
Immortal Cultivation in Martial Peak

An ancient god from god's domain was led into a trap and killed by his old enemy, during his final moments, a strong force pulled his remnant soul to the world of martial peak... Given a new chance, he starts cultivating both his body and mind to ascend to god's domain

LordSin · Khác
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2 Chs


 "Don't you feel ashamed?? As a god-king, dealing with me who just reached the ancient god realm?" The young-looking man shouted while coughing out blood.

 "Why should I? You hold a grudge against me for what I did when you first came to god's domain..." An old man in a golden silhouette sneered, "But you truly are a genius. Reaching the ancient god realm in just 10000 years after entering the god's domain... Given time, you will surpass me so I have to end you now."

 The old man pulled out a sword and slashed at the young man

 "Mark my words star crushing god king..." The young man shouted as he met his end, "I will be back... Stay alive till this great emperor comes back to claim your life."

 "What a fool..." The old man laughed, "Did he think I would let him reincarnate? Deal with his soul in the samsara world... I don't want more trouble" The old man turned back and ordered his subordinates.


 "But how did I end up in this backward world!! It's even worse than the lowest level of the mortal realm." A young man murmured to himself as he lay on the grass beneath a tree.

 "Looks like the old man failed to eradicate my soul and I somehow ended up in this world." The young man stood up, "The cultivation system of this world is also different from the immortal world's. But luckily, I had reached the ancient god realm before I died and formed a world core in my soul. So, I should be able to cultivate immortality."

 "I will cultivate my way back to god's domain and kill that old man. I will also cultivate my body and my mind which I had neglected to do so in my previous life... That was the reason it took me so long to reach the ancient god realm."

 "I will cultivate the 'supreme art of genesis' for immorality, 'heavenly art of cosmos' for the body, and 'Buddhist art of supremacy' for the mind."

 "When I reach the peak in all three, even the oldest supreme god would be no match to me."

 "The old man who killed me, the so-called allies who led me into that trap, the so-called friends who abandoned me - I will make them all pay." The young man roared.

 "I will start anew - the ancient god who wanted to dominate multiple domains is no more. I am now Yan Xiu, the prince of the great Yan Dynasty. I will reach the peak and dominate the entire god's domain." the young man - Yan Xiu laughed hysterically.


 After calming down, Yan Xiu sat cross-legged and checked his body condition.

 Meridians are a mess, cultivation talent is negligible, the body is weak, the mind is fragile.

 The only good thing was the world's core attached to his soul.

 The body cultivation technique he chose - the 'heavenly art of cosmos' would help him start forming the inner world in his body with the help of the world core at the early stages of his cultivation. The 'heavenly art of cosmos' had 4 sequences. Each sequence was divided into 9 layers. The first sequence was strengthening the body to bear the star force that would form when he breaks through to the second sequence. In other words, the first sequence was pure body cultivation. He would need an immense number of costly resources for it.

 Putting aside the body cultivation for now, the 'supreme art of genesis' for cultivating immortality was the best cultivation art in his past life... 3 of the 8 supreme gods in god's domain had reached that level using it. But with his meridians being a mess, the first step was to clean his meridians with the help of medicinal pills.

 Next was cultivating the mind, 'The Buddhist art of supremacy' was made by a god emperor Buddhist master who later went on to become a god sovereign was fell before becoming a supreme god. This art has 10 stages... Just reaching the 5/6th stage was considered a miracle... Even its creator only reached the 9th stage.

 Cultivating immortality, body, and mind to reach the martial peak is the goal of our MC - Yan Xiu.