
Illicit Relationship in Magic world

IF YOU LIKE TOO MUCH ROMANCE THEN THIS IS FOR YOU Restart from 8 April. " So, all of you understand how much power do I possess. " I asked to my aunt, mommy, sister and big sister. " oh my god. Alas are you for real. " Sister scream in surprise. " but why didn't you tell us about you earlier. " Mother asked. ' if you have said it earlier I didn't have to hide from everyone that I love you, my baby Alas. But it still not too late and I don't have to fear about society as well. ' Verenasa thought as a smile appeared on her face. ( mother. ) " Yes, little Alas, I didn't know, you are this power. " Aunt said. ' if Alas have this much power than I don't have to worry about anything, I can do what I have desired , even hide it from sister, my husband and my daughter as well. ' Aunt Lilith thought and a smile also appeared on her face. " Little brother. " Big sister looked at me did say anything but instantly take me on her hug and kissed on my lips, passionately, our tongue met each other and we suck on each other's saliva. It is from volume 2 if you want to read it you have to read Volume 1 . And Volume 2 Has Just Started. Or you can directly read from volume 2

NITIN_ZARCs · Kỳ huyễn
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58 Chs

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" And regain his status as a God...? " Mom got so surprised. As she looked at Alas and grabbed his hand secretly because he was sitting next to her. She grabbed it tightly as she got scared to know that there is really a God in this world.

At her words Alas nodded at her.

" Alas than how much that person would be strong in his full powers and have a status as a God..? " Kavya asked.

" That would be not much just 5000 times strong than current him. " Alas said calmly.

" Oh my god.. " Aunt said in pure surprise and excitement her curiosity is increasing per second .

" Than little brother, why did they get punishment from heaven..? " Celestia asked.

" Obviously there he might had done something wrong that's why..! " Alas said as he looked at her.

" Oh god I really need more time to process all these things. " Mom said with a sigh.

" Yes, me too. " Aunt said as her mind was wondering more things.

" Anhh.. ~ Alas I want to ask something. " Kavya said just as she said Alas turned to her direction and said.

" No sister don't ask more question it's already too much for all of you, you know there is no rush to know everything we have so much time , so take it easy.. " Alas said.

" No, no just answer my this question. You said there is two types of energy Positive mana and negative mana. Isn't it..? "

" Yeah.. And "

" So the positive energy is possessed by someone like Angel or God. Than what about negative energy you didn't say anything about that. Is it possessed by some devil and demon Gods or something. " Kavya asked in question tone.

" Yes, you are right sister. It's exactly as you said furthermore both Gods and Demon Gods are biggest rival of each other. They kill each other's species anywhere they see. So yeah. " Alas agreed to her statement.

" Then what about you, Alas. Are you also rival of Gods and Angel ? Since you said that day when we were stopping you from going out, you said you are demon. Does that mean you also possess Negative energy...? " Kavya asked in suspicious tone and sad tone . Just as she said all of them instantly looked at her.

' What yes that's what he said that day when we were stopping him, does that really means that little Alas..? ' Lilith thought as she slowly turned to look at him.

' What is that.. ' Celestia thought as she looked at Kavya before turning to look at Alas.

' That's not important if Alas is Devil Or Demon. '

Celestia thought .

" Huh.. " Alas looked at her with a little surprise. Just as he looked at her .

Varenasa instantly said " Baby, you.. You don't have to answer that, and don't take that to heart Kavya just ask out of curiosity so please don't take that to heart. " Varenasa instantly said as she grabbed his left hand tightly with her both of hands.

" Yeah .. Little brother don't worry about anything as I said you earlier I didn't care who are you..? You are just my little brother. " Celestia instantly said as she feels suddenly that Kavya said something bad that even she started to feel guilty as she instantly remember that time when Alas said of leaving them because who he was. So she turned to Kavya and said in low tone and angry voice.

" Kavya, how can you say something like that...? " She said as she looked at her in anger. Celestia was worried that Alas will feel sad and can leave them .

" Huh... " Kavya looked at her expression as felt how angry big sister is she never saw big sister getting angry on her that much before, she instantly recognize her mistake as she instantly get up from the chair , went to the sofa and sat down next to him and hugged him from the side.

" Ahh... Alas I just wanted to know about it, I have no intention of hurting your feelings so please don't take it to your heart. " She said in his ears . Just as she said Lilith also said.

" Yes, little Alas don't worry about anything or get angry. " She said as she came near him and about to hug him but before she could Alas instantly said.

" Wait.. Wait don't get worked up, I am not angry not I am hurt or something. So relax all of you. " Alas said as Lilith stopped at her place and didn't move.

" You are really not hurt or just saying that to us. .? " Kavya asked as she looked at him while continue to hug his she was really like a cute kitty.

" I said , I really did get hurt or something so don't worry. Any of you. " Alas said as he looked at them.

" That's relief to hear, baby. " Varenasa said with a sigh of relief.

" Yeah, I hope you are telling truth Little Alas. But that good you didn't take anything to heart. " She said as she sat on the sofa next to Varenasa. Celestia didn't say anything after that. After saying that he turned to look at her as Kavya also looked at him and said.

" Really " Kavya said in cute voice which Alas personally like it.

" Yep. " Alas nodded with a smile.

" Then hug me. "

" Oh come on. " Alas said as he return her hug. Just as he was hugging her. Kavya was thinking .

' I really like to being hugged or get affection from Alas. Right now I am feeling so good that I want this moment to stop but then again it's not going to happen,neither I am in that state to demand anything it's good I have said that at least I can hug him freely . Even in everyone's present,as for Alas being Demon or something I will think about it later but right now. Alas holding me in his arms I didn't care about anything else .' Kavya thought as she continue to hug him , while smiling in the dark.

2 minutes later....

Kavya was still hugging him. Alas thought she isn't going to leave him by herself. As he said in her ear in low tone.

" Sister I think that's enough. " Alas said, just as he said Kavya instantly let him go.

" Oh yeah.. " Kavya said in low tone. As she let him go Alas instantly said.

" Okay then now about your question sister, it's simple I..... Mmm. " He wanted to explain but before he could say anything Kavya covered his mouth with her hand and stopped him from talking.

" No need to say anything. " Kavya said in low tone.

" You can tell us about that later, we have quite much of time later, just like you said earlier no need to rush so don't say anything. " Kavya said as she looked directly in his eyes while her palm was on his mouth it was looking so romantic like a girl stopping her lover to say bad thing about himself. She soon realize it as she immediately removes her hand as her cheek showed reddeness she was feeling so embarrassed , that she wants to go away from here soon.

Just as she was feeling embarrassed a ring came from her phone, it was none other than Lily herself as she make it excuse and left immediately.