
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 226: Ill-gotten gains

  As for whether or not the truth was such a thing.

  That could only be said to be a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

  Anyway, according to Qing Yue Zhenren's description, after the alliance of these four great sects, the Jindan True Lords of the four directions didn't even walk around a few times.

  Not to mention any deep cooperation.


  Now four years have passed.

  Although there has been no movement for a long time, it won't remain untouched.

  Recently, He Song had also heard quite a bit of new news from Qing Yue Zhenren.

  The One Sun Sect.

  After ordering the alliance of the four sects, it had finally given new instructions.

  Prepare for war.

  "In the next few days, the four sects should keep hoarding all sorts of materials."

  "Such as spirit stones, such as spirit mines, such as spirit medicines, such as spirit talismans, and so on."

  "The prices of these things will see a surge, so if you, Dao Friend, have spare money on your side, you can acquire some first and sell them at a high price then."

  "However, this matter should not be easily publicized by fellow Daoist, this is internal information."

  "If more is spread, I'm afraid it will affect the subsequent price."

  "Qing Yue."

  At that time, after He Song received a message from Qing Yue Zhenren to himself and learned that the four great sects had already begun to prepare for the war, what he saw was such a passage.

  He Song who saw these words was slightly speechless in his heart.


  Unexpectedly, after crossing over to the Immortal Cultivation Realm, there were people encouraging him to do this.

  Although he was already a Foundation Establishment Realist now, but this kind of thing, wouldn't the Thick Earth Sect care about it?

  But just as He Song was hesitating in his mind whether he should do this or not.

  Instead, he received a series of transmissions.

  "Fellow Daoist He, the sect has begun preparing for war, and the prices of spirit mines, spirit pills, spirit talismans, and other materials will see a surge."

  "If you have a surplus of spirit stones on you, you can purchase some more in the Immortal Workshop and sell them at a high price at that time to earn some spirit stones."

  "This matter you do not want to spread the word, in the next is also accidentally learned of this news, you can do it yourself, do not have to notify others."

  "If more is spread, I'm afraid it will affect the price."

  "Meng Guan."

  This was Meng Guan's transmission to He Song.

  "If you have more spirit stones on you, you can stock up on war materials."


  "Fellow Daoist must not spread the word ."

  "Zhao Lin."

  This was Zhao Lin's transmission to He Song.

  "If fellow Daoist has more spirit stones on you, you can hoard some war materials."


  "Fellow Daoist must not spread the word ."

  "Wei Fan."

  This was Wei Fan's message to He Song.

  "If you, Fellow Daoist, have more spirit stones on you, you can hoard some war materials."


  "Fellow Daoist must not spread the word ."


  This was Bottle's transmission to He Song.

  Receiving several transmissions in a row, He Song read through them one by one, only to feel that internal news seemed to be flying all over the place now.

  The Foundation Establishment True People within the Thick Earth Sect also seemed to have all learned of this news.

  But wasn't this internal news?

  He Song's eyes took on an odd color.

  He Song was not surprised that Realmaster Qing Yue was able to obtain the news.

  After all, Realist Qing Yue had a close friend named Realist Myriad Green, who was the disciple of a Jindan True Lord.

  It was naturally quite normal for her to be able to obtain internal news.

  He Song wasn't surprised that Bottle was able to get the news either.

  It was because Bottle's master was Realist Clear Moon.

  If the True Lord Qing Yue had told him, Bottle, as her disciple, would definitely not be an exception.

  He Song was only slightly surprised that Bottle was able to tell herself about it.

  As for the next three people.

  Zhao Lin, Meng Guan, and Wei Fan.

  Why were the three of them also able to obtain this kind of inside information?

  Since that was the case, what about the other Foundation Establishment Real People of the Thick Earth Sect? What about the other Foundation Establishment Mortals of the other three major sects?

  Did they get the news and start hoarding?

  He Song was puzzled.

  But it was not good to ask personally.

  There was also no source of information from the other three sects.

  He Song could only put this matter in his heart.

  He Song could only keep this matter in his heart, intending to ask about it later when he personally visited the three, or when he traveled to the spheres of influence of the other sects.

  However, due to the fact that he had received so many transmissions at once, he also had a guess in his mind.

  There were also no more worries about the matter of whether or not to stock up on some supplies.

  Previously, he had thought that he was just doing it alone.

  It was really unkind for a person to hoard goods.

  If he was caught, he was afraid that there would be less trouble.

  Now take a look.

  Good lord, it seems like the entire Sect's Foundation Establishment Real People are doing it.

  Even the other three sects' Foundation Establishment real people might be doing it as well.   

  In that case, one would be an anomaly if one didn't do it.

  Perhaps, this hoarding is a tacit agreement between Foundation Establishment real people, and is not ill-gotten gains?

  In that case, it would be better to go with the flow and earn more spirit stones.

  With such thoughts.

  He Song quickly wrote back to all of them one by one, and also replied to the Qing Yue real person, directly asked if he could tell his two best friends.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan were close friends with himself, and this was something that Realmor Qing Yue naturally knew.

  If it was possible to inform them, then his own speculation would have become a fact.

  I am afraid that for this matter, all of the Foundation Establishment Mortals within the Thick Earth Sect are doing it, not just himself.

  Perhaps, whenever one encountered such prices of goods that were about to skyrocket, there was a Foundation Establishment Realist behind it who made a fortune.

