

Tristan and his class have been transported to another world. A world filled with magic and swords, but Tristan couldn’t care less about that stuff. His main thought is about what type of beautiful and sexy women will he encounter in this foreign and mystical land. Using his ‘Evolution’ ability...Tristan will wander this new world collecting all the hot babes he can find...no matter how immoral his methods may be.

Frigid_Cruciatu · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


Tristan looked around the foreign room he suddenly found himself in. The walls, floor, and ceiling all seemed to be made of a type of polished stone, though he couldn't tell what type of stone just from the quick glance he gave them.

He also noticed that instead of any electrical lights, there were torches held up on the walls that illuminated the room. Besides the torches, Tristan couldn't see any other objects within the room, so he decided to focus on the people he saw.

The first people he saw were his fellow classmates, all of which seemed to be warily looking towards a certain direction. Tristan followed their gazes in order to see what it was that they all seemed to be looking at.

What came into his sight were three people, one man and two women. The man was very skinny and looked to be rather old. Tristan came to this conclusion due to the many wrinkles that covered his face as well as the few white hairs that could be seen sprouting from his mainly bald head. Another feature of the old man would be his dull gray eyes. While his eye color was dull, Tristan couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong with the old mans eyes. Tristan could see a certain gleam in them, and he certainly didn't like whatever that gleam entailed. Whenever he looked at those eyes, he felt a chill run down his spine, causing him great discomfort. The old man was wearing some very flashy clothing...the type of clothing you would typically see an old western king wear. He had the red robe with a white trim, the clothes below the robe were mainly purple in color, and he also had a crown which sat atop his balding head.

Seeing as how the other only other notable feature about the old man was the over abundance of jewelry, Tristan decided to shift his gaze to the woman located on the the old mans right.

Now this woman was much more pleasing to look at. This woman appeared to be significantly younger than the old man, but she was obviously still an older woman. If Tristan had to guess, he would say that the woman was in her late twenties to her early thirties. Another fact about the woman was that she was extremely gorgeous. She had long white hair, which Tristan assumed was her natural hair color and wasn't white because of age. Looking at her face, the most outstanding feature would be her bright turquoise eyes. Her body frame was slender...well every part of her except her breasts, hips, and thighs were slender. Those parts were very much not slender. First, her breasts... they were fucking huge. Tristan just couldn't help but be shocked at the sheer size of her tits. Her breasts alone probably made up around 10% of her full body mass. Not only were they massive, but Tristan could just tell that they were very soft. Tearing his gaze away from the woman's heavenly melons, Tristan started to look nape to her lower body, which was just as erotic as her upper body. Tristans gaze slowly took in the woman's wide hips. While he couldn't see the woman's ass since she was facing towards him and his classmates, Tristan could tell that those wide hips were hiding a nice and meaty behind. As he stared Tristan just couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to grope what was undoubtedly a very large and very fat ass. His gaze traveled even further down the woman's body. He saw the thickness of the woman's hips slowly start to dissipate as he looked further down her legs. Her thighs, while not as thick as her hips, were still plenty thick in their own right. Following her meaty thighs came a pair of long and slender legs. While Tristan wasn't particularly a leg guy, he could still acknowledge a sexy pair of legs when he saw them.

This walking wet dream of a woman was wearing a tight fitting dress, which perfectly showed off all of her magnificent curves. The dress was purple in color with little specks of gold mixed in every so often. The top of the dress was very low cut, showing off a generous amount of cleavage, a design choice Tristan was very grateful for. There was also a slit that led from the hip area all the way down to the bottom of the dress. This slit provided a window that let outsiders observe the shapely legs and thick thighs of the woman.

Just like the old man beside her, whom Tristan assumed was the king of wherever they are, the woman had a robe on which was red in color and had a white trim. She also had a crown just like the presumed king atop her head. However, unlike the king, she didn't have a ridiculous amount of jewelry covering her body. All she had were two golden bracelets on her wrists, and that was it.

After fully examining the woman, Tristan could confidently say that this woman was a Milf. Not only was she a milf...she was and S-tier milf...one of the few S-tiers Tristan had ever seen in his young life.

Finally, Tristan shifted his gaze towards the only remaining figure, the one who was standing on the kings left.

This girl looked to be about 16 or 17, so she was about the same age as Tristan and his classmates. After a quick once over, Tristan could pretty easily guess that this girl was the other woman's daughter. She was a carbon copy of the other woman with only a few minor differences. The main difference being that she appeared younger and all of her assets were smaller. She had the same white hair as the other woman, but her eyes were gray. Her eyes were like the kings, but seemed brighter and more lively than his. Her breasts were big, but not ridiculously big like her mothers. The same thing could be said about her hips, thighs, and legs. They were all thick, meaty, and sexy respectively, but were just smaller versions of the other woman's assets.

Although, the clothing she wore was a lot less revealing than her mothers. She had a pink dress the covered the majority of her body, though, she also had a low cut dress, so Tristan could see her deep cleavage, albeit, not as much as her mother. Like the other two, she also had a crown that sat atop her head. The only piece of jewelry that Tristan could see was a rather gaudy necklace that lay upon her exposed breasts. Tristan could see that the middle part of the necklace had sunken into her cleavage a bit.

As Tristan examined the people before him, the presumed king began to talk to the class.

