
Immortal Across the Multiverse

"I once was human, but now I stand as the shield of humanity against threats from both within and out. Not a single soul shall perish in vain under my watch." - James Newitt A man destined to shake the very foundations of the multiverse, ushering in an era of peace, order, and security for his new Empire.

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11 Chs

The beginning

"Another glorious day," I declared, inhaling the crisp autumn air as I savored my delicious milk coffee on the front porch. Sunlight dappled through the trees, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the ground as vibrant leaves began their descent. Settling onto the porch steps, I continued to sip my coffee, taking in the peaceful beauty of my neighborhood.

A soft buzz interrupted my reverie. Reaching into my pocket, I retrieved my phone to see a text from Jake.

> Jake: Yo

> Jake: Wanna hang out?

A free afternoon stretched before me, so I replied with a quick thumbs-up.

> Me: Sure

> Jake: Cool

> Jake: I called you

> Me: oke

With that, I tucked my phone away and returned my gaze to the serene scene before me. "Nothing could possibly ruin this perfect day," I mused contentedly.

Suddenly, the world exploded around me. A deafening boom filled the air, followed by a searing pain that ripped through my head like a million needles. Instinctively, I reached up to clutch my throbbing skull, wincing as the agony intensified before slowly subsiding.

Disoriented, I opened my eyes to find myself no longer on my porch. Instead, I was enveloped in a sterile white void, devoid of any features or definition. Panic welled up within me. "What the heck happened?" I stammered, my voice barely a hoarse whisper. The throbbing in my head returned with a vengeance as I gingerly reached up to touch it. My hand brushed against a rough fabric – a t-shirt? Glancing down, I saw that I was indeed clad in a simple t-shirt and shorts, both feeling strangely itchy. I scratched absently, trying to make sense of my bizarre situation.

A disembodied voice echoed through the emptiness, sending shivers down my spine. "{Now what do we have here}"

I whipped my head around, searching for the source of the voice. The featureless white space offered no clues.

{Hmmm, then let me change it for you}

As if on cue, the sterile white morphed into a stark black chamber. An opulent fireplace materialized in the center, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Two plush armchairs appeared out of thin air, one of them occupied by a majestic black lion.

Stunned speechless, I stared at the otherworldly creature. He was unlike any lion I had ever seen before. Tall and imposing, he stood on his hind legs, his form vaguely humanoid. Jet-black fur covered his entire body, except for his piercing hazel eyes that seemed to hold an ancient wisdom. He was dressed in a tailored black suit that accentuated his regal bearing.

Overwhelmed by the sheer surrealism of the situation, I remained rooted to the spot, my muscles locked in a state of shock.

{Are you gonna stand there for eternity, human?} the lion boomed, his voice surprisingly deep and smooth. He scrutinized me with an intensity that made me feel like a bug under a microscope.

{Now come sit, it's much more comfortable.} He gestured towards the vacant chair opposite him.

Seeing no other option, I cautiously approached the chair, my gaze fixed on the lion. Every instinct screamed at me to run, but my legs seemed incapable of obeying. I pulled the chair out a few inches before sinking down onto the plush cushions.

{Now isn't this much better?} the lion rumbled, a hint of amusement flickering in his golden eyes.

{First of all, let's start with introductions. My name is Aphelion the Night.}

'Aphelion,' I thought, recognizing the name as vaguely Greek. Despite his imposing demeanor, Aphelion exuded an air of surprising civility. His human-like attire and mannerisms further added to the unsettling strangeness of the situation.

{Well, it's an old name,} Aphelion chuckled, seemingly reading my thoughts.

Before I could voice my astonishment, he flashed a disarming smile. "What are you?" I blurted out, desperate for answers.

{Well, I'm a lion, that's obvious, isn't it?} he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"No, I mean, what are you?" I persisted, my voice trembling slightly.

{Ah, I see. Well, I suppose you humans would call me a god.}

His words hit me like a physical blow. If he was a god, then this must be the afterlife. And that meant...

