
Immersed - The Story of How I Changed the World

In the year 2026 the world was flooded by monsters and other such mythological creatures. This is the story of Mark Idrona and his rise to power in a dangerous world where strength has become the most vital thing to survive.

CarsonODST · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The Seminar

I know it's a bit late for introductions, but my name is Mark Indrona, and that's how it all started. That's how I got my powers. What's that? You want to know more than just that? Alright then. I'm currently wearing blue jeans, a black shirt, a grey jacket, and a pair of red sneakers. If I had to say anything else, I guess I would say that I love games, music is pretty cool, and I am currently sitting through the most boring lecture of my life.

"We have come to the conclusion that not all of the animals that passed through these portals are carbon-based life forms and function nearly completely different from what we know. On a similar note, most of the beings that pass thr-"

I mean seriously, I literally just got superpowers, it's a literal dream come true, but I can't use any of them. They said if I don't behave myself there would be consequences; wait a second, I have superpowers, why don't I just kick their asses? Nah, that's probably a bad idea.

"-that these animals seem to contain materials not of our world. We have already began integrating these materials with our own technology and-"

Screw it! I'm done listening to this. He's just spouting generic urban fantasy stuff, he literally hasn't said anything so far that made me think, "oh, how interesting. I wouldn't have imagined that." I would honestly leave if I could. Luckily that guy in the suit gave me some of my stuff back. He mainly gave me some clothes, and my phone, but took my sim card, after that we took a flight for a while then a car ride. Honestly, I could really use a nap right about now, all that traveling wore me out.


Is it finally done? Is it over? Everyone was getting up from their chairs, so the lecture was probably finished.

I picked my face up from the desk and stood up before making my way to the exit. Once I left the room, people were being given weapons, gear, and other things of the sort. I nudged some guy near me and asked him what was going on.

"We're going into one of the portals. You did watch the lecture, right?"


The man went back to minding his own business.

I didn't sign up for this! Take me back! I'd rather go to jail than die!

There wasn't much known about the portals or what lied on the other side of them at the moment, but from what the videos showed and the things that the few survivors said, going near a portal was a deathwish, so by association going inside of one had to be nothing short of suicide.

I was being pushed with the flow of the crowd, and before I knew it, I had a gun, a knife, a vest, what looked like an oxygen tank, and a bunch of other things all in my hands. Afterward, I was sent into a group with four other people in a rather small and empty room that's only distinguishing features were that it looked very white, and there was a window next to the door I entered. There were three men and one woman in the group. Everyone was wearing their oxygen tank and masks already so I couldn't make out their faces all that well, and the only thing I could point out was that one of the men looked like a weightlifter.

I tried opening the door, but it was locked. Can I not leave? Am I stuck here now? What have I gotten myself into? I've got it, I'll just force my way out! I do have superpowers after all. These people can't contain me. Yeah, I'll do that.

Wait… how do I use my powers?

I turned towards the other people in the room and asked them, "So you guys have powers, right?"

They all seemed to nod or make noises of agreement.

"Okay, wow, this is embarrassing, I don't really know how to use my powers, can you guys perhaps tell me how?"


The response was so blunt I was shocked. That was so rude. I'm sure if you asked me for help, I would probably help you out maybe, so why can't you do the same?


"Didn't you listen to the lecture? There isn't a finite universal way to use your powers, you just kind of have to figure it out on your own."


There's nothing I can do, is there.