  "Fellow Daoist is close friends with the two real people, Soul Breaker and Chengfu, so naturally I can tell you."

  "We are only earning the spirit stones from the scattered cultivators, there is no need for you, Fellow Daoist, to care."

  "I'm afraid that such things are not only common in the Thick Earth Sect, but also in the other three sects, and even among the YuanYing Upper Sect."

  "A Foundation Establishment Real Person guarding the Immortal Workshop and earning some spirit stones from the scattered cultivators in the Immortal Workshop would naturally not attract the attention of the sect."

  "Qing Yue."

  Soon after, He Song received a reply from Realist Qing Yue.

  Seeing Realist Qing Yue say so, the speculation in He Song's heart was immediately confirmed.

  Since everyone was doing it.

  He himself naturally had to follow the crowd and do it as well.

  However, even if he did, the amount of spirit stones he spent couldn't be too much.

  He Song's body now spirit stone is not much, can take out to buy these things, but also at most 10,000 pieces of spirit stone only.

  Ten thousand spirit stones.

  Compared to the amount of materials in the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop, it wasn't really much.

  Even if one bought them all, they wouldn't be able to buy much.

  In this way, he could not be treated as a deviant, and he could also prevent the other loose cultivators in the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop from having no supplies to use when the time came.

  Even if one earned spirit stones, it would only be a principal of ten thousand spirit stones.

  These 10,000 spirit stones spilled were actually nothing to the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop.

  With such thoughts.

  He Song quickly began to purchase supplies in the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop.

  Spirit medicines, spirit rice, spirit mines, magic weapons, and spirit talismans.

  Without affecting his own cultivation, as well as studying the First Explanation of Talisman Dao and the Introductory Chapter of Alchemy, He Song spent almost all of the spirit stones he had on his body to purchase some supplies.

  He only waited for the price of these things to rise to a certain level, and then sold them all to earn spirit stones.

  Of course, when purchasing these things, He Song did not use his real identity, but changed his appearance, and traveled to various places to buy again and again.

  Until his body 10,000 spirit stones spent, He Song then stop.


  He Song's body now spirit stone is not much, some spending down, but also purchased tens of thousands of spirit stones of various things only.

  In the future, even if the price of all these materials increases, I am afraid that they will not be able to sell many spirit stones.

  However, He Song did so.

  In fact, it wasn't to earn spirit stones.

  Its purpose was merely to not want to turn himself into a foreigner in the eyes of others.

  If it was possible, He Song probably wouldn't even do it for this matter.

  As for the various supplies in the storage bag.

  Then, he would have to wait until the prices of these things started to skyrocket in the future, and then sell them again.

  Maintaining such a mindset.

  Waiting until the end of the purchase, He Song returned to his own mansion, and his brows gradually wrinkled as he began to think about his own safety and security.

  At this time.

  A full four years had passed since the four sects united.

  Now that the four sects had begun to prepare for war under the instructions of the Yi Yang Sect, the next four sects were afraid that their days were going to be difficult.

  Although He Song was dedicated to studying the Dao of Runes and the Dao of Dan to expand his speed of earning spirit stones.

  But there is no other way, being in the Thick Earth Sect.

  In his heart, he naturally needs to think about his own safety and security.

  If the four clans alliance led by the Thick Earth Sect starts to wage war with the outside world, then oneself, is it to run or not to run?

  If Fa Xuan True Lord ordered himself to go to the battlefield, would he go or not?

  If the Four Sect Alliance couldn't withstand the enemy's attack and hit the Hundred Herb Immortal Workshop after some defeats, how should he deal with himself?

  If the main battlefield of the Four Sect Alliance was around the Hundred Herb Immortal Square that he was defending, what would he do?

  In his mind, He Song was constantly pondering on countermeasures, and in his heart, he was also constantly weighing whether or not to run away now.


  The four clan alliance led by the Thick Earth Sect had already started preparing for war.

  Although for the time being, they didn't know who the enemy was and how strong they were.

  However, this posture of preparing for war was something that had already made He Song feel the approaching danger.

  If he waited until the crisis came to think about the problem of running away, it might be too late to run away by then.

  Since this was the case, there was a need to save for a rainy day.

  "That's just it, that's just it, with my cultivation in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment nowadays, as long as I'm careful when I'm walking outside, I don't need to worry about encountering a life and death crisis."

  "Why don't we set off now and head outside of the Thick Earth Sect, and go to the other major Jindan sects, or the place where the YuanYing Upper Sect such as the YiYang Sect is located."

  "Set up a place outside, or several places where you can hide yourself."

  "When the time comes to leave, you will also be able to quickly withdraw."

  "It won't be so bad that when you want to leave, you'll be in the dark and not familiar with the outside world at all."

  "Moreover, arranging a few hidden caves and storing some cultivation resources in them might also be able to be of use in the future."

  "It's just that, before leaving, there is still a need to seek that Fang Yu for an explanation."

  After pondering for a long time in his mind, He Song quickly made a decision.

  Since the four major sects led by the Thick Earth Sect had already started preparing for war.

  Then he had to save for a rainy day and find some back roads for himself.

  With a back way, he would not have any worries.

  Even if there was really a fight behind them, one would be able to quickly pull out and leave, away from this place of wrongdoing.

  (End of chapter)