"Heroes, I, King William Wilfor, welcome you all to the Wilfor Kingdom. The women next to me are my wife, Queen Iris Wilfor, and my daughter, Princess Celeste Wilfor." said the king while gesturing towards the woman on his right, the Queen, and towards the teen on his left, the Princess.

"Now, I know you all must be confused about your current situation, but I can assure you that everything will become clear very soon."

Most of the students remained quiet and just looked at the King, their faces expressing a variety of emotions. Before anyone else could say anything, a busty and mature woman who stood in the middle of the crowd of students spoke up.

"Uh...Could you please tell me what is going on?"

Tristan looked towards the owner of the voice to see Miss Ki, the schools nurse. At first Tristan was confused as to why she was here, seeing as how the only other people who were summoned were his classmates and his homeroom teacher, Mr. Xavier. It was then that he remembered that one of his classmates, Ian Lacken, had special medications he had to take during the day, and that Miss Ki had come to Tristans classroom in order to give Ian a new bottle of his meds.

"Hmm?...Oh yes...Well to keep things simple, we have summoned you all to this world, for my kingdom and my people are in grave danger!" The Kings voice started to become more and more urgent as he continued to talk.

"W-what kind of d-danger?" asked Talia Riverdale, a small and petite classmate of Tristans.

The King looked directly at Talia, causing the meek girl to flinch. "Unfortunately, a new Demon King has been awoken, and they plan on destroying this very kingdom. This is why I ask you heroes for your help...for you are my kingdoms only salvation." said the King in a solemn voice.

A mix of different emotions could be seen on the students and school faculties faces. From shock, fear, confusion, it was all there.

Tristan, though, only continued to look at the King, the Queen, and the Princess, his face an emotionless mask.


Name - Tristan Rain

Age - 17

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Titles - Summoned Hero


Physical Skills - N/A

Mental Skills - N/A

Special Skills - Evolution LV 1

Resistance Skills - N/A

Tristan couldn't help but notice how empty his status screen looked. The only parts worth mentioning would be the Summoned Hero title and the special skill Evolution.

Tristan wasn't the only one. Several of his classmates also showed signs of confusion when they didn't see the normal Strength, Intelligence, and Luck stats that they have grown so familiar with due to multiple forms of media from their previous world.

One student, named Tyler Guiro, decided to ask the King as to why he didn't see those stats whenever he pulled up his status screen.

"The answer is pretty simple actually." the King began, "We have only recently developed the Status Magic, so it is still only in a very rudimentary state." the king answered nonchalantly.

"O-oh..." was the only thing that Tyler could respond with.

The students continued to ask questions, however Tristan didn't find any of the kings answers particularly interesting. What intrigued Tristan the most was how silent the Queen and the Princess had been throughout this entire ordeal. Tristan and his class had easily been here for over an hour, yet neither of them have said a word. They have both just stood there, observing the students as they talked amongst themselves.

Tristan looked around the room, and saw that the King was answering one of his classmates questions, so he took this opportunity to walk over to the Queen and attempt to engage in a conversation.

"Hello there, can you tell me how to view the description of my skill?" Tristan decided to start a conversation by asking the Queen a question, and since the King was currently busy with one of his classmates, she had no reason to refuse him.

Hearing his question the Queen just looked at Tristan for a second, before eventually telling him, "I'm sure my husband has the answers to all of your questions. I believe it would be best if you ask him."

"I would, but as you can see, he is currently busy answering the questions of my classmates, so I was hoping that you could help me instead." Tristan said whilst pointing at the King, who had become surrounded by my classmates, all of whom had their own questions to ask him.

The Queen looked over towards where Tristan was pointing, to see that the King did indeed have a crowd surrounding him. The Queen looked back at me and her facial expression changed to one of worry and slight discomfort.

"W-Well...I think that y-you should wait until...ummm..." Tristan noticed how once the Queen couldn't come up with a viable excuse, she started stuttering and tripping over her words. All the while she kept shooting glances over at the King as if her look alone would alert the King of her current situation. Unfortunately for the Queen, the King was busy answering Miss Ki's questions while obviously staring at her breasts.

Contrary to what Tristan expected, the Queen didn't seem to be the slightest bit upset with the Kings obvious gawking...if anything Tristan thought he saw a hint of pity within her eyes. Tristan could only wonder what that was about.

Shaking away the strange look of the Queen, Tristan decided to double down on asking the Queen questions in order to get some sort of conversation going, but he never got the chance. This was due to the Princess suddenly appearing next to him and Queen giving them both a slight fright.

"Mother, don't you think it is about time we start the feast we have set up especially for the Summoned Heroes?" was what he Princess asked as sin as she had the Queens attention.

"Huh?...oh...OH!...Yes, I do think the feast we had prepared should have been all set up by now. Let me just go get your father that way we can all go and enjoy the feast together."

The Queen immediately started to head off towards the Kings direction after giving an answer to the Princess. Tristan just watched her hurriedly walk away before turning his attentions towards the Princess, only to find her giving him a pretty nasty look.

"Can I help you?" asked Tristan. The Princess just continued to stare at him before giving him a curt , "It's nothing." and walking away.

'I wonder what's up with these two. The Queen seems to be very quiet and nervous, while the Princess seems to have already decided that she doesn't like me...man...This whole situation is fucked...' thought Tristan as he rejoined the crowd of students, as they were led out of the room by the King, Queen, and Princess.

Writing is hard

Frigid_Cruciatucreators' thoughts