
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 275 - Ten Thousand Flower Immortal City

  Since Realist Bishui had already begun to test the waters.

  Then He Song naturally wouldn't obediently hand over his knowledge.

  After selling the Earth Spirit Pill, he turned around and left, rushing to another place to purchase the various spirit medicines for refining the Earth Spirit Pill.

  This is what He Song should do next.

  As for what Bi Shui Zhenren would think about doing so.

  He Song didn't care what he thought.

  Since he wanted to test it, then he had to be prepared to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

  This extra spirit stone, he himself will just laugh it off.

  One bottle of elixir gives fifty extra spirit stones.

  Ten bottles isn't five hundred.

  A hundred bottles would be five thousand spirit stones.

  To earn five thousand spirit stones for nothing, this is almost two years of He Song's annual salary.

  Now, it only needs a nod from He Song to get it.

  This earning spirit stones seems to be a little too easy.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song casually waved his hand, and more than ninety jade bottles immediately appeared on the table in front of him.

  Together with the ten jade bottles that had been taken out earlier, there were a total of one hundred and five jade bottles.

  "Fellow Daoist, please take a look, these are all of them."

  "A total of one hundred and five bottles of Earth Spirit Pills, if we calculate based on one thousand and fifty spirit stones for one bottle of Earth Spirit Pills."

  "That's a total of one hundred and ten thousand and two hundred and fifty spirit stones."

  "Erase a zero, let's make it one hundred and ten thousand and three hundred spirit stones."

  "I wonder what you think?"

  Once He Song's hand of reverse erasing zero came out, it caused the face of the Bishui Realist in front of him to twitch.

  But then looking at the more than a hundred bottles of Earth Spirit Pills in front of him, the color of the Bishui Realist's face changed.

  In his heart, he was even more interested in He Song's identity.

  An ordinary early Foundation Establishment cultivator.

  How was it possible to obtain so many Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills.

  The value of more than a hundred bottles of Earth Spirit Pills would need to be calculated in terms of one hundred thousand spirit stones.

  How could an ordinary early stage Foundation Establishment cultivator take out so many spirit stones with his hands?

  Even if it was an evil cultivator, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to take it out.

  Therefore, He Song's identity must not be simple.


  It was the core child of whichever Jindan power, and these things were given by the elders.


  It was a master alchemist trained by whichever Golden Dan power, and all of these pills were made by themselves.


  There was a master alchemist standing behind him, and all of these pills were handed over to him by that master alchemist to sell, which was why he was able to take out so many Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills at the early stage of Foundation Establishment.


  All in all, if He Song was able to take out so many earth spirit pills, then his identity was bound to be extraordinary.

  Regardless of which identity it was, it would be a great benefit to be able to get acquainted with He Song.

  If He Song was really a core disciple of a Jindan power and was selling these just to exchange for some spirit stones.

  Then when He Song was short of spirit stones again, would he come back to himself and sell other things in exchange for more spirit stones?

  If He Song himself was a master alchemist, or if there was a master alchemist standing behind him, and he had gained benefits from selling pills at his place this time.

  Then when he comes back to sell pills next time, will he continue to choose to sell pills here?

  As long as He Song's people arrived here, he naturally had a way for himself to earn spirit stones from He Song.

  This was also the reason why he had immediately decided to send He Song a considerable amount of spirit stones after having his subordinate determine the quality of the elixir on his hand.

  Reprimanding that subordinate in a stern voice was nothing more than putting on a show for He Song to see, trying to make He Song feel at ease and accept the favor.


  He also didn't expect that He Song would be so shameless.

  Even if he took more benefits, he even gave an inch and opened his mouth to reverse the erasure of zero.


  Although he only asked for fifty more spirit stones, he always felt as if he had lost money.

  However, since he was the pavilion master of the Treasure Pavilion Sub-Pavilion here, Realist Bishui naturally had a way of adjusting his emotions.

  The thought of feeling that he had lost money only stayed in his mind for a brief moment.

  Then immediately afterward, he opened his mouth with a smile on his face and agreed.

  It was only fifty spirit stones.

  As long as He Song could continue to come here, he would definitely be able to earn it back as he went along.

  Acquiring these earth spirit pills on He Song's hands at this price, he wouldn't lose money either.

  It could be said to be an empty glove, just less profit, and it would also make He Song feel better about himself, so why not.

  "Yes, yes, since fellow Daoist said so, then it will be calculated at 110,000 and 300 spirit stones."

  "If you, Fellow Daoist, have spare time, you can also come here to seek me out to drink tea together, I will definitely welcome you with a couch."

  "This Youlu Immortal City, I wouldn't dare to say anything else, but the food in the Immortal City is known far and wide, so if you're here, you can come and find me."


  "Consider it as me doing my duty as a landlord for fellow Daoist."

  As Realist Bishui's voice continued to come, although He Song answered yes repeatedly on his face, he also cooperated by saying that he would definitely come often.

  But in his heart, he was calm beyond measure.

  Even, he had already made up his mind to leave this place immediately after these spirit stones arrived.

  It wasn't because Bi Shui Zhenren's words bored him.

  It was only because, what Bi Shui Zhenren had done made him detect a hint of danger.

  To be solicitous of nothing was to be either a traitor or a thief.

  The things done by this Bishui Realist in front of him were reminding He Song every moment.

  This place was not suitable to stay for long.   

