
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 254 - Devil Sect Alliance

  In the land of the Devil Sect north of the Thick Earth Sect, Pure Yin Sect, Golden Sword Sect, and Qiong Hua Sect.

  An alliance that arose after the union of several Jindan sects had also appeared.

  The four devil sects.

  They were known as the Seven Star Sect, Soul Sealing Sect, Ten Thousand Poison Valley, and Blood Eagle Sect respectively.

  Among them, the alliance of devil sects was led by the Blood Eagle Sect, intending to rival the righteous alliance led by the Thick Earth Sect.

  The moment this news came out.

  The entire land of the four sects was in an uproar.

  No one had expected that after the four great Jindan sects had announced the formation of an alliance, the Jindan Devil Sect on the other side of the border had also quickly formed an alliance to fight against them.

  For a moment, all the cultivators who heard this news, each of their faces changed dramatically, and they didn't know how many thoughts flashed through their minds.

  The four sects alliance led by the Thick Earth Sect had been allied for a long time.

  In the land of the four clans, from time to time, there were rumors of Jindan True Lords gathering.

  In ordinary times, it would also be used as a talking point and told to the rest of the crowd.

  But now.

  When the two alliances were established one after the other, from the original high and carefree to confront each other in the air, almost everyone smelled a hint of something wrong.

  Not right.

  It was too wrong.

  As early as when the Thick Earth Sect formed an alliance with the other three surrounding sects, it seemed that things had already begun to go in an uncontrollable direction.

  Now that the Devil Sect Alliance had also been born, I'm afraid that what would happen next would be speculated in the hearts of individuals.

  Is this going to be a war? --

  On the day the news was spread.

  Two figures came to He Song's mansion.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan joined hands and came to be guests in He Song's residence.

  However, this time, Meng Guan and Wei Fan did not call on the two real people, Bai Yun and Xuan He.

  As a result, there were only three people left in the party that had previously consisted of five people.

  After welcoming Meng Guan and Wei Fan into the residence.

  After welcoming Meng Guan and Wei Fan into the residence and bringing them to a living room, he personally brewed a pot of tea for them.

  Only then did He Song shake his head and let out a sigh.

  "It seems that the news that I received in the beginning was not empty, the matter of the Demon Sect Alliance has indeed happened a long time ago, but previously it has been blocked from the news."

  Looking at the two friends in front of him, He Song said, and his heart could not help but stir.

  It was also unknown, how well the Qing Yue Manservant had prepared.

  Qing Yue Makoto had already broken through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, so he thought that in a few more years, he should also be transferred back to where the Thick Earth Sect's mountain gate was located.

  As a late stage Foundation Establishment cultivator, Realist Qing Yue's identity would naturally be different from the past.

  At that time, perhaps even Bottle would be brought back with her.

  Within the Thick Earth Sect's mountain gate, there was no need to worry about safety.

  It was just that

  In these few years' time, it was not known if there would be a sudden war between the two alliances.

  If a war were to suddenly start, Qing Yue Zhenren was afraid that before she could return to the mountain gate, she would be forced to respond to the war.

  At that time, it was not known whether or not Realmaster Qing Yue would still be able to hold out.

  These thoughts flashed through his mind, and He Song quickly shook his head.

  These things were not something he needed to worry about.

  With True Lady Qing Yue's strength at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, coupled with his previous reminder, her preparations should have been done quite well.

  There was strength.

  And preparation.

  Naturally, her survival rate would be greatly increased.

  Instead of caring about the safety of Qing Yue Zhenren, it would be better to care about her own safety.

  Although she was now in the safer Heavenly Power Immortal City, she could not be careless.

  If he didn't know that this place is the rear, and that there should be Jindan True Lords coming to guard it, He Song was afraid that he would have run away long ago.

  It was impossible to remain here.

  "In this matter, it is also thanks to you, Dao Friend, that you were able to be informed of such hidden information, allowing us to prepare in advance."

  "Otherwise, I'm sure that if you, Fellow Daoist, were still in that Hundred Herb Immortal Place, your days wouldn't be easy, I'm afraid."

  "Once the war starts, the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop is located to the northwest of this place, so I'm afraid that it will usher in an attack from the demonic cultivators, and at that time"

  Gazing towards He Song, Meng Guan brought a trace of happiness in his eyes.



  Fortunately, He Song had learned of this news in advance from somewhere.

  And also informed him and Wei Fan of this news early.

  Otherwise, according to the location of the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop that He Song was guarding, once the war started, I was afraid that He Song's life and death would be hard to predict.

  This place was several days away from the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop, so there was no way for him to save it even if he wanted to.

  Not to mention the fact that he would think of transferring He Song here to avoid this disaster.

  However, after thinking about it in his mind, a trace of oddness flashed through Meng Guan's eyes.

  According to his understanding of He Song.

  Even if he and Wei Fan did not transfer He Song to this place, when the disaster came, He Song was afraid that he would be able to avoid the danger because he was too cautious.

  As for how to avoid the danger, just look at what He Song did in the past when he avoided the calamity.

  During the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop disaster, He Song did not hesitate to hide in Wei Fan's courtyard.

  When the Qingguan Immortal City came, He Song did not hesitate to escape from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop and entered the outside world to hide for a long time before coming back.

  When Wei Fan invited him to go to Qingguan Immortal City, He Song, whose cultivation level was only in the middle stage of qi cultivation at that time, refused without even thinking about it, saying that he would not go.   

  There were successful cases of turning danger into safety in these events.

  In his opinion.

