
Immense Love Overflowing For You

What will happen when two people from the same world and, the same background meet each other but are unaware of each other's identity? Would the love seeds that once sprouted in them for each other be easily extinguished by the fierce desire to protect each other from the dark secrets of each other and ruthless world, and in turn get away from each other? This is the story of Rita Mo, the upcoming heir of the Mo family which is the most mysterious family of the four influential families in the country. She's cute, fluffy, smiling, and optimistic with a temper of her own who becomes an ice-cold beauty when signed an assignment in the underworld. Please note, her temper's not like the princesses who always throw a tantrum of their own. Her only desire to get a best friend in school life is met when she comes across Samuel Chen. Samuel Chen, the heir of the Chen family, also one of the four influential families of the country is handsome, and tall, with a well-built body and a smile so charming that girls just die for him. Known as the 'Devil Boy' in the underworld, he's ruthless and merciless. Would both of them be able to open up to each other when both of them discover their feelings for each other? Or would it be just a sweet and sour memory of their teenage love? Would their love finally bloom again when they meet each other under the circumstances of fate? Read on to find out!

lovingbeauty23 · Thành thị
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78 Chs

Resolve to move on !!!

Now that Samuel was out of the room , he let his emotions flow down freely . He never really knew that the feeling of leaving behind , acting cold towards someone whom you loved could bring upon such pain . He never inflicted the pain on his face , not even when he would be hurt really bad physically .

But he never knew that he would shed tears for someone he started liking since the first encounter .

He just thought that maybe it was all just a biological process and shrugged it off but when it didn't stop , he had to give in .He had to give in to this feeling when he soon realised how important Rita had become for him . He liked to see her smile at him but felt an unknown uncomfortable feeling in his heart when she smiled and talked with some other guy . He now understood what it was ...it was jealousy that's sprouted when you start to love someone .

He couldn't believe that a mere cute , lively and innocent girl could let so many emotions have a toll over his heart . He wanted so bad to just go over to her side , hold her hand ,give her comfort and kiss her forehead to show how much he cared for her .. to show how..how much he liked her .

But he was torn .

Yeah ! For the first time in his life did Samuel encounter something so difficult to handle . He had been a smart boy since young but today all his smartness were like just for mere outward speculation and appreciation .

Today this feeling of love made him realise how big of a fool he was . Today he realised that no physical pain could amount to the pain that is inflicted on the heart coz it's something just so unbearable .

He shed his silent tears for some time until he eventually stopped . With a new resolve to start anew and to move on from his heart , he glanced one last time at the door of the medical where Rita resided and then he left the place in large strides .


On the other side of the door ....

Rita was feeling equally torn for her little heart which was taught to show no mercy on anyone in the underworld , was now itself feeling like it was being brutally chopped to pieces and tortured so badly that the pain was becoming hard for her to carry on .

She didn't know when , but she soon realised that her face was wet with all the tears and that she was now sobbing really hard .

But finally , slowly and eventually she taught her heart that she could cry only this once , for next time she won't cry .. not ever . She took the resolve to start her life all anew and to leave behind the sweet and sour memories of her and Samuel . Although , it may seem hard but it was not impossible , was it ???


Just so thankful to all the dear readers ... we got a huge leap of views for this novel so why back out on giving reviews and comments ..



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