
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 278 - The Departure of an Old Friend

  In He Song's opinion, rather than spending time describing those to Realist Feng Quan, it would be more practical to refine one more furnace of pills.

  One must know that he had long been skilled in the refining of Earth Spirit Pills.

  Casually refining a furnace of earth spirit pills was hundreds of spirit stones.

  Time, was spirit stones.

  Although He Song had a lot of time, it was not such a waste.

  In that case.

  He Song's gaze went to Wei Fan on the side, and then glanced at Realist Xuanhe.

  It must be that when a few days later, he would receive an invitation from these two, and together they would go to Realist Feng Quan's residence and invite him to join the Chamber of Commerce.

  At that time, Meng Guan might have already left the Thick Earth Sect and gone to the outside world to start looking for opportunities, right?

  Such thoughts flashed through his mind as He Song's gaze swept over Meng Guan's body, but a hint of anticipation appeared in his eyes as well.

  Meng Guan was about to leave, and He Song should soon be able to hear many things about the outside world from Meng Guan's letters.

  But he just didn't know.

  After Meng Guan left the Thick Earth Sect, where was his first stop going to be.

  Was it to the Qiong Hua Sect? Or the Golden Sword Sect? Or, perhaps, to rush directly to the Yi Yang Sect?

  He Song was pondering.

  A parting banquet, however, also came to an end between He Song's thoughts.

  After everyone had almost finished chatting freely, Meng Guan stood up from the main seat and swept his gaze over the other four people present.

  Then he spoke.

  "Without realizing it, I have also been holding down the fort here for many years, and during these years, there have been so many cultivators ushered in and sent away."

  "Unexpectedly, ah, now another one who has left is actually under me."

  "Now, it's time to part ways."

  "Everyone, I'll see you again!"

  As Meng Guan's words fell, each of the four He Songs present immediately lifted their teacups and raised their cups towards Meng Guan in front of them.

  Seeing this, Meng Guan similarly raised his teacup and drank it down.

  When He Song put the cup down, Meng Guan's figure had already transformed into a green recluse, heading toward the sky.

  The green colored recluse light broke through the sky, causing a clamor in Tianquan Immortal City.

  Every time a Foundation Establishment Real Person left or returned as a recluse, the cultivators in Tian Quan Immortal City would do the same.

  They marveled at the power of the Foundation Establishment Realist.

  They also envied the lofty stance of the Foundation Establishment Masters.

  Even more so, they longed for themselves to be like those Foundation Establishment Real People, to one day truly soar between heaven and earth.

  When the clamor of the outside world dispersed, the four people present did not leave.

  Instead, they sat down one after another and once again began to raise their glasses and drink.

  The old man left.

  The new man is on the throne.

  This is the unchanging cycle of eternity.

  Just like when He Song sent away the White Cloud Realist last time, he himself rose to become the Tian Quan Immortal City's township guard realist.

  Now that Master Feng Quan had sent away Meng Guan, he would naturally rise to the top and become one of the Heavenly Power Immortal City's guardian masters.

  Under such circumstances.

  The three of them, He Song, who were also Tian Quan Immortal City's town guards, naturally had to open their mouths to celebrate.

  As they dispersed, He Song's gaze moved slightly, but he saw Real Person Xuanhe go up and say something to Real Person Fengquan.

  Seeing this scene, a trace of realization flashed through He Song's heart.

  It seemed.

  What he had guessed earlier was going to be accomplished by Realist Xuanhe.

  Gazing at Wei Fan, He Song and Wei Fan then excused themselves and left.

  The following days.

  It was just as He Song had originally expected.

  Realist Feng Quan received a large number of contacts left behind by Meng Guan, as well as his duties.

  After a few days, He Song was also invited to Realist Feng Quan's residence, inviting him to join the Chamber of Commerce that the four of them had jointly opened.

  Regarding this income that seemed to fall from the sky, Realist Feng Quan was naturally happy to accept it.

  Just like He Song at the beginning, he quickly chose to agree.

  Since then.

  Meng Guan left, and Feng Quan Zhenran took the throne.

  In the Tian Quan Immortal City, there were still four guardian real people, firmly holding this place.

  After Meng Guan left, He Song's days returned to peace.


  Between the flight of time.


  Alchemy and cultivation almost took up the vast majority of He Song's time.

  However, as time continued to pass, various news from the outside world continued to reach He Song's ears.

  In the same way as Su Qian, Meng Guan had also agreed with He Song that on the first day of every month, he would send a letter to He Song about what he had seen and heard during the month.

  In this way, it would also be able to let He Song and Wei Fan, have a deeper understanding of the things in the outside world.

  And today.

  Today is the day of the monthly letter transmission.

  The first thing that He Song received was Su Qian's message.

  When Su Qian sends a letter to He Song every month, she will tell him what she has seen and heard in the past month.

  And, occasionally, she would also say some witty words in the letter, as if she wanted to bring the distance between the two closer.

  He Song didn't comment on this, didn't respond too much, but wasn't too cold either.

  Su Qian is now the only two channels to get news from the outside world, too cold is not to be.

  The two have known each other for a long time, and He Song is still somewhat satisfied with Su Qian's attitude.

  Can so many years as one day to their own message.

  January has never been interrupted.

  This kind of perseverance was still worthy of praise.

  "How has senior Chen been lately, Qian'er recently broke through to the seventh level of Qi cultivation and has become a deacon of the Spiritual Skill Pavilion of the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop."   

