
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 276: Five Years Later

  In other words.

  The 110,000 spirit stones that He Song had gained from selling the Earth Spirit Pill in the middle of the Pure Path Immortal City had been mostly spent by He Song in the blink of an eye.

  The price of hundreds of copies of the spirit medicine used to refine the Earth Spirit Pill had then reached 100,000 spirit stones.

  From this, it could be seen that the earth spirit ginseng that He Song had previously spent on refining the earth spirit pill, as well as the other auxiliary medicines, were actually sold at how expensive they were.

  It was also because the earth spirit ginseng that He Song had previously consumed was all grown by himself, and he had only spent spirit stones to purchase some auxiliary medicines.

  If he had chosen to purchase Earth Spirit Ginseng from the very beginning of his alchemy, I'm afraid that even if he had spent all of his belongings, he would not have been able to reach a level of proficiency in the refining of Earth Spirit Pills.

  The spirit medicines for refining Earth Spirit Pills were expensive, and the consumption was simply too terrifying.

  It was simply not something that a casual cultivator or even a sect cultivator could afford.

  Generally speaking.

  Normal alchemy masters were all cultivated by large forces.

  For a loose cultivator to want to become an alchemy master, it could simply be said to be a fool's errand.

  It was only because He Song was prepared and had planted the land twenty years in advance and gotten a lot of earth spirit ginseng.

  Only then was he able to walk such a long distance on the path of alchemy.

  If it were any other loose cultivator, I'm afraid that after refining a few, a dozen, dozens of stoves, he would declare bankruptcy.

  With this amount of refining, I'm afraid that not even one furnace would be successful, let alone recovering the cost.

  When He Song attempted to refine the Earth Spirit Pill at that time, he also attempted dozens of furnaces before he managed to succeed in one.

  This success rate of a few tenths of a percent was still based on the fact that He Song's soul was stronger than other cultivators, and the success rate of alchemy was also improved.

  If he were an ordinary cultivator, I'm afraid that this success rate would have to drop even further.

  Is it only after more than a hundred furnaces that one can get lucky once.

  Or after hundreds of furnaces to get lucky once, it is hard to say.

  Ordinary cultivators who want to master a formula will have to go through a lot more frustrations than He Song.

  As for why He Song didn't buy the pills for refining the Earth Spirit Pill in the Treasure Pavilion of the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City, but instead went to other stores within the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City to buy them.

  This was also something He Song had considered.

  He himself had just sold hundreds of bottles of Earth Spirit Pills in the middle of the Pixie Road Immortal City.

  In a few days, in the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City, which was not far away from the Pure Path Immortal City, there would be people coming to buy various kinds of spirit medicines for refining the Earth Spirit Pill.

  Comparing these two things, wouldn't it be easy to guess that there must be some connection between these two events?

  Especially if they were bought and sold within the same Treasure Pavilion, this situation was even more obvious at a glance.


  If He Song did not buy in the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City's Treasure Pavilion and went to other small stores to buy.

  The news of these small stores is not connected to the Treasure Pavilion.

  I think that even if they were really connected, I'm afraid that it would be a long time later.

  After a long time.

  I might have already returned to Tianquan Immortal City, and I would be at ease with my alchemy.

  How could he care about the news transmission here?

  At that time, it was just a matter of knowing.

  It's something that Red Maple Realist did.

  What does it have to do with Cang Song of the Thick Earth Sect?

  This is also the reason why He Song didn't buy the Earth Spirit Pill in the Treasure Pavilion in Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City.

  Moreover, for the sake of his own safety, He Song also hid his cultivation at the late stage of Qi cultivation this time.

  In this way, he would be even less likely to be detected.

  Even if someone noticed, and he failed to get rid of the other party and let them follow him.

  With his own strength, he would be able to deal with it easily.

  Using his mid Foundation Establishment cultivation to bully those late Qi Practicing Robber Cultivators, He Song wouldn't feel any guilt.

  Those who killed people would always kill them.

  Since they wanted to rob themselves, it naturally wouldn't be a bad thing for them to give themselves a ride.

  After purchasing hundreds of various pills for refining the Earth Spirit Pill in the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City, He Song shook off the people following him.

  He soon left the Ten Thousand Flower Immortal City and stepped into the formation he had laid down before entering the Ten Thousand Flower Immortal City.

  Several days later.

  Seeing that no one was following him, He Song then put away the formation and headed all the way towards Tian Quan Immortal City.

  Flying all the way.

  He Song left the sphere of influence of Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City.

  Crossing over the sphere of influence of the Youlu Immortal City.

  And bypassed where the Thick Earth Sect's mountain gate was located.

  Passing through the sphere of influence of Lianshan Immortal City.

  In the end, it was only then that he returned to the Heavenly Power Immortal City once again.

  Just like when He Song left, this time, He Song returned without disturbing anyone.

  He had landed dozens of miles away from the Heavenly Power Immortal City before transforming into a black-robed cultivator and entering the Heavenly Power Immortal City.

  Only then did he return to his mansion in Tian Quan Immortal City.

  The time He Song had left wasn't that long.

  It was less than a month when counting.

  During this short month, no one had used a sound transmission note to look for He Song.

  He Song naturally understood that during the month he had left, no one knew that he had left this place.   

  Therefore, after returning to his mansion, He Song quickly began his seclusion.

  Now, He Song had already sold all of the hundred or so bottles of Earth Spirit Pills he had on him, obtaining 110,000 spirit stones.

  However, he had also purchased hundreds of spirit medicines for refining the Earth Spirit Pill, spending one hundred thousand spirit stones.

