
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 272 - Two Tigers Competing

  In this way, perhaps when Wei Fan also left the Thick Earth Sect, he himself would still be within the Thick Earth Sect.

  And he would still be able to receive all sorts of information sent back by these two close friends of his from time to time.

  The heart was pondering.

  After chatting with his two friends for a long time, He Song finally left with Wei Fan.

  Meng Guan had just broken through the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and had not yet stabilized his combat power at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, so it was not right to keep disturbing him here.

  Returning to his own residence.

  He Song relaxed his mind and sat in the living room of his residence.

  As the aroma of tea began to permeate around him, thoughts flashed through his mind.


  Should he be like Meng Guan and Wei Fan, and after his cultivation had reached the late Foundation Establishment stage, should he go to another place to find another opportunity?

  Continue to stay in the Thick Earth Sect.

  With one's identity as a casual cultivator of Foundation Establishment, one would definitely not have any chance of obtaining the Golden Dan Condensation, as well as the Golden Dan Secret Method.

  This was also the reason why Meng Guan and Wei Fan had made such a choice.

  Even though the Thick Earth Sect was renowned as a Jindan Sect, and there were even two Jindan True Monarchs within the sect.

  However, what did it have to do with casual cultivators like the He Song trio who had built their foundations?

  Even if there were any chances, I'm afraid it wouldn't be their turn.

  Continuing to stay in the Thick Earth Sect would only be a waste of time, and would not do any good to their own cultivation.

  Moreover, the existence of these two Jindan True Monarchs, although they made the Thick Earth Sect famous for a while, they were also a hidden danger to the Thick Earth Sect.

  If the situation of two Jindans in one sect in the Thick Earth Sect continued to persist, factional disputes would likely erupt in the Thick Earth Sect once again.

  Regardless of whether it was a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator.

  Or Foundation Establishment realm cultivators.

  Or a Jindan Realm True Lord.

  They all actually had one thing in common.

  They were always living human beings.

  If they were people, they had human nature.

  When the resources within the Thick Earth Sect were already enough to exchange for a Gold Condensation Pill.

  To whom would this Gold Condensation Pill be given?

  The two Jindan True Lords definitely both had the best candidate in their respective hearts.

  However, there was only one Gold Condensation Pill.

  In that case, there would be a dispute between the two.

  Even if the two Jindan True Monarchs of the Thick Earth Sect put the matter aside and saved up for many years, allowing the Thick Earth Sect to possess two Gold Condensation Pills.

  It could be fairly distributed to the best candidate that the two Jindan True Lords valued.

  However, even if one took the Gold Condensation Dan and operated the Golden Dan secret method, it wasn't always possible to successfully break through to the Golden Dan realm.

  In case one of them failed to break through and the other succeeded.

  Wouldn't there be two Jindan True Lords on one side?

  In a two-on-one situation, I'm afraid that the Jindan True Monarch who only has one person's power of speech will instantly fall.

  At that time, I'm afraid there will be chaos again.

  In short.

  Although now it seems that the Thick Earth Sect has two Jindan True Monarchs, the sect is very strong.

  But the world can not have two sons of heaven, the side of the couch and will not allow others to snore.

  The existence of two Jindan True Lords was the biggest destabilizing factor within the Thick Earth Sect.

  In such a situation, He Song is in the Thick Earth Sect, and was recruited into the sect by True Lord Fa Xuan, if the two sides really fight, how can he be good?

  However, if He Song's cultivation breakthrough to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he would leave the Thick Earth Sect and go to other places to look for opportunities.

  He Song's heart was not willing to do so.

  This is due to his nature.

  He Song was cautious by nature and had stayed in one place for so long, which had been very safe.

  Now he was asked to leave this safe place and go to some other unknown place to look for opportunities, this kind of thing was hard for He Song to accept quickly.

  And because of this, knowing that continuing to stay in the Thick Earth Sect was nothing more than muddling through.

  However, He Song's heart was still somewhat reluctant to leave this place.

  "That's just it, that's just it, if there is a change within the Thick Earth Sect, then hurry up and leave this place of wrongdoing."

  "But if everything is stable, then I will wait until my cultivation breaks through to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, so I can launch myself towards the Jindan Realm and have enough self-protection power before leaving the Thick Earth Sect to look for opportunities elsewhere."

  "Leaving the Thick Earth Sect at the late stage of Foundation Establishment is always a bit unsafe."

  "It would be better to let your two good friends venture out more in the outside world and find out more about the situation in the outside world, so that I can make more preparations."

  "Wait until your cultivation reaches the Foundation Establishment Great Circle, and there is really no possibility of further advancement, then it will not be too late to leave the Thick Earth Sect."

  "When I go to the outside world, I won't be able to cultivate with my yearly bounty as peacefully as I do today."

  "However, with my cultivation of Foundation Establishment Great Perfection at that time, and with some life-preserving items, I think that even if there is danger, I can escape at any time."

  After pondering for a long time, He Song finally came up with a feasible, and what he thought was not bad, plan.

  It wasn't that he hadn't thought about leaving the Thick Earth Sect immediately after his cultivation broke through the late stage of Foundation Establishment and going to the outside world to look for opportunities.

  But as an Everlasting One.