"I'm dead?" The realization slammed into me with the force of a tidal wave. My life, my family, my friends – all gone in an instant. A wave of nausea washed over me, and tears welled up in my eyes.

{Yes,} Aphelion confirmed, his smile fading into a somber frown.

"How?" I choked out, the word a mere whisper against the overwhelming weight of his words. "The last thing I remembered was me sitting on my front porch, drinking coffee."

Aphelion sighed, a sound like wind rustling through ancient trees. "{Well, you see, human,}" he began, his voice losing its playful edge, "{while you were enjoying your coffee on the porch, a small plane suffered a catastrophic engine failure. The pilot, bless his soul, lost control and crash-landed right on top of your house. Tragic business, really. Poor maintenance, they say.}"

His words painted a horrifying picture, one I desperately wished to erase. My life, my dreams, my future – snuffed out in an instant by a random act of fate. A strangled sob escaped my lips as the weight of his revelation crashed down on me. My family, my friends, everything I held dear, vanished in a blink.

"What about my parents?" I croaked, the question tearing from my throat. The thought of their grief, the image of their faces etched with pain, was a fresh wave of agony.

Aphelion, with surprising kindness, reached out a massive paw, his claws retracted. A comforting warmth emanated from him despite the darkness of the room. "{Don't you worry about your family, human,"} he rumbled gently. "{They grieved, of course, a long and painful time. But they are strong people. They will live happy and prosperous lives. You needn't burden yourself with worry.}"

His words offered little solace. The thought of them going on without me, of milestones I wouldn't be there to witness, carved a hollow ache in my chest. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision. "Is that so?" I mumbled, wiping away a stray tear that traced a path down my cheek.

After wiping away the last tear, I forced myself to look at Aphelion. He sat regally, his massive paw resting on the armrest, his gaze fixed on me. "Now what?" I rasped, my voice raw with emotion. "Are you going to judge me?"

A flicker of amusement, or perhaps something more sinister, replaced his frown. A wide, unsettling grin stretched across his muzzle. "{Not exactly, human,"} he rumbled. "{You see, I find myself in a bit of a predicament.}"

With a snap of his claws, a holographic image materialized between us. It depicted two figures – one vaguely human with avian features, the other a man with feline characteristics.

"{I made a wager with your, well, let's say, ancient counterparts.}" Aphelion explained, his voice laced with amusement. "{The terms were simple: If I won, they would become my underlings. If I lost, they could choose one soul from their world to be bestowed with our blessing – a passage to another universe.}"

The holographic image shimmered, transforming into a view of Earth. It zoomed in on Egypt, then plunged deep beneath the surface, descending through layers of rock until it reached a dark, ash-filled palace. Two figures, the bird-man and cat-man from before, sat facing each other across a chessboard.

"So, you're offering me a chance to be like those characters in those… fanfiction novels?" I asked, a flicker of curiosity sparking amidst the fog of grief.

Aphelion chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that vibrated through the room. "{Precisely. But of course, with a few… enhancements. Three specific powers, to be exact.}"

He rose to his full imposing height and circled behind me, a massive paw coming to rest on my shoulder. I tensed instinctively, a surge of apprehension coursing through me.

"Could I choose the universe?" I blurted out, a sliver of hope flickering within me.

Aphelion's booming laughter filled the chamber, his face suddenly looming impossibly close with that unsettling grin. "{Of course... Not}" he boomed, retracting his face but maintaining a tight grip on my shoulder. I winced at the pressure, the reminder of his immense strength.

"{Now what will it be, human? Fun and fantastic adventure or eternal rest?"}

Silence hung heavy in the air as I weighed my options. The allure of eternal rest, a peaceful oblivion, was undeniable. Yet, a flicker of defiance sparked within me. Could I truly surrender the life I hadn't lived? Wouldn't going to another universe, a chance to start anew, be a way to honor the life I lost?

