song had opened near the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop, he had planted the Fateful Spirit Flower.

  After purchasing some more auxiliary medicines, he could start trying to concoct the Three Life Spirit Pills.

  Earth Spirit Pill, Bruising Spirit Pill, Three Lives Spirit Pill, and God Protecting Pill.

  The main medicines for refining these four pills were all planted by He Song.

  Aside from the Poison Dragon Spirit Grass which could not be used to refine pills and could only be used to make poisons, the other four were all able to be converted into large amounts of spirit stones.

  In such a situation, it was natural that He Song would also have a firm grasp on the refining of these four types of pills.

  Having a medicinal garden to grow spirit medicines, and having the ability to refine them into pills.

  In the end, selling the finished pills would simply be a profitable endeavor, and the harvested spirit stones would be much, much more than selling the spirit pills alone.

  However, just as He Song continued to try and gradually raise the success rate of refining the Stasis Resolving Pill upwards.

  One day.

  He Song, who was immersed in refining pills, suddenly received a message.

  The message was sent by a sound transmission paper crane.

  However, He Song clearly remembered that the time Su Qian had agreed with him had not yet arrived.

  How could he receive a sound transmission paper crane at any other time?

  Could it be that something had changed at the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop?

  Or perhaps, something big has happened in Cloud State?

  With doubts in his heart, He Song released a trace of his breath and picked up the sound transmission paper crane in front of him.

  With a sweep of his eyes, a hint of surprise immediately flashed across He Song's face.

  "Qian'er pays her respects to the True Lord."

  "Previously, the True Person had clouded, allowing Qian'er to pay more attention to the matter of the Li Family in Eight Veins Immortal City, and today, Qian'er just got the news, so she immediately sent a message to the True Person."

  "It is rumored that outside of Eight Veins Immortal City, the Li Family's compound outside of the city suddenly erupted into a great battle, and it seems that there are Foundation Establishment real people fighting in it."

  "But things have just happened, the great battle seems to be still going on, Qian'er has not been able to hear any more news."

  "True Lord wait a moment, if there is any new news coming in, Qian'er will definitely be the first to inform True Lord."

  "Su Qian."

  Looking at the beautiful handwriting on the paper in front of him, the look of surprise on He Song's face flickered away.

  Immediately afterward, thoughts flashed through his mind.

  The Great War?

  What big war?

  The Eight Veins Immortal City Li Family, wasn't it the Li Family that Meng Guan had helped before?

  With Meng Guan at the helm, could it be that there were still people who had eaten their weight and were determined to continue laying their hands on the Li Family?

  The anger of a late Foundation Establishment real person was not something anyone could withstand.

  After all, the mid Foundation Establishment cultivator who had been killed by Meng Guan in public was an example.

  If anyone really felt that the knife in Meng Guan's hand wasn't sharp enough, there was someone who had already tried the knife before and wouldn't continue to bang their head against it.   

  Therefore, in this Li Clan, what exactly had happened to be able to once again cause a great battle between Foundation Establishment real people?

  Who were the two sides of this belligerent battle?

  Meng Guan shouldn't have been rounded up, right?

  This possibility flashed through his mind, but He Song didn't have much worry on his face.

  He still knew Meng Guan relatively well.

  Even if he couldn't beat him, he could definitely run.

  He was not worried about Meng Guan's safety at all.

  It was just that there hadn't been much news in the past few months, but today, there was a sudden fight, so there must be something going on.

  But he just didn't know, what was happening.

  With doubts, He Song's mind flashed through a number of ideas, but always had to be overturned due to too little information.

  It seemed that if he wanted to know what happened next, he could only wait for Su Qian's next message to himself.

  With such thoughts, He Song put the matter behind him and continued to do his own thing.

  A few days later.

  He Song once again received a message from Su Qian.

  "Qian'er pays her respects to the True Lord."

  "There have been quite a few follow-ups about the matter of the Li Family in Eight Veins Immortal City, but they are mostly hearsay."

