
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


Chapter 274: Get the hell out of here

  Don't look at him with a chubby look appearing harmless.

  But in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, if one wanted to develop such a body, other than keeping it willingly by oneself.

  Then there were only some special feats that would allow this person to maintain this body shape all the time.

  In other words.

  Either this person has a deep heart and is used to utilizing this body disguise to make others relax their guard.

  Either this person was practicing a special technique with great strength, but could only maintain this body shape all the time.

  These two situations, no matter which one of this Bishui real person in front of me, all represent that it is not as good as it seems to be messed with.

  After being alert to this in his heart, He Song then nodded his head and said back.

  "My name is Red Maple, I've met Fellow Daoist Bishui, please, Fellow Daoist."

  This time, He Song did not report his own Cang Song real name, also did not use those fake names used before.

  Instead, he casually made up the name of a Red Maple Realist to cover his ears.

  The reason, naturally, was that He Song's current cultivation level had changed from the Qi Practicing Stage to the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  As a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator, when greeting other Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators, most of them used their legal names.

  For example, Bi Shui Zhenran, like Red Maple Zhenran, or something like that.

  If He Song now opened his mouth again and said that his name was Chen Zhou, or some other name, he was afraid that he would immediately attract the probing gaze of Realist Bishui.

  Therefore, as a last resort, He Song had no choice but to follow the customs of the land and casually make up a legal name to cope with the matter at hand.

  "Fellow Daoist Hongfeng, please."

  With Realist Bishui's guidance, the two of them soon arrived at a luxurious place in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

  Compared to the expensive parlors He Song used to enter when he went to other Immortal Cities, this place was much more imposing than the ordinary expensive parlors.

  When He Song saw this, a hint of speculation flashed in his heart.

  Perhaps, this is the place where the Treasure Pavilion specializes in receiving Foundation Establishment real people.

  When he used to go to the Treasure Gathering Pavilion in other Immortal Cities, he basically went there with the cultivation level of Qi Practicing Stage, so naturally, he was not qualified to enter.

  Only in Tianquan Immortal City, when He Song went to buy things from the Gathering Treasure Pavilion within Tianquan Immortal City, he was introduced to a place similar to this one.

  He thought that this place was also the same as that time, and was a place dedicated to entertaining Foundation Establishment real people.


  Under the guidance of the Bishui real person, He Song and the two of them were seated at this place.

  After the tea was prepared and the pleasantries were exchanged, it was only then that the Bishui real person opened his mouth and asked about He Song's intentions.

  "I don't know why Fellow Daoist Red Maple has come here? Could there be something that I can help with?"

  After some pleasantries, the atmosphere between the two was no longer as rusty as before.

  Nowadays, when Realist Bishui spoke, it was more like a casual conversation between two friends, and the atmosphere was quite cordial.

  Seeing this situation, He Song sighed in his heart.

  In front of his eyes, this Bishui real person treating people is indeed old and skillful, in a short period of time, the original rustiness between the two has already faded away.

  Instead, it is like the cozy chat between friends.

  However, want to become the treasure pavilion in this place branch of the pavilion master, Bishui real person naturally can not just reach the cultivation only.

  It must be that before he became the Pavilion Master of this place, when he was in the Qi Practicing Stage, he was a character who was exquisite in all aspects.

  "I'm not here for anything else, but I happened to obtain some Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills and want to sell them here."

  "They are all earth spirit pills, you can take a good look at them and give a price."

  "If it's suitable, I'll sell it to you, Fellow Daoist."

  "But let's say it in advance, if the price you give is not to your liking, I will have to find another place."

  Saying that, He Song casually took out ten jade bottles from his storage bag and put them on the table.

  With a thought, the ten bottles of Earth Spirit Pills in front of him were immediately pushed to the side of the Bishui Realist in front of him.

  This time, what He Song sold was the Foundation Establishment Spiritual Pill, Earth Spiritual Pill.

  Instead of the Spirit Rice that was sold before.

  There was nothing to say about the spiritual rice, there were many quantities, and He Song naturally admitted it when the price was pushed down.

  But the earth spirit pills were different.

  As a Foundation Establishment Spiritual Elixir, an elixir like Earth Spirit Pill still sold relatively well among Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators.

  When He Song purchased the Earth Spirit Pill, he had to spend a thousand spirit stones on one bottle.

  In such a situation, if this Bishui real person in front of him wanted to suppress the price, He Song wouldn't spoil him.

  However, if the price was reasonable, it wasn't impossible to sell all the Earth Spirit Pills he had here.

  Even if the cooperation is pleasant, he can also buy the spirit medicine for refining the Earth Spirit Pill here.

  Everything depended on the sincerity of the Bishui Realist in front of him.

  He Song had a lot of Earth Spirit Pills on him, besides these ten bottles.

  Together, there were a hundred or so bottles.

  All of them were obtained from his continuous refining of Earth Spirit Pills during these three years.

  Although his success rate when refining Earth Spirit Pills wasn't quite high, it was quite impressive when accumulated over time.

  The huge amount of spirit pills consumed would naturally bring He Song some profit.

  Although there was quite a bit of waste, in the end, it wasn't all wasted.


  After hearing He Song's words and seeing that He Song had casually taken out ten bottles of Earth Spirit Pills, Realist Bishui's heart stirred.

