
Im Muzan kibutsuji.

Muzan Kibutsuji was a man at some point but was reborn as a monster and was given the name Demon among many other name's, This is a story of power and adventure!. [I don't own any of anime this fanfic has to offer, i take no credit] [enjoy]

XLR8LEGLEND · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs


Muzan peered outside the square window of the small cabin house in thought of making his own kingdom here in the human world he just created the clan of vampires yet they already join the demon clan as they are somewhat related but because of that they gain enough resources for there own kingdom in the human world also Muzan figured out that time seems to work differently for the three realms!.

Suddenly Muzan turned around to face his kneeling subordinate Moro who was there for a while but didn't speak already knowing how Muzan will look in his direction when he is ready to listen!.

Moro noticing the gaze of his creator voice out what was on his mind, "I been having dreams of another life, how i was one of the strongest before my defeat by a purple cat, I was a wizard and I have knowledge I wish to give you my lord a technique it has something to do with life absorption that can increase ones power significantly!."

Muzan eyes widened but just as quickly narrowed at his subordinate, "Moro when did you start having these dreams of your so-called pass life?," Muzan asked moro with an inquisitive look on his face!.

Moro quick to reply stood up and took out a rolled up paper, as he had done so many times in the past days in the human world doing tasks for his lord this caused Muzan eyes to wander to the paper in curiosity while moro spoke, "Here my lord a detailed description of when the dreams started what they where about and the techniques are written in the bottom after the description!," Moro already used to this type of explaining from the moment they left purgatory did so handed it over monotonously.

Muzan having the paper in hand, pocket it for later as he once again spoke to Moro, "This will be a weekly task for you to do!," Moro quick reply with a simple nod of confirmation.

Muzan turned towards his small window as his gaze hardened while looking outside at a particular bush that wasn't there before in a commanding tone he spoke out loud, "I know you're there reveal yourself trespasser!," but in response there was silence for awhile Muzan was thinking that the magic signature was fake although small it felt as if trying to minimize itself as much as possible but just a small amount of magical energy is all that's needed to determine the position of a person or animal.

Muzan having his clone learning everything from Gowther was able to learn magic perception as well being connected with his clone in purgatory like a hivemind the knowledge was passed to him!.

Moro noticing the person as well decided to help his lord not look like a crazy person he decided to take action!.

Suddenly Moro approached the bush while picking it up and dropping it in front of the window of Muzan the same bush suddenly let out in painful groan from being dropped onto the grass ground it suddenly started to glow in purple magical energy and shrink down and reformed to a small female child who look at Muzan accusingly as she had got up from the ground she has long black hair reaching her mid-back!.

Muzan forgot who the child was for a moment as he didn't really care about her after he remembered the title that they called her it was no one other then the Daughter of Belialuin who has a unique magical ability called infinity similar to Muzan two unique magical abilities of life and death!.

Noticing Muzan uncaring reaction as he just closed the window curtain in her face making the small child in rage with such actions decided to teleport Muzan outside with a snap of her fingers but nothing happened this caused Moro who noticed this action to simply ruffled the hair of the child in a way that said at least you tried you do better next time!.

Causing her to furrow her eyebrows in disappointment the child's name was Merlin she is the daughter of the man, Muzan helped live through purgatory who was the elder sage and chief of Belialuin, the capital of the wizards.