
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 268: Three Years Later

  The speed at which an alchemist earned spirit stones.

  According to He Song's estimation, I'm afraid that it wouldn't be lower than the earnings brought to him by the formation.

  Dan Dao.

  It was also a big earner of spirit stones.

  Although it was extremely difficult to get started and required a large amount of cost if one wanted to achieve something.

  However, if one could really start earning spirit stones, the horror of their earnings was well known.

  With such a terrifying speed of earning spirit stones, after He Song became a master alchemist, his cultivation resources would naturally be guaranteed.

  Perhaps there were some precious resources that could not be exchanged for spirit stones.

  But those resources that could be exchanged with spirit stones, He Song would definitely not be lacking anymore.

  And this.

  This was also the reason why the cultivation progress of alchemists was generally faster than that of ordinary cultivators.

  Of course, an alchemist's fast cultivation advancement does not mean that his combat power is also strong.

  The most powerful thing about an Alchemist was his identity as an Alchemist.

  With this identity, an alchemist's security would naturally be much higher than that of an ordinary cultivator.

  However, it was impossible for He Song to inform others of his identity as an alchemist, and even if he were to sell pills, he would disguise himself and go elsewhere to sell them.

  He would not give others a chance to suspect him, nor would he tell others that he was an alchemist.

  In this way, three years passed in a flash of time.

  Today, three years later.

  Although He Song had not yet reached the level of proficiency in the refining of Earth Spirit Pills, he was able to succeed in two or even three out of ten.

  With such a success rate, it was not far from being skilled in refining Earth Spirit Pills.

  Of course, after three years of constant refining, the consumption of spirit pills on He Song's body was also very powerful.

  Now, after three years of constant consumption, the earth spirit ginseng that He Song had on him for refining the earth spirit pills, as well as some of the auxiliary medicines, had already been stretched to the limit.

  He Song was even already considering whether to leave Tian Quan Immortal City, go to other Immortal Cities to sell some pills, and purchase some more Earth Spirit Ginseng and auxiliary medicines to come back.

  Otherwise, if another period of time passed, the supply of spirit medicines on He Song's body would be completely cut off.

  Although he still had other spirit medicines on him, according to He Song's thoughts.

  He needed to be able to skillfully refine the Earth Spirit Pill before trying to refine other Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills.

  As for the reason, it was also very simple.

  Without even being familiar with the Earth Spirit Pill, to try to refine other Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills would naturally have a very low success rate.

  He Song was not willing to repeat the previous situation where he could not succeed even after tens of times of refining.

  After he was able to skillfully refine the Earth Spirit Pill, he would then try to refine other Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills.

  With the ability to skillfully refine Earth Spirit Pills and the income from spirit stones, He Song's mindset would naturally be different again.

  If he was frustrated, the big deal was to refine a furnace of Earth Spirit Pills to boost his confidence.

  In this way, the alchemy skill could also grow a bit faster, it was simply perfect.


  During these three years, in addition to putting a lot of effort into his alchemy technique, He Song's improvement of his own cultivation had not slowed down.

  Even due to the fact that he had begun to try to refine the Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill, the amount of spirit stones that He Song had spent on his cultivation enhancement was a bit more than before.

  Refining Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills also required the consumption of mana.

  Manipulating the spirit fire to scorch the furnace every day, manipulating the divine sense to add spirit pills every day, and so on and so forth.

  All of these things were consuming for He Song.

  And after doing all these, the mana and spirit in his body was inevitably empty.

  In such a situation, He Song raised the number of pills he took, so that while he was able to quickly replenish the mana and spirit in his body, the growth of his own cultivation was also able to become a bit faster.

  Now, after three years of cultivation, the mana in He Song's body had also improved significantly.

  The strength was on a higher level compared to three years ago.

  Although the increase in strength wasn't as much as the last retreat, for He Song, it was always a big improvement.

  According to He Song's estimation, he had now traveled at least half, if not more than half, of the distance on the path to the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

  According to his current cultivation progress, in another ten years or so, he would be able to raise his cultivation to the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  To know.

  Even though he had already stayed in the Heavenly Power Immortal City for a full thirteen years.

  However, only seventeen years had passed since he had broken through to the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

  The seventeen years, plus the more than ten years or so that He Song had estimated before, added together, it was only about thirty years.

  This was the time estimated by He Song.

  However, according to He Song's estimation, the time for himself to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment would not be much higher than this.

  At most, at most, it would only be thirty years.

  More than thirty years to break through from mid Foundation Establishment to late Foundation Establishment.

  This time seemed long.

  But in reality, for an ordinary Foundation Establishment Real Person who wanted to break through from Mid Foundation Establishment to Late Foundation Establishment, the time he or she spent should be around forty years.

  And what about He Song? At most, it would be thirty years at most, and if there were other chances in it, it might only take around thirty years.

  Under such circumstances, He Song's cultivation enhancement speed was already extremely terrifying compared to others.

  Such a speed of cultivation enhancement was inseparable from He Song's almost costless purchase of all sorts of resources that could allow his cultivation to break through faster.

  Small Spirit Gathering Array.

  Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills.

  Foundation Establishment Spirit Tea.

  Foundation Establishment Spirit Rice.   

  As well as some other resources that could make a Foundation Establishment Real Person's cultivation grow rapidly.