  "Qian'er doesn't dare to jump to conclusions, but can only write down all these follow-ups in order to let the real person read them in detail."

  "One person once said that there was a deal between the Li family and the Soul Breaker, but as a result, after the deal was over, the Li family refused to recognize the deal."

  "In a fit of rage, a fight broke out between the Soul Breaker and the Li Family's Foundation, which was the cause of the great battle a few days ago."

  "Another person had said that although the Li Family had invited the Soul Breaker as a helper to briefly avoid this calamity, the people they had offended previously were simply too many."

  "Under the union of those people, several Foundation Establishment real people rushed into the Li Family and engaged in a fight with the Soul Breaker real people, and the battle was intense."

  "Another person had said that there was a deal between the Li Family and the Soul Breaker, but after the deal was over, the Soul Breaker wanted more."

  "As a last resort, a conflict broke out between the Li Family's Foundation Establishment and the Soul Breaker, and the Foundation Establishment Battle was forced to begin."

  "In the end, there was also a person who said that there was a Foundation Establishment Real Person that the Li Family had once offended who had recently rushed back, and when he saw that the Soul Breaker Real Person was sheltering the Li Family, he directly hit the door."

  "The cultivation of that Foundation Establishment Real Person who returned from afar is not weak, and the fight between him and the Soul Breaking Real Person was also a fierce battle between you and me."

  "Whether this matter is true or false is still up for debate, if it is subsequently confirmed, Qian'er will definitely inform the real person of this matter in its entirety."

  "Nowadays, there is no accurate follow-up about the Foundation Establishment fight that took place at the Li Family's compound."

  "If Qian'er hears of the follow-up, she will definitely report it to the True Lord."

  "Su Qian."

  Looking at the beautiful handwriting above the paper, He Song shook his head, but the thoughts in his heart had drifted away with it.

  He didn't know exactly what Meng Guan had experienced in the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  However, judging from Meng Guan's previous message with himself, there should still be some sort of tie between Meng Guan and the Li Family.

  Perhaps the chance that the Li Family had promised had not been given, or perhaps Meng Guan was craving for a greater chance in the Li Family.

  Therefore, before the chance was given, Meng Guan stayed in the Li family for months.

  Now, however, a great war had broken out within the Li family compound.

  However, it was unknown for what reason.

  Putting the paper away.

  He Song looked towards the southern sky.

  The Eight Veins Immortal City was located in the south of the Thick Earth Sect.

  "Unusual cultivators, they fight to the death for the chance, and all kinds of great wars come and go."

  "But it's because they have short lives."

  "Don't fight."

  "Then they die."

  "But I'm not the same ah, only I can live slowly cultivate, chance this kind of thing, and how can I not wait."

  The heart sighs a sentence.

  He Song's mind then also flashed through Meng Guan's words when he left the Heavenly Power Immortal City, saying that he was going to a faraway place to look for a chance.

  Meng Guan had already begun searching for his chance.

  Even if this chance required him to fight for his life, he was afraid that he wouldn't hold back.

  The great battle that had taken place in the Li Clan's compound had also confirmed this.

  No matter what happened in the Li Clan's compound.

  Meng Guan was definitely the one who had struck out.

  Perhaps it was to snatch the opportunity, perhaps someone had come to seek revenge, or perhaps something else had happened.

  In other words, Meng Guan definitely had a purpose in mind when he struck out this time.

  I'm afraid that the truth of those rumors provided by Su Qian was hidden within them.

  However, instead of waiting for Su Qian's news that he didn't know if it was true or not, and then making a blind guess, He Song felt that he might as well just wait for Meng Guan's first-hand news when he sent the message to himself.

  In this matter, Meng Guan was the one who had personally experienced it.

  The news from his mouth would definitely be the truest.

  It was only a matter of time, so He Song felt that he could afford to wait.

  In this way, time soon came to the beginning of the month.

  At the beginning of the month.

  It was the time when Su Qian and Meng Guan delivered the news to He Song.

  And He Song, also got the news he wanted today.

  (End of Chapter)