  Although the value of these ten bottles of earth spirit pills in front of him wasn't too high, but listening to He Song's words, it was thought that He Song should have more than that on him as well.

  As for what He Song said, these earth spirit pills were obtained by chance, Bishui real person only smiled slightly when he heard it and didn't take it to heart.

  Whoever early Foundation Establishment cultivator got some Earth Spirit Pills by chance, will not take it to himself.   

  Instead, he would bring it to him to sell?

  In his opinion, He Song's cultivation level was at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, so there was no reason for him to do so.

  Unless He Song had a master alchemist at his back, and that master alchemist had given him these pills to sell.

  This guess was not unreasonable, but after thinking about it, Bishui real person still felt that another guess was more reliable.

  That was, He Song himself was a master alchemist.

  This guess could perfectly explain why He Song didn't take it himself after obtaining so many Earth Spirit Pills, but instead came here to sell them.

  He just couldn't figure it out.

  Why He Song would be walking around with an early Foundation Establishment cultivation.

  Alchemy masters were usually cultivated by big powers, small powers didn't have the strength to cultivate an alchemy master.

  Almost all alchemy masters were firmly guarded in the safest places by the major powers.

  How could they be like this Red Maple Realist in front of them, whose cultivation was only at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, and had already come out to show their faces?

  Could it be that he had guessed wrong again?

  A trace of doubt flashed through his mind, and a trace of probing color appeared in the gaze of Realist Bishui as he looked towards He Song.

  He wanted to test whether or not this person in front of him was really an alchemy master.

  But before that.

  It was better to check these ten bottles of Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills in front of him first.

  Thinking of this, Realist Bishui's eyes narrowed into slits as he smiled towards He Song.

  "Fellow Daoist wait a moment, I will have someone come over to take a look, I will definitely not cheat you."

  As he spoke, Realist Bishui slightly moved his fingers.

  Soon, a person walked into this place from the outside world.

  After bowing to He Song and Bishui Realist, this person quickly began to examine the earth spirit pills on the table.

  Seeing this situation, He Song did not move, just watched as this person opened a bottle of pills and checked them one by one.

  When the inspection was over, the man bowed his head and saluted.

  Only then did the man bow his head and salute, speaking.

  "Reporting to Lord Pavilion Master, these pills are all normal earth spirit pills, and there are no other abnormalities."

  "According to the market price, about a bottle costs around a thousand spirit stones."

  As this person's words fell, He Song's face remained unchanged, but a trace of satisfaction had flashed across his heart.

  Sure enough, this Treasure Pavilion was still reliable in doing business.

  At least it did not ruthlessly depress the price of these Earth Spirit Pills that it had refined.

  According to He Song's understanding, the price of earth spirit pills basically fluctuated around one thousand spirit stones.

  The price given by the person in front of him was also right at He Song's psychological price.

  However, just when He Song was satisfied in his heart.

  The Bishui real person on the side but at this moment, his face changed and he opened his mouth to scold.

  "This Real Person needs you to teach him what to do?"

  "Letting you come is only for you to check the quantity of these pills."

  "Who asked you to estimate the price?"

  "Get lost!"

  With a stern rebuke, Realist Bishui kicked and punched that person out.

  Immediately afterward, he immediately changed into a smiling face, arching his hand repeatedly towards He Song.

  "I really made you laugh, your subordinates don't know any better, I hope that you, Daoist Hongfeng, won't be blamed."

  "I don't know how many more Earth Spirit Pills you have on hand, so I will take them all at the price of one thousand, no, one thousand and fifty spirit stones."

  "I also hope that Fellow Daoist Red Maple will not be offended, and that you will come often in the future as well."

  Saying that, Realizer Bishui didn't forget to arch his hand towards He Song again and again to show his friendship.

  Looking at that appearance, it seemed as if he really felt that it was that person who had bumped into He Song before and wanted to make amends.

  However, He Song had worked his way up from the bottom to his current cultivation and status, so how could he not see what was in front of him?

  This Bishui real person in front of him was just trying to use this matter as an excuse to stuff himself with more spirit stones.

  In order to let himself remember his good, follow-up if there is another earth spirit dan, still come to him here to sell only.

  As for the way he kicked and punched that person out.

  He was just putting on a show for He Song to see, wanting him to accept the spirit stone with peace of mind.

  Don't look at the extra fifty spirit stones as not much, but if He Song had a lot of earth spirit pills on him, all together, it wouldn't be too little.

  From the last sentence of Realist Bishui's words to come often in the future, He Song could hear the meaning beyond his words.


  Seeing this situation, He Song did not refuse.

  He Song didn't refuse. He took the benefits for nothing.

  Moreover, after this performance by the Bishui real person, He Song also had a decision in his heart.

  The hundred or so bottles of Earth Spirit Pills that he had refined could all be sold here.

  Each bottle of Earth Spirit Pills was fifty extra spirit stones, so it was a waste not to take them.

  However, the subsequent purchase of the spirit medicine needed to refine the Earth Spirit Pill would need to be purchased in other Immortal Cities.

  This place is not a place to stay for long.

  In front of him, this Bishui real person, obviously already has some doubts about his identity, which is why he is doing so much drama, wanting to test something.

  Since this was the case, how could He Song give him the opportunity to continue testing.

  (End of Chapter)