
Imagine Breaker in MHA

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Geraint124x · Tranh châm biếm
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142 Chs

Chapter 33: Idiot

Chapter 33: Idiot

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate to my Paypal.

Link: paypal.me/Geraint124x

Thank you very much, it will be a quite big help to me.


(MC's POV)

Coming out from the sewer in a certain alleyway,

"Ugh! It stinks!"

I closed the manhole with its metal lid.

Smelling myself,

"Ugh! What a wonderful way of meeting Rumi... Such misfortune! This is those villain fault!"

Walking out of the alleyway while wiping my sunglasses,

"I guess I'll go back to the hotel and take a bath."

As I walk along the slightly crowded streets, everyone who walks near me covered their nose as they frown at me because of my smell.

"What's with this guy? He smell!"

"Such a waste. He looks hot but his smell is a big no no!"

"It stinks!"

I just ignored them and went straight to the hotel that I'm staying.

"Welcome back sir--It stinks!"

The receptionist did the same too.

"I prefer if you don't ask or the same misfortune will also happen to you."

"Okay sir..."

I decided to use the stairs when I saw the elevator is being use by other people.

Arriving in my room, I took off all my clothes and went straight to the bathroom and take a bath.

After that, I jumped on the soft bed while wearing only in my underwear.

*Father, can you hear me?*

Roboco spoke through my phone and she appeared in the screen.

I took my phone and looked at her. She's currently wearing a different outfit without glasses. Her outfit is red kimono with a big red ribbon tied on the back of her head.

*Oh, please, Father! Can you wear some clothes? Aren't you ashamed looking like that in front of your daughter?*


She got angry and scolded me.

"You change your outfit again? Well, you look cute in that outfit, Roboco!" I smiled.

*Thank you... but that won't subside my anger. I'm still mad at you.* she pouted, looking away.

"Okay, okay! Then what can I do for you?"

*Please finish working on my body! I'm already bored inside your computer!*

"Your design is little bit complicated so it will take time."

*Then, for the time being, I will hack all the porn and nude website in the world and shut them all down.*

"Oi! You're gonna trouble a lot of people!"

*It's fine, people can live without it anyway.*

"Fine! I'll work faster! Just don't cause any trouble!"

*You haven't even rewarded me from all of my hardwork. Father is an idiot.*

She was sulking.

"Just a little bit more, okay? I'll reward you a lot after I finish your body."



*Let's go out and talk with each other outside. Speak only to me and don't flirt with other girls. Father's priority is his lovely daughter today, understand?*


After that, I went outside again with my phone hanging on my neck with the camera facing the front.

I only use one earphone so that I can still hear clearly my surroundings while I only hear Roboco's audio.

Walking in front of the clothing store that shows different beautiful dresses wore by mannequins,

*Father... I want to wear those dresses...*


The AI I made had a mind and heart of a ordinary girl. I can feel that she's excited to see the real world with her body. What taking my time to make her body is the materials I need. This world has the technology to make amazing things but because they focused to much on quirks and hero stuff that they forget to advance the things they needed. It's really such a waste of technology.

In the future, I'm planning to go with Rumi to the moon and make mochi over there then eating it while looking at shape of the earth.

*Father! You're in daze again! Look over there and there's another commotion!*


*Yeah, someone is planning to jump off on top of the building.*

"A suicide huh? Trying to murder himself. Well... Japan is one of those countries with highest suicide rates. Let's go and see."

Arriving at the seen, Pro Heroes are around and they are trying to persuade the man who's holding on a rail of the rooftop.

This commotion gathered a lot of people.

"They may able to save him from falling, but it's completely futile if they can't save his heart. He will just jump off on another place or hang himself on a tree. They leave everything too much to Pro Heroes."

*What are you going to do, Father?*

"That is why not all heroes wears a cape."

I looked around and found a coffee and beer vending machines on a sidelines.

After buying one can of latte coffee and one can of beer, I went inside the building then climbed up to the top floor.

Arriving on the rooftop, I found Rumi and Ryukyu together trying to convince the man. Both of them are in their hero costume.

Rumi is wearing her sleeveless white leotard with dark purple trim around her shoulders and waist, a wide yellow crescent moon design over her chest, and a single thick metal plate wrapped around her midriff while Ryukyu's hero costume consists of a dark red, traditional qipao with a pale green scale trim around her shoulders, which seems to only be slit on the left side, with yellow claw patterns on the bottom and smaller ones around her neck. She wears knee-high boots and a strap around her exposed thigh. She wears long, almost sleeve-like white gloves that nearly reach her shoulders, with higher tabs on the outer sides, and they expose her hands from the wrist. She wears a matching green headband with four large, pale purple claws attached, covering the right side of her face, and a set of small black dragon wings protrude from the back of her head, with a number of gold spiked cartilage piercings decorating her left ear.


The man was hesitating nervously on jumping,

"I made up my mind! You guys can't stop me!"