  If there was really a day of calamity, He Song would definitely be able to get out of the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop before the calamity came as well.

  Perhaps, the Thick Earth Sect had all been destroyed and He Song was still alive and well.

  "Which is nothing thanks to me, I still have to be grateful to the two of you for rescuing me from the midst of that Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop."

  "That Hundred Herb Immortal Place is neighboring the Demon Sect, if the demonic cultivators really call, I'm afraid that they will be able to kill in a matter of moments."

  "When that time comes."

  Halfway through his words, He Song was about to continue speaking, but he saw that Meng Guan and Wei Fan in front of him were shaking their heads repeatedly at the moment, with an appearance of not believing in the slightest.

  According to their understanding of He Song.

  If the devil cultivator kills, then he will kill, anyway, no matter what, He Song will perfectly hide himself before the devil cultivator kills, so that the devil cultivator will pounce on him.

  As for the fact that He Song would be surrounded by devil cultivators and then how, they would not believe it in any way.

  These decades.

  He Song's cautious character was something they naturally understood well.

  If they couldn't beat him, He Song would still have no problem in trying to hide.

  With He Song's prudence, he was afraid that before he came to Tian Quan Immortal City, he had already laid all the back roads, right?

  Since that was the case, how could they believe what He Song said now?

  Seeing this situation, He Song shook his head breathlessly.

  He didn't say anything anymore, just waved his hand, and a hint of disinterest flashed across his face.

  "When it really comes to that time ah, you Taoist friends are afraid that you would have run away without a trace, in my place, I'm afraid that I would be the same."

  Wei Fan on the side took over the conversation, shaking his head and continued.

  "I and the three of us, originally started from the humble beginnings, this guardian of the Immortal Workshop, and how can it be compared to one's own life?"

  "Although there are annual bounties to be taken every year, but it is also our guardianship of the Immortal Workshop and Immortal City in exchange."

  "The annual bounty that we received during the Qi Practicing Stage before, we should return all of it these years."

  "Join this thick earth sect ah, but still under the big tree is good to cool, if there is really a danger to life, can die to the end of the people, I'm afraid that only the thick earth sect from childhood cultivation of those elites."

  "This halfway house, and orthodox origins, are really different."

  Sweeping his gaze across the distance, Wei Fan said, and shook his head, a trace of frustration flashing across his eyes.

  He was originally able to come from an orthodox origin as well.

  Unfortunately, his qualifications were not enough and he had no background to fall back on, thus he was brushed off in the middle of the Thick Earth Special Academy.

  Meng Guan was similarly so.

  Afterwards, even after entering Foundation Establishment, when he returned to the Thick Earth Sect, he was shocked to realize that there was a considerable difference between himself and those true sect elites.

  Take Bai Yun and Xuan He as an example, the difference between Wei Fan and the two of them is not small at all.

  Bai Yun, Xuan He in the clan, there is a master.

  Although they don't know their cultivation level, I'm afraid that they are at least in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, or even in the realm of Foundation Establishment Grand Completion.

  Since they were cultivated by the Thick Earth Sect from a young age, and have a master in the Thick Earth Sect, they naturally have a deep sense of belonging to the Thick Earth Sect.

  These disciples who had been cultivated by the Thick Earth Sect since childhood and had a strong sense of belonging to the Thick Earth Sect were collectively known as the Sect's elites.

  Compared to disciples like He Song, Meng Guan, and Wei Fan, who joined the Thick Earth Sect only after establishing the foundation, or were introduced to the Thick Earth Sect only after wandering around for many years, they were completely different.

  The sense of belonging to the Thick Earth Sect alone was already a huge difference between the two sides.

  The clan elites were the true backbone of the Thick Earth Sect.

  As for He Song and the others, in the view of the clan's senior management, they were only scattered cultivators who had built their foundations and could rebel at the slightest setback, but were only unstable factors.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  It was only after they were transferred to Tian Quan Immortal City and really became acquainted with Bai Yun and Xuan He, and spent some time together for a long time, that they slowly realized this point.

  They, the scattered cultivator base builders, were actually never the same as the clan elites that the Thick Earth Sect had truly cultivated.

  And it was precisely because of this.

  It was only when Wei Fan spoke about this that he let out this kind of emotion.

  In the past, when he had just joined the Thick Earth Sect, or even when he had just become a Foundation Establishment, he hadn't thought about there being such a layer.

  It was only after comparing it now that he was violently shocked to realize the gap.

  On the side.

  Meng Guan also nodded his head slightly when he heard this, seemingly also quite recognizing Wei Fan's words.

  And on the other side.

  He Song's heart was moved after hearing Wei Fan's words.

  It seemed that Meng Guan and Wei Fan had experienced quite a few things during this period of time.

  "Brother Wei still understands me."

  "However, now that we are already in this Heavenly Power Immortal City, the three of us do not need to worry about our safety."

  "Before I came here, I had deduced that this place is a great backwater, and that once the war starts, there will definitely be a Jindan True Lord who will come to sit in this place."

  "At that time, our safety will naturally be worry-free."

  "After all, my Thick Earth Sect has two Jindan True Monarchs, and with each other at each other's throats, self-preservation is more than enough."

  "We also don't need to think about things like fighting to the death, just stay here and cultivate without fear."

  "Other things, naturally the Jindan True Lord will manage."

  "As for this gap between halfway and orthodox origins, the two of you don't take it to heart."

  "Take as much money as you can and do as much work as you can, you can't put your lives on the line just because of three thousand spirit stones per year, right?"


  (End of chapter)