
Chapter One: Broken Memories

    She remembered it like it was only yesterday she killed the love of her life. Ever since that day everything seemed to make her entire world fall apart, and put her into a dark place. Flashbacks broke down her soul, along with the memories of her time with him. She never intended to kill him, she only wanted to escape the man that held her prisoner for years after her birth. It wasn't until after midnight, during her transformation that the past had finally caught up to bring them pain.


  The clock struck midnight, and the moon started to glisten creating a beam of light aimed directly at the window of the sleeping lunar princess. The windows shattered as the wind began to pick up, blowing the curtains aside so that her body lay in direct moonlight, allowing the transformation to finally begin. It started out slowly, first with her hair turning from a dark brown to a pure ravenous black, her skin turned lighter, sparkling in the moonlight as her veins disappeared, and her blood stopped it's flow. Her heart stopped beating, and her lungs stopped breathing the transformation had been complete.


    Her past often haunted her dreams, the look on his face when she dug her fangs into this skin, the disgusting smell of fear seeping from the pores of his skin. It was Viktor's words, that repeated themselves constantly in her head, that snapped her out of the trance that caused her such stress. "It was never your fault," he said. She knew that it was not true, she knew it was her fault, maybe not completely but partially. If only her inner conscience would have spoken, she'd have stopped lusting for blood, and maybe he'd still be alive. "Keva, you need to feed it's getting late. You'll die if you starve."

    "Good, maybe after I die this feeling of emptiness will go away, and finally I'll be free of the burden which is myself." Viktor sat the bottle of blood in front of her while she stared off into the darkness of the forest. Her mouth watering from the scent of her only source of food.


    She stared for a moment, eyeing his arm as her mouth watered hearing the blood course through his veins. Her eyes turned red, the scent of his blood drawing her closer until their bodies touched. "Please, Keva... just take it, you're starving and you need to eat."

"What if I kill you?" she asked, trying to keep herself away.

"You won't," She hesitated then grabbed his arm sinking her fangs into his flesh, giving into the hunger she fed until there was nothing left to feed on. She dropped his cold body, wiping the blood dripping from her mouth.


    "Keva!" she jumped and looked at Viktor who was holding a bottle filled with red liquid. "Since you're not drinking blood, I got you this substitute from the Blood Market. It's called Red X, it's animal blood really... I think it tastes weird."

"I don't want your blood substitutes, I want you to let me starve!"

"Keva, we've already been through this! We're in this together-"


  "We're in this together Ke!" Dominick exclaimed, as he and Keva chased around the room with plastic swords. Dominick was only a few years older than Keva, and was her superior but treated her no differently then a friend.

    "Prince Dominick! I am in need of assistance, our enemy seems to be… what are you doing?" their enemy was Patrick, and he was sat on the ground reading a history book.

    "Reading, not like you would understand you're just a girl." she looked at Patrick angrily before storming away after hitting him with her sword. "Dominick, get the ice she's going to need it when I'm done with her."


    Her scream startled Viktor waking him up, "Keva, Keva calm down he can't hurt you!" he wrapped his arms tightly around her as she cried into his shoulder.

"He- He held me down... he wouldn't stop... he wouldn't stop!"

"Shhh, shhh, it was just a nightmare, I've got you. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, you're safe with me. Shhh," he kept her in his arms as she fell back asleep, keeping her comfort as she rested for the night. "I'm going to make them pay for what they did to you, whether I rip their heads from their bodies, or tear them limb from limb. They will pay."