He was wearing a navy coat and a hat then long brown pants. He's was a man in his early twenties based on his appearance.

"Aren't you being too miserable? If you are a man, get a hold of yourself and stop being foolish! You look pathetic!"

Hearing Rumi saying that, I immediately appeared behind her and smacked her head.


She held her head in pain.

"Hey! That hurts! What's that for?" she retorted.

"Stop talking, idiot! You are just making it worse."

I scolded her.

When she glanced at my face, she immediately recognize and remembered me.

"Wait! Aren't you that guy who's trying hit on us at the coffee shop this morning?"

"Oh, you're that guy!" Ryukyu also remembered me and pointed.

"I'm not trying hit on you ladies. I just came to talk--"

"You hit me just now! If you're looking for a fight then I'll beat your ass!"

When Rumi was about to attack me, Ryukyu grabbed her arms from behind and stopped her.

"Don't! He's a civilian, Mirko!"

"Ryukyu! He just smacked me over the head!"

"Yeah, be sure to remember that pain well." Ryukyu patted her head.

"What?! Are you taking his side?"

"Because what he said was right. You went overboard and it can make this situation worst."

I went towards the man who still hesitating to jump.

"Hey! Only Pro Heroes are authorize to come here in this scene. Please don't get in our way." Ryukyu spoke and warned me.

"Nothing happened yet so it's fine. Leave this to me!" I waved my hand at her.

I jumped over the rail and sit down at the edge near beside the man who looks confused of my intention.

Taking out the can of beer, I put it beside him.

"Here... Have some. Drink it while its cold." I offered him some drink.

I took out my can of coffee latte and opened it.

"What are you doing? I am going to jump from this building and you can't stop me!"

"Yeah, don't mind me and just go for it." I drink my latte and relax while watching the sceneries on top of this building.

"Huh? Is this some kind of joke?"

"Nope, I'm quite serious. Go for it."

"Are you using some kind of reverse psychology to me?"

"Not really, just go and jump already."

He closed his eyes and willed himself.

"Okay... I'm gonna do it. Goodbye, cruel world--"

The man was about to jump when I grabbed him in the pants in which he stopped.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

"You forgot to drink the beer I offered you."

"I don't need that!"

"Come... Sit here beside me and let's talk. That beer will be a waste if you don't drink it."

He looked down and lost his courage to jump then he just decided to have a drink with me.

After telling his story,

"So... your girlfriend named Karen whom you've been dating for seven years since highschool and she dumped you for another guy who's rich and handsome. The guy was a CEO of some big company here in Japan and your girlfriend fell in love with him and they are now going to get marry each other?"

"Yes... She was everything to me... Uuuu..."

The man was crying as he drinks the can of beer.

"That's horrible! How did fell in love with such a woman?" I asked curiously.

"Well... Our mothers are friends with each other and I was introduce by my mom to her mother so I can work as a part-timer and help them with their small restaurant. And there... I became close to her mother then she wants me to become her family and she introduced me to her daughter, Karen... I didn't want to disappoint her mother so I put a lot of effort to get Karen date me. After several months with the help of her mother, I finally made her accept my confession and date me."


"Such a bleak relationship..."

"Yeah... I want to die... I was about to propose to her."


Suddenly, I felt something strange with his story.

"Where's your girlfriend--No! Your ex-girlfriend?"


He felt pain inside him when I said that.

"She's now living with her new rich and handsome boyfriend..."

He was about to cry again and he can't get over.

"Where is her mother?"

"Huh? She's currently working alone on her diner."

"Alone? Where's her husband?"

"No, she's already divorce for almost eighteen years."

Hearing that, I hit the man in the face.


"Hey! What's that for!"

"You date that woman because of her mother, right?"

"But... but..."

"Then I shall give you some word of wisdom..."


The man looks confused.

Using one of SHAZAM's ability called Wisdom of Solomon.

"If she leaves you for another, there is always her mother."

The man's eyes widened and he trembled.

"I see... the one you actually like was actually her mother."

The man looked down in silence and became sad.

"I can't..."

"Since you're free now, stop lamenting and go to her instead."

"But I let her down because of what happened."

The man is still hesitating and finding reasons.

"No, I know what really your worrying about but you're already an adult just like her."


"What are you hesitating for? Age is just a number! Go and propose to her instead! It's better than dying down here!"

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll confess to her."

He's trying to prepare himself.

"Do it!"


"Just do it!"

"Yes, I can!"

"Now, go!"

"Yes, brother! Thank you!" The man hugged me.

I just gave him a tap in the back.

"Thank you very much!"

After that, the man decided to back home after taking my contact email.

Meeting back with Rumi and Ryukyu outside the building when things finally calm down.

"You're good." Ryukyu was amazed.

Rumi looks annoyed but I noticed that she was staring at me the whole time.

I just grinned at her


"What did you say?!!"

She became very furious.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Wise words from Sun tzu. I'll fix my mistakes later.)