  All of these added together were what allowed He Song to have such a fast cultivation speed.

  However, it was just when He Song was immersed in alchemy and cultivation.

  An event occurred that caused him to stop what he was doing.

  On a certain day.

  He Song was refining the Earth Spirit Pill in the alchemy furnace.

  When a stream of light rose up from the Fiery Sun Furnace and landed in front of He Song with several pills, a look of satisfaction flickered on He Song's face.

  This time, alchemy.

  It was a success again!

  Together with this time, he had already succeeded in alchemy twice in a row, and felt that his alchemy had grown a little more.

  Putting the several earth spirit pills in front of him into a jade bottle, he placed them into his storage bag.

  He Song was about to get up and head to the quiet room for cultivation.

  However, he saw that the Transmission Note hanging on his waist suddenly began to flicker with light.

  Seeing this, He Song opened the transmission note and took out a thin piece of paper from it.

  "How have you been lately, fellow Daoist, I have successfully broken through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment some days ago, and today, as my cultivation has been consolidated, I would like to invite you to come to my door."

  "Meng Guan."

  Sweeping his eyes over the line of writing on the thin paper in front of him, He Song's gaze lingered on Meng Guan's name for a brief moment.

  Then, he collected the thin paper in his hand into his storage bag, a trace of astonishment flashing through his eyes.

  Meng Guan's cultivation had broken through and was now at the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  Previously, he was still thinking that his own cultivation would need more than ten years before he could break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  However, he didn't expect Meng Guan to reach the late Foundation Establishment stage so quickly.

  This cultivation enhancement speed

  It didn't seem to be fast either.

  He Song's mind flashed through the time when Meng Guan and Wei Fan broke through the Foundation Establishment stage, and after a little bit of calculation in his heart, he quickly came to a conclusion.

  Among the three, Meng Guan was the first to establish Foundation.

  In the seventh year after Meng Guan built his foundation, Wei Fan built his foundation.

  In the ninth year after Wei Fan built his foundation, He Song built his foundation.

  In other words, it was only in the sixteenth year after Meng Guan built his foundation that He Song successfully built his foundation and ranked as a real person.

  When he thought of this, a hint of a true color flashed in He Song's eyes.

  Meng Guan had built his foundation so much earlier than himself, and now that his cultivation had reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, it was considered quite normal.

  Moreover, when Meng Guan had broken through from early Foundation Establishment to mid-Foundation Establishment, his cultivation speed had been incredibly fast.

  At that time, it was during the Great War between the Thick Earth Sect and the Seven Stars Sect, and in the midst of the war, Meng Guan's cultivation breakthrough speed was simply frightening.

  In just twenty years, he had broken through from the early Foundation Establishment stage to the middle Foundation Establishment stage.

  It was almost as fast as He Song's full cultivation.

  Counting the days, Meng Guan's breakthrough from mid Foundation Establishment to late Foundation Establishment was at least thirty-five years or more.

  Calculating like this.

  Breaking through from mid Foundation Establishment to late Foundation Establishment in a period of at least thirty-five years or more wasn't really that fast.

  It could even be said that Meng Guan's cultivation speed was unintelligible, excluding when he was involved in the war at the early Foundation Establishment stage.

  His cultivation speed in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment was no longer as terrifying as before.

  Thirty-five years or more, this time was not fast, but not slow either.

  It was less than the top and more than the bottom.

  It was a cultivation breakthrough speed that could be accepted by the vast majority of people.

  As thoughts flashed through his mind, He Song sighed in his heart.

  After sensing the surging mana in his body, He Song let out a breath.

  "This cultivation speed, it's still too slow."

  "Old Meng has even broken through the late Foundation Establishment stage now, yet my cultivation is still stuck in the mid Foundation Establishment stage."

  "Alas, it seems that I still have to continue to speed up the pace of raising my cultivation."

  "However, this time, it's also time to go and take these Earth Spirit Pills that I've refined and sell them among the other Immortal Cities."

  "It's time to go to other Immortal Cities to purchase some more Earth Spirit Ginseng, as well as other auxiliary medicines."

  "Otherwise, I'm afraid that I won't even be able to gather all the spirit medicines for the next alchemy."

  Walking out of the alchemy room, He Song's mind flashed with thoughts, but his gaze looked towards the sky, in the direction where Meng Guan's residence was located.

  Although he already knew that Meng Guan's cultivation breakthrough speed had slowed down, and he didn't have the same terrifying cultivation speed as he did during the war.

  However, He Song's heart still had a trace of dissatisfaction with the growth rate of his own cultivation.

  However, He Song also knew that the speed of his cultivation increase had been extremely fast.

  He was even able to hide his cultivation for a long time after his cultivation breakthrough without being felt that his cultivation speed was too slow.

  In such a situation, if this statement was heard by others, he was afraid that it would immediately attract blank stares.

  At the same time, now that three years had passed, the Earth Spirit Ginseng as well as the other auxiliary medicines on He Song's body had also been used up almost to the fullest, and there was also a need to go out and purchase them again.

  These things, too, must be done.

  As for now.

  It was better to go to where Meng Guan was and celebrate.

  His good friend's cultivation had broken through, and from now on, the Golden Dan could be expected.

  And having opened his mouth to invite him, He Song naturally needed to go and have a look.

  (End of chapter)