  If he were to follow the other cultivators and impatiently go looking for opportunities in order to break through the Jindan realm.

  Then what was the point of him being an Eternal Being?

  As an Eternal Being, He Song could wait for anything he wanted.

  Waiting for a Jindan power to fall apart, one might be able to wait for all the Jindan secret techniques in that power.

  When some relics came out, perhaps someone would be able to find the Gold Condensation Dan, or the formula for the Gold Condensation Dan.   

  Waiting for

  All of these things, for He Song, there were actually ways to obtain them.

  He didn't need to be like other cultivators who had to go out of their way to fight for their lives because their longevity was approaching.

  For an Everlasting One, if he really did such things, I'm afraid that it would only be an insult to his identity as an Everlasting One.

  Who would go and fight other cultivators to the death to seek a chance?

  This thing of chance.

  Wait a little and it will come to you.

  Patience, He Song never had.

  And because of this, the idea of leaving the Thick Earth Sect to search for a chance immediately after his cultivation broke through the late stage of Foundation Establishment only stayed in He Song's mind for a brief moment.

  Then, it was directly rejected by He Song.

  Moreover, it was the kind of veto that was directly thrown out of the sky.

  It did not leave any room for maneuver.

  This kind of thought was too dangerous, and was not what He Song did.

  Thus, after some pondering, He Song naturally came to the previous conclusion.

  First, he let his two best friends go ahead to explore the path.

  If possible, after his own cultivation had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, he would then leave the Thick Earth Sect and head to the sphere of influence of the First Sun Sect.

  In this way, He Song's own safety could be said to be elevated to the highest.

  There was also no need to worry about his lack of cultivation and strength.

  A cultivation level of Foundation Establishment Great Perfection was not considered low, whether it was in an Immortal Workshop, an Immortal City, or amongst the Immortal States.

  By that time, Meng Guan and Wei Fan should have been active within the sphere of influence of the Yi Yang Sect for a long time as well.

  One would naturally be much more familiar with the various situations within the Yi Yang Sect than today.

  It was naturally safer.

  However, after determining what he had in mind.

  He Song's mind also quickly flashed over something that he had thought about before.

  Selling pills.

  Obtaining spirit stones.

  He had been refining Earth Spirit Pills for three years in the alchemy room.

  Nowadays, there weren't many spirit pills left to refine the Earth Spirit Pill.

  As early as when Meng Guan had yet to break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage, He Song had thought that he should go out and sell some of the Earth Spirit Pills he had on him in exchange for spirit stones.

  With this thought, He Song put away the tea in front of him.

  Immediately afterward, he soon arrived in the alchemy room.

  Alchemy room.

  After He Song returned to this place once again, his divine sense instantly swept through the surroundings, enveloping the entire alchemy room within the shroud of his divine sense.

  The scene within the alchemy room had barely changed much from three years ago.

  However, when He Song's divine sense swept through, many of the spirit medicines that were placed in the alchemy room by He Song flew towards where He Song was at this moment.

  When a spiritual medicine flew in front of him, He Song casually waved his hand, and the spiritual medicine in front of him was immediately collected into his storage bag.

  After all the pills in the alchemy room were all collected, even the waste residue was collected into the storage bag.

  Only then did He Song's figure leave the alchemy room and came to the outside world.

  Looking towards the sky, He Song pondered a little, and finally decided to quietly leave the city alone, not going to talk to others about this matter.

  The last time He Song left the city, he went to say goodbye to his two best friends simply because there was nothing unusual about what he had done.

  His purpose for leaving the Heavenly Right Immortal City last time was merely to go and harvest back the spirit medicines that he had planted.

  And to travel to other Immortal Cities and purchase some auxiliary medicines.

  It could be said that there was nothing unusual about such behavior.

  Since this was the case, He Song was naturally able to go and say goodbye to his two best friends.

  But this time was different.

  This time.

  He Song left the Heavenly Right Immortal City in order to sell the Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill.

  This side, He Song had just left, and then it was rumored that there were people selling Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills in the surrounding Immortal Cities.

  Once such a thing happened, it would be hard for He Song not to be suspected.

  Therefore, for the sake of his own concealment, He Song decided not to say goodbye to his two best friends, and even decided to go to a more distant place to sell Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills.

  In this way, even if He Song left Tian Quan Immortal City this time, even if he was discovered, he was afraid that no one would think that he was the one selling the Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill.

  When He Song returned, if he was really found out, he could just find a reason to excuse himself.

  I think, will not cause too much fluctuation.

  After flashing these in his mind, He Song changed his appearance and put on a black robe before quietly leaving from his residence.

  Black-robed cultivators were common in Tian Quan Immortal City, as well as anywhere else.

  Therefore, when the black-robed cultivator that He Song had transformed into left Tian Quan Immortal City in such a grand manner, it did not attract anyone's attention.

  When He Song had already left Tian Quan Immortal City and arrived hundreds of miles away with his Transportation Technique, he then transformed into a crimson recluse and sped towards the distance.

  This distance, as well as the color of the red recluse, even if it was discovered, I'm afraid it would be mistaken for a Foundation Establishment real person passing by.

  The Tian Quan Immortal City's town guards didn't have this color of crimson recluse.

  (End of Chapter)