  It wasn't that he didn't earn spirit stones from refining earth spirit pills.

  It was simply because in the previous three years, his success rate when refining Earth Spirit Pills was just too low, and overall, I'm afraid it was only about one-tenth of a percent success rate.

  However, it was only later that it was raised to just two or three out of ten, there were too many refining failures in front of him.

  With such a success rate, wanting to earn spirit stones was delusional.

  And because of this, the spirit stones that He Song received from selling these Earth Spirit Pills were only enough for him to purchase hundreds of copies of the spirit medicine for refining the Earth Spirit Pills.

  Of course.

  Once He Song's success rate in refining Earth Spirit Pills began to rise, he would naturally be able to earn a large amount of spirit stones.

  For example, this time, he had purchased these hundreds of spirit pills for refining earth spirit pills.

  Nowadays, his success rate in refining earth spirit pills had reached around three-tenths of a percent.

  With the premise of successfully refining a furnace of Earth Spirit Pills to obtain an average of seven pills.

  With this success rate, He Song would be able to refine at least a hundred bottles of earth spirit pills.

  With more than a hundred bottles of Earth Spirit Pills, I'm afraid that the spirit stones obtained after selling them would be more than a hundred thousand.

  Using this hundred thousand or so to purchase the spirit medicine for refining the Earth Spirit Pill.

  It would definitely be possible to buy more spirit medicines again.

  So on and so forth, practicing all the time, when He Song was able to skillfully refine the Earth Spirit Pill, naturally, spirit stones would come rolling in and keep entering He Song's storage bag.

  Nowadays, He Song's success rate in refining the Earth Spirit Pill had already reached about three-tenths of a percent.

  It already possessed the necessary conditions for such a cycle.

  As long as this continued, he would naturally become more and more skillful in the refining of the Earth Spirit Pill.

  And nowadays.

  The hundreds of spirit medicines for refining Earth Spirit Pills on He Song's body were the beginning of his cycle.


  Time was long.

  The years passed.

  In the blink of an eye, five years passed by.

  During these five years, He Song shuttled between the alchemy room and the quiet room every day, constantly improving his alchemy techniques as well as his own cultivation progress.

  After five years of continuous cultivation, He Song's cultivation once again ushered in a rather large increase.

  Although he had yet to break through from the mid Foundation Establishment stage to the late Foundation Establishment stage, He Song had already sensed that his cultivation was not far from the late Foundation Establishment stage today.

  He had also walked out a large distance on the spacious avenue of the mid Foundation Establishment stage.

  According to He Song's estimation, he was afraid that if he were to successfully break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage, it would be within ten years.

  Moreover, the probability was that it would not take ten years.

  Feeling the surging mana in his body, a trace of satisfaction flashed in He Song's eyes.

  After coming to Tian Quan Immortal City and enjoying the rich aura of this place, as well as all the precious resources within the Treasure Pavilion, He Song's cultivation speed was also getting faster and faster.

  Coupled with the fact that during these five years, He Song's refining of the Earth Spirit Pill had finally become completely skillful, the spirit stones on his body had also become different from the previous constraints.

  If He Song succeeded in breaking through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, when the time came to replace the extremely high-grade magic weapon or something like that, the spirit stones on He Song's body naturally would not be enough to use.

  He Song, who had already mastered the method of refining the Earth Spirit Pill, was already able to call himself a master alchemist in this cruel Immortal Cultivation World.

  A mid Foundation Establishment Alchemy Master.

  How could he possibly be bothered by spirit stones?

  However, even though He Song was now a master alchemist, his study of the Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill did not stop.

  Even though the Earth Spirit Pill had been completely skillful, he could rely on the Earth Spirit Pill to earn a large amount of Spirit Stones.

  However, He Song did not focus all of his attention on refining earth spirit pills.

  After refining the Earth Spirit Pill and ensuring that he had enough Spirit Stones for his usual use, He Song had also begun to delve into other pills.

  On his body.

  There were still many, many spirit medicines that he had harvested in the previous twenty years.

  The Green Spirit Fruit, the God Protecting Spirit Fruit, and the Fateful Spirit Flower.

  These main medicines for refining other pills could all still be lying quietly in He Song's storage bag, waiting for him to refine them into finished pills.

  Now that he had been able to skillfully refine the Earth Spirit Pill, He Song's first target fell on the Green Spirit Fruit.

  The Green Spirit Fruit was the main medicine for refining the Stasis Removal Pill.

  The Bruise Removal Pill was a common pill used by cultivators to cleanse their bodies of poison.

  It could quickly remove the poison from a cultivator's body and make the mana in the cultivator's body purer.

  For cultivators like He Song who like to practice in seclusion from time to time, the existence of this stasis removing elixir can speed up their cultivation progress a lot.

  Because of this, the amount of spirit stones that He Song spends on purchasing the Bruised Blood Stasis Elixir every year is actually not a small amount.

  However, now that he had become a Master Alchemist and was able to skillfully refine the Earth Spirit Pills to ensure his supply of spirit stones.

  He Song naturally focused his attention on the study of the Stasis Removal Pill.

  As long as he was able to skillfully refine the Harmonizing Stasis Pill, not only would He Song's own spirit stones for purchasing the Harmonizing Stasis Pill be saved.

  After he was able to skillfully refine it, the Stasis Removal Pill would also be able to bring He Song a huge profit.

  One should know that He Song still had five medicinal fields near the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop, which could provide him with a large amount of spirit medicines every ten years.

  (End of Chapter)