
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 234 - Mysterious Man

  A flicker of speculation flashed through his mind, and He Song's eyes narrowed, but a hint of inquisitiveness rose in his heart.

  What was there.

  What could be more fascinating than a spirit stone that could be obtained by opening one's mouth?

  For this reason, Sun Yu even went so far as to give up this spirit stone that was within his reach.

  Then, there must be a greater benefit waiting for him.

  Otherwise, it would be impossible for such abnormal behavior to occur.

  As for Sun Yu being upright and upright, not being able to move from poverty to poverty, not being able to yield to might, treating spirit stones like dirt, unlike other cultivators who were always thinking about how to get spirit stones.

  This kind of assumption was not something that He Song hadn't thought about.

  But as a cultivator, and also a cultivator who climbed up from the bottom.

  He Song felt that there might be such cultivators, but there were definitely not many of them, and moreover, the vast majority of them would not be able to cultivate to the late Qi Practicing stage.

  Under such circumstances, He Song would rather believe that this Sun Yu had some plans than to believe that he regarded spirit stones as dirt.

  Therefore, He Song had probed out his divine sense to see what this Sun Yu was trying to do when he left the precious living room.

  Inside the Spirit Medicine Pavilion.

  He Song was sitting in the precious parlor.

  Sun Yu, on the other hand, was moving towards the warehouse step by step.


  Sun Yu's figure appeared inside the warehouse.

  And it was at this moment that a thin piece of paper appeared in Sun Yu's hand.

  "Today, the Spirit Medicine Pavilion suddenly had a seventh level Qi Practicing loose cultivator come, and out of the blue, he offered over a hundred thousand pounds of spirit rice."

  "Extremely similar to the mysterious person who had previously appeared in the Thick Earth Sect, the one who was selling spiritual rice around."

  "The Thick Earth Sect has secretly searched for the mysterious person for a long time, and now after so many years, the mysterious person has finally reappeared."

  "Our Sect is neighboring the Thick Earth Sect, and my subordinates suspect that even if this person is not that mysterious person, he is likely to have an extremely deep relationship with that person."

  "I hereby inform the Chief Steward."

  "Sun Yu."

  As spiritual energy surged out, lines of writing appeared above the paper in Sun Yu's hand.

  Then, with a spurt of spiritual energy, the paper in Sun Yu's hand instantly transformed into a sound transmission paper crane and flew into the sky.

  As for Sun Yu, he also slowly began to take out a piece of spirit stone in the warehouse at this moment.

  There were tens of thousands of spirit stones needed for He Song's transaction.

  Now that he had notified the upper peak, it was naturally impossible for him to directly take the spirit stones and go to trade with He Song.

  What if He Song had already left without waiting for instructions from the upper peak?

  Therefore, he needed to stay in the warehouse for a longer period of time.

  Even if He Song asked at that time, he would be able to use the fact that the amount of spirit stones was huge and needed to be confirmed by many people as a pretext.

  But at that time.

  Perhaps there was no need to give the spirit stones anymore either.

  As such thoughts flashed through his mind, a hint of a smile appeared on Sun Yu's face.

  If he really caught that mysterious person this time, the reward that fell into his hands would naturally not be small.

  The Golden Snake Immortal Workshop had a Foundation Establishment Real Person in attendance, so what if it made some noise, could a seventh level Qi Practicing loose cultivator escape?

  Even if He Song is not that mysterious person.

  But with so much spiritual rice on his body, he might also have a secret.

  In this way, even if he guessed wrong, he wouldn't make too much trouble.

  Sun Yu was groping for fish in the middle of the warehouse.

  He Song, on the other hand, was frowning in contemplation within the expensive living room.

  The divine sense sensed the surroundings and could only vaguely sense the things around him and what the people around him were doing.

  However, it could not sense the handwriting on the paper.

  He Song could be sure that Sun Yu had already sent a letter to someone just now, but did not know exactly what the content of the letter was.

  After thinking for a moment, He Song felt that with his current strength, he did not need to fear a late stage Qi Practicing Immortal Workshop Deacon.

  Therefore, he also remained silent and continued to wait.


  Sun Yu, who was in the warehouse, received a reply.

  "Just trade normally, I have my own arrangements."

  "Liu Ping."

  Looking at the short line of handwriting on the paper, the expression on Sun Yu's face changed slightly, but he did not continue to stay in the warehouse.

  Instead, after fetching the spirit stones, he immediately rushed towards the expensive living room where He Song was.

  He had already been out for a bit too long.

  If he didn't go back, he might even arouse He Song's suspicion.

  Since the upper peak had already ordered him, he naturally wouldn't disobey.

  With ten thousand and nine hundred spirit stones, Sun Yu quickly returned to the precious living room.

  After handing over the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other.

  He Song slowly left the Spirit Medicine Pavilion under Sun Yu's watchful eye.

  And just after He Song's back disappeared from Sun Yu's gaze, Sun Yu also retracted his gaze and stopped paying attention to He Song's movements.


  He Song, who had already left the Spiritual Pill Pavilion, had a thoughtful look on his face at the moment.

  With his divine sense sensing ability, he had seen everything that Sun Yu had done in the warehouse in his eyes.

  He also knew that Sun Yu must have communicated with others in the warehouse.

  As for what things were exchanged.

  Although He Song didn't know, he was able to make a rough guess.

  It was nothing more than the words that a fat sheep had come or something like that.

  But now.

  He has already walked out of the Pill Pavilion.

  That Sun Yu still stayed in the Pill Pavilion and didn't come to follow him.

  Is he not afraid to lose him?