  The Bishui Realist took away He Song's 105 bottles of Earth Spirit Pills.

  Afterward, he delivered 110,300 spirit stones to He Song.

  After handing over the money in one hand and delivering the goods in the other, the deal between the two of them was considered concluded.

  Seeing this, He Song quickly asked to leave.

  He Song was in a hurry to leave.

  Bishui real person also did not stop, only after sending He Song to the entrance of Treasure Pavilion, he once again opened his mouth, wanting He Song to continue to come here in the future.

  For this matter, He Song also did not hesitate to open his mouth to agree, and said that the two are good friends, in the future will certainly often come to visit.

  After that, Bishui real person was satisfied and retreated.

  He Song also after greeting him, turned into a crimson recluse light rushed to the sky.

  The reddish colored recluse light cut through the sky.

  He headed towards the south, the south, which was the sphere of influence of the Qiong Hua Sect.

  However, after flying dozens of miles to the south, it descended into the ground at extreme speed with no one around.

  At the same time, He Song's silhouette also sank into the ground with him, and after using magic power to flush himself at the bottom of the ground, and destroying his robes.

  He Song changed his figure again, controlling his cultivation to the level of late Qi Practitioner.

  After doing all of this, he ensured that he did not have any tracking marks left on his body.

  Only then did He Song let out a sigh of relief.

  He then headed towards the three formations that he had set up before entering the city.

  Very quickly.

  He Song's figure had appeared in an open space.

  However, the He Song of today, standing here in the open space, was completely invisible to the outside world.

  He was currently inside the Luo Smoke Formation, having his breath and figure covered by the Luo Smoke Formation.

  Coming to where the formation was, He Song's eyes looked distantly towards the Path Immortal City, but the vigilance in his heart didn't dissipate in the slightest.

  He had left with such fanfare.

  Perhaps he would be followed by some eyes behind him.

  Although he had flushed himself with magic power before coming here, there was no guarantee that there would not be some tracking marks that would be difficult to get rid of left on him.

  For example, with the Seven Fragrance Tracking Technique, even if the mark was washed away, its scent could remain on the target for as long as seven days.

  Therefore, after entering the area covered by the formations and concealing all of his scent, He Song did not dare to be careless.

  Instead, he fully opened the three formations, ready to meet the enemy at any time.


  He Song waited for a long time.

  Yet he never waited for anyone to follow him.

  It wasn't until a few days later that he saw that no one had followed him.

  Only then did He Song thoughtfully leave the area covered by the formations and headed towards the sphere of influence of the Qiong Hua Sect.

  Going to the Immortal City of the Qionghua Sect to buy spiritual pills was something that He Song had already thought about when he sold the Earth Spirit Pill in the Immortal City of the Path.

  Purchasing spiritual pills within the Qiong Hua Sect's sphere of influence, then returning to Tian Quan Immortal City to begin to continue refining the Earth Spirit Pill.

  Today's He Song was merely executing his plan.

  In this way, He Song traveled all the way.

  After leaving the place shrouded by the array formation, he traveled all the way south towards the Qiong Hua Sect's sphere of influence.

  However, just a day after He Song left.

  He Song's silhouette silently returned to the place where the formation was shrouded.

  After alerting the surrounding area.

  After realizing that there was still no one following him.

  Only then did He Song put down his guard, put away the formation here, the whole person disappeared into the ground, and headed towards the sphere of influence of the Qionghua Sect.

  The fact that he did not put away the formation before leaving was a test made by He Song.

  If there is really someone who is so patient and waits until He Song leaves without making a move, then He Song will leave the range where the formation is located.

  Then if He Song left the range of the formation and went south, that person would definitely make a move soon.

  In that case, as long as someone makes a move, He Song will be able to return to the place where the formation is located and use the power of the formation to counteract the other party.

  Regardless of whether he fought or fled, He Song had the help of the formation and would not fall into a dead end.

  However, if there was no one to follow, these movements of He Song would not bring him too much trouble.

  At most, it would just be a waste of time.

  Which was more important, time or safety, He Song was naturally clear.

  And after some testing by He Song, he also found out that there was no one else following behind him.

  Because of this, He Song put away the formation.

  He Song put away the formation and started rushing to the sphere of influence of the Qionghua Sect.

  However, when rushing to the Immortal City of the Qionghua Sect this time, He Song did not reveal his cultivation at the Foundation Establishment Realm as he had previously done with the sale of the Earth Spirit Pill.

  Instead, he revealed his cultivation at the late Qi cultivation stage, and after making sufficient preparations outside the city, he entered the Qionghua Sect's immortal city.

  This immortal city that He Song entered was called the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City.

  From its name, it could be seen that this Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City was an immortal city ruled by the Qiong Hua Sect.

  He Song didn't care about the other things in the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal City, but the place where all kinds of spiritual medicines were sold couldn't escape He Song's eyes.

  After entering the middle of the Immortal City of the Qiong Hua Sect.

  He Song quickly began to purchase Earth Spirit Ginseng from store to store, as well as the auxiliary medicines for refining the Earth Spirit Pill.

  After each purchase, He Song would enter the inn in the immortal city and get rid of the people following behind him.

  So on and so forth.

  He Song soon purchased hundreds of spirit medicines for refining the Earth Spirit Pill.

  These hundreds of spirit medicines for refining the Earth Spirit Pill cost He Song a hundred thousand spirit stones.

  (End of Chapter)