  "It's so hard to break through the bottleneck at the late stage of Qi cultivation, it's not at all as easy as what senior said."

  "Could it be that senior Chen is a triple spirit root?"

  "But I don't know if Senior Chen, who was in the late stage of Qi cultivation at that time, succeeded in building his foundation."

  "If Senior Chen had succeeded in building his foundation, wouldn't Qian'er have to obediently call out to Real Chen?"

  "Recently, there hasn't been any major events in Yunzhou, and most of the news I've heard is just related to the caves of some Qi Practicing Stage cultivators."

  "I guess it shouldn't be able to enter senior's eyes anymore."

  "By the way, there's one more thing senior might be able to try."

  "The Foundation Establishment Family in the Eight Veins Immortal City, the Li Family, recently seems to want to relocate out of the Eight Veins Immortal City to go amongst a certain Immortal Place."

  "The Li Family's Foundation Establishment Realist is already dying, and is afraid that he doesn't have a few years left to live, and for that reason, wants to move to a remote place to leave his bloodline behind while the Foundation Establishment Realist is still alive."

  "But this news was spread by who knows who, and now there are many people who have their eyes on the Li family."

  "If senior is interested, Qian'er can go and help to find out some information."

  "Su Qian."

  Looking at the dense handwriting on the note in front of him, He Song's gaze was haunted as he looked away to the south where the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop was located.

  In his heart, there was a slight sigh.

  Sure enough.

  Cultivation level is higher.

  Flowery thoughts also become more.

  This Su Qian, from the third level of Qi cultivation, has been used as a tool to obtain information.

  Now twenty years have passed, her cultivation level has also broken through to the seventh level of qi cultivation from the third level of qi cultivation at the beginning.

  She was now a proper late stage Qi Practicing cultivator.

  Perhaps it was because of the change in cultivation that made Su Qian's mentality change with it.

  Now, she even dared to start testing herself, wanting to know whether she had succeeded in building her foundation or not.

  He Song's mind flashed back to the appearance of the young girl who had been hiding in the Spiritual Skill Pavilion to steal food, and then he also shook his head.

  As early as when he traveled to Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop, his cultivation level was already in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

  Nowadays, he was even able to break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage within ten years.

  Su Qian's current cautious and tentative appearance, but it gave him a sense of being a world away.

  A flash of time.

  Surprisingly, so many years had passed.

  He hadn't been able to break through a single small realm.

  That junior from the Qi Practicing Stage in the past, however, had already broken through from the third level of Qi Practicing to the seventh level of Qi Practicing.

  If he had worked harder, perhaps he would have built a foundation.

  Throwing away the absurd thoughts in his mind, He Song pondered a little.

  Su Qian's message this time, besides telling He Song that she had successfully broken through to the seventh level of qi cultivation, there was only the news that the Li family in the Eight Veins Immortal City wanted to relocate, which was still of some value.

  However, for He Song, who had been staying in Tianquan Immortal City, this news was not of the slightest value.

  A dying Foundation Establishment Realist, a small family that can't stay in the Immortal City without a Foundation Establishment Realist, is just a small family.

  It wasn't worth letting He Song take a huge risk to rob and kill.

  Shaking his head, He Song pondered a little.

  The change in Su Qian's attitude was not out of He Song's expectation.

  After all, he had only given Su Qian sixty or so spirit stones in the first place.

  This amount of spirit stones was just enough for Su Qian to send him a message for five years.

  But what about nowadays?

  Five years had long since passed.

  Su Qian was able to continue to pass on letters for so long, perhaps still doing it because He Song would instruct her from time to time.

  But, how many years had it been?

  After Su Qian's cultivation broke through to the seventh level of Qi cultivation, she thought that she no longer needed He Song's guidance.

  That was why she started to test He Song, wanting to know whether He Song had built a foundation or not.

  If He Song is a Foundation Builder, then everything is fine, the matter of delivering news is still the same, Su Qian is afraid that she will also work harder to collect news for He Song.

  This was an opportunity to get on the good side of a Foundation Establishment real person.

  Su Qian, as a cultivator, will definitely seize it on her own.

  However, if He Song did not break through Foundation Establishment and was only a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator.

  Then I'm afraid I would have to be embarrassed.

  How could a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator continue to instruct another Late Qi Practicing Stage cultivator?

  What's more, there had already been more than ten years of outstanding spirit stones previously.

  Under such circumstances, it was only natural that Su Qian would no longer collect news for He Song every month.

  For this matter, He Song was not surprised.

  For Su Qian's practice, naturally, he also felt normal.

  However, should he or she reveal his or her identity as a Foundation Establishment Real Person, so that Su Qian would continue to deliver news for him or her?

  He Song pondered the matter in his mind.

  An answer soon came to him.

  Su Qian wanted to know if he was a Foundation Establishment Realist or not, so let her know.

  Anyway, with the idea of Qi Practicing Stage cultivators wanting to get in touch with Foundation Establishment Real People, I'm afraid that even if she knew He Song's identity as a Foundation Establishment Real Person, she wouldn't publicize this matter everywhere.

  Even if Su Qian publicized it everywhere, it would be the name of Chen Zhou that would be publicized.

  It has nothing to do with He Song.

  When he thought of this, the name of the Red Maple Realist immediately flashed in He Song's mind.

  Perhaps, he could use the name of Chen Zhou to put this matter off with the legal name of the Red Maple Realist.

  As for the thing that proved that he was a Foundation Establishment Realist, he would only need to use his mana to inscribe the words on the paper to recognize it.

  (End of Chapter)