"Reincarnation," I declared, my voice firming with resolve.

A delighted cackle erupted from Aphelion. "{Hahahahaha! Good human, you didn't disappoint me!}" The holographic image flickered, morphing into a spinning wheel with countless, shimmering slots – each one representing a different universe. He moved from behind me, his colossal form now towering in front.

"{Now, first we must decide your powerset. What would you like?}" His eyes gleamed with something akin to amusement, as if relishing my predicament.

Years of devouring fantasy novels and fanfiction flooded my mind. Images of powerful heroes and fantastical abilities swirled before me. After a moment of deliberation, three distinct desires crystallized.

First and foremost, death immunity. Perishing again, so soon after my tragic demise, held no appeal. I craved a long, fulfilling life in this new world.

Second, a system. A companion, a guide, an analyst – a swiss army knife of a power that would ease my integration and enhance my survival in this unknown world.

Finally, the crown jewel – Omniverse travel. The ability to explore countless realities, to meet the characters that had enthralled me for years – Anakin and Luke Skywalker, the valiant Autobots, the iconic heroes of Earth's mightiest heroes. The possibilities were endless!

Just as I opened my mouth to voice my desires, Aphelion raised a massive paw, silencing me. "{First, did you forget, human? I can read minds.}" he rumbled, a hint of disappointment tinging his voice.

"Yeah, kinda slipped my mind," I admitted sheepishly.

"{Second, your wishes can be granted, but with limitations,"} he continued. "{The system won't have everything unlocked at once, and the Omniverse travel will be restricted for a period. Fair enough?}" He crossed his arms, his gaze unwavering.

"That's all? No limitations on the death immunity?" I questioned, surprised that this seemingly overpowered ability seemed to be a free pass.

"{That?"} he scoffed. "{Bah, I couldn't care less if you live or die in that new world. It's all part of the game.}" With that, he grabbed me with surprising ease and propelled me towards the spinning wheel, its countless options blurring before my eyes.

"{Now, human, this wheel will determine the universe you'll call home! Millions of possibilities await! Let's see where fate takes you…}"

Desperation fueled my grip on the spinning wheel as I spun it with all my might. Aphelion paced restlessly beside me, his booming voice echoing with amusement. The wheel slowed, its countless options blurring into a dizzying kaleidoscope. Finally, with a shuddering halt, the pointer landed. My heart plummeted. It was a universe I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy – Warhammer 40k.

A shiver wracked my body. This universe was a nightmare realm, a constant warzone where even gods were mere insects. Living there wouldn't be living – it would be an eternity of suffering. "Uh, could I maybe… retry?" I stammered, my voice laced with dread.

Aphelion regarded me for a long moment, a sly smile playing on his lips. "{Well, well, human,"} he rumbled, his voice dripping with amusement. "{It seems you've hit the jackpot.}"

The room shimmered – the spinning wheel, the plush chairs, the crackling fireplace – all vanished. Panic surged through me. "Wait, Aphelion, you wouldn't really send me there, would you?"

He ignored my plea, striding towards me with an unsettling slowness. A heavy hand clamped down on my shoulder, anchoring me in place. He leaned in close, his gaze locking with mine. "{Of course…}" he began, his voice a low murmur. I held my breath, waiting for the rest of the sentence.

But it never came. Instead, a dark chasm materialized at my feet, its inky depths promising oblivion. My breath hitched. I dangled precariously, Aphelion's grip the only thing separating me from the endless void.

The amusement in his eyes morphed into something sinister, a nightmarish echo of Pennywise the clown. A horrifying grin stretched across his face. "Aphelion, sir, please, I beg of you!" I shrieked, hands clasped in a desperate plea.

Silence. Only his chilling smile remained. Then, with a cruel chuckle, he released his hold. A scream tore from my throat as I plummeted into the abyss, the darkness swallowing me whole. Aphelion's laughter echoed in my ears, a haunting melody that faded into nothingness as I fell…