  Or is it.   

  There were already other people following him?

  Various thoughts flashed through He Song's mind, but after thinking about it, He Song shook his head and lost his smile.

  "If I really want to leave, who would be able to stop me?"

  "Since I didn't make a move in the middle of the Immortal Workshop, there is no need to do so again."

  With He Song's cautious nature.

  Since nothing went wrong at the time of the transaction, how could he give someone the opportunity to come and surround himself?

  Previously, when Sun Yu sent a message to someone in the middle of the warehouse, He Song wanted to just walk away.

  But then thinking about it, he felt that it was too much trouble.

  Going to other Immortal Workshops to trade might also result in such a scenario.

  Who could guarantee that the Spirit Medicine Pavilion deacons in other Immortal Places wouldn't be greedy for the spirit stones in He Song's body?

  Since this was the case, it would be better to wait until the transaction was over before leaving.

  In the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

  As long as it wasn't an evil cultivator attacking, the interior of the Immortal Workshop was basically safe.

  If it wasn't for a Foundation Establishment Realist to make a move, with the Qi Practicing Seventh Level cultivation that He Song was displaying now, I was afraid that no one would be able to take down a Qi Practicing Seventh Level cultivator anytime soon.

  In such a situation, if one were to force their hand in the Spirit Medicine Pavilion.

  As a result, if he was not able to get rid of He Song for a while, He Song would only need to raise his arm and say that he was selling spiritual rice in the Spiritual Pill Pavilion and was rounded up as a result, and the matter would instantly spread all around.

  By that time, the loose cultivators in the Golden Sword Sect, I'm afraid, would flee in the wind, no longer daring to sell anything within the Golden Sword Sect's sphere of influence.

  Such consequences, this small Golden Snake Immortal Workshop was definitely unwilling and did not dare to bear.

  That's why He Song will continue to wait until Sun Yu returns to trade with him.

  Otherwise, I'm afraid that when Sun Yu was sending a message to others, He Song would have already left this place.

  How could he have waited until now.

  But now.

  Since the deal has been completed.

  How could He Song, who was cautious by nature, stay here any longer?

  He Song smiled in his heart.

  He Song turned his head and walked towards the inn in the Golden Snake Immortal Place.

  He spent ten spirit stones to open a room in the inn for ten days.

  His silhouette followed suit as he entered his room.

  Within the room.

  He Song took off his black robe and burned it.

  He also used his mana to flush himself over, confirming that there would be no tracking marks on him.

  Only after that, did he change his body appearance and change into another black robe.

  Finally, he also changed his cultivation level from the seventh level of Qi cultivation to the ninth level of Qi cultivation.

  After doing all this.

  He Song's body disappeared into the ground and quickly left the inn.

  He quickly left the inn and revealed his figure in a remote corner of the Immortal Workshop.

  "The body shape and appearance have all changed, even the cultivation breath has changed, this way, there shouldn't be anyone staring at me anymore."

  "I've heard that the Golden Snake from this Golden Snake Immortal Workshop has an excellent flavor, so since there's no longer any danger, I can taste it this time."

  Walking out from the remote corner, He Song's figure soon appeared within a restaurant in the Golden Snake Immortal Place.

  He came to the second floor by the window.

  After casually ordering some of the Golden Snake Immortal Workshop's specialty dishes.

  He Song explored his Divine Sense and enveloped many people around him in his Divine Sense without alerting anyone.

  Those who were within the range of He Song's divine sense sensing would basically be sensed by He Song when they spoke or did something.

  This was also a precaution made by He Song in order to prevent himself from still having people checking on him after he had changed his body shape and appearance, and also changed his cultivation breath.

  With divine sense covering the surrounding, he himself could also be the first to realize that something was wrong and leave in time.

  Waiting for the dishes to be served.

  He Song soon began to feast as well.


  Just as He Song was feasting while probing out his divine sense to sense what the surrounding cultivators were doing.

  The quiet talk of two people was what caused He Song to raise his eyebrows slightly.

  In the street below the restaurant.

  Two cultivators dressed in Law Enforcement Team attire were walking side by side, their gazes sweeping over the surroundings from time to time, with what appeared to be flashes of spiritual light in their eyes.

  One of the slightly shorter cultivators, however, cursed in a low voice at this moment.

  "Damn, where did that person run off to? The entire Immortal Place's law enforcement team was mobilized to various locations to surround that person, but the result was that he was still allowed to run away."

  "That group of people staking out the inn are also a bunch of losers, they could let someone get away even with this."

  As the short cultivator's voice came out, the slightly taller cultivator beside him also nodded his head at the sound.

  "Indeed waste, so many people can't keep an eye on a person, or the inn's second person went into the room to check before realizing that person had fled."

  "If we could keep an eye on it, we wouldn't have been sent to patrol the streets."

  "However, do you know what that person's identity is? Even the chief administrator personally spoke up to catch that person."

  Listening to the voices of the two, He Song's mind immediately flashed to that Sun Yu's behavior in the middle of the warehouse.

  Before, Sun Yu was in the middle of the warehouse, but he was in contact with someone.

  Although he didn't know who it was.

  However, Sun Yu did not follow him out later.

  In other words, there must be someone else who had already set their sights on them.

  Now, listening to these two, it seemed that the one who had set his sights on him was the Chief Manager they were talking about?

  The head of the Immortal Workshop?

  He Song's mind flashed back to Fang Yu, who he had appointed as the head of the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop.

  When he thought of Fang Yu's previous behavior of not even daring to look at himself, he immediately felt a hint of dislike in his heart.

  (End of chapter)