
Illegal Romance

'...And when you came into my life, eternity began.' ~ Illegal Romance: A Tale of fake relationship, dark secrets, lost pieces, unexpected twists, heart-wrenching decisions, race against time, and Mother's Dying Wish. ~ Step into the lives of Celine Saint, an ordinary girl with an angelic face, and Gabriel Davis, a cold-hearted big shot. They are about to embark on a journey filled with shocking news, hidden truths, and a love that may just be a facade. Celine, living a simple life in a small town, is thrust into the spotlight overnight. Her picture splashed across every magazine and newspaper, falsely linking her to the enigmatic Gabriel Davis. But here's the catch - they've never even met! Meanwhile, Gabriel, a man of power and popularity, finds himself captivated by the article. Swearing vengeance on the person responsible, he is torn between his desire for justice and a dying mother's happiness. In a selfless act, he decides to enter into a fake relationship to bring joy to his ailing mother's heart. As their secret becomes harder to keep, questions arise. How long can they maintain this charade? Is their love just a pretense? Will the truth ever be revealed? What happens when a fake relationship becomes a media frenzy? Can love truly blossom amidst a web of lies? Will their love be nothing more than a charade, or will it defy all odds and conquer the world? Well, time will answer those questions eventually...

Jolly_ · Thành thị
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18 Chs


"The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well, and doing well whatever you do without thought of fame."- Henry Wadsworth

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Mama Jessica and Daddy John were dumbfounded as they should be when they paid attention to the news. The atmosphere was intense until it started to suffocate.

The TV blared with sensational headlines and paparazzi photos while their phone buzzed with messages and calls from concerned relatives and friends.

"P-Please tell me it's not our d-daughter," Jessica whispered in disbelief and fright. It was the worst nightmare she ever reckoned happening...

"Yes, darling. It is our Celine." John's eyes were fixed on the headlines reading it again and again like it would alter any minute soon. He felt a surge of wrath and dread rising in his chest.

Her hands were trembling violently indicating the shock she just received, "W-What are we going to do now?" A shuddering voice came out of her mouth. She felt helpless and hopeless as she looked at her husband for answers.

"I know Celine. She wouldn't dare to touch a man not alone date a celebrity like this one." His eyes narrowed to process things. "It is fake, Jessi." His voice came out low, trying to convince himself more than his wife.

"Oh, God this is n-not good..." Jessica hoped that it was just a prank gone wrong. She was a mother of a single daughter after all. "We should call her or i-inform her friends to take good care of her-"

"No, Jessi. I told you there was no use in calling them." John continued "I couldn't get through Bella's phone, Aurora is on her honeymoon... Celine's phone either... she is not picking up."

'Mother's soft heart' they say... Jessica's eyes teared up. She blamed herself for not being more attentive and protective of her daughter. "It is all my fault Had I checked my phone or the TV earlier-"

"Stop putting all the blame on yourself." John interrupted her gently. He felt guilty for not being there when she needed him the most. He didn't have the power or what it takes to keep her safe... he felt like he failed.

... As a father.

"J-John, How am l going to calm down when I don't even know how she is doing?" Her motherly nature made her restless. "When we don't even know if she is alone, or in threat..."

Jessica strode back and forth to ease her brain and come up. "I am heading to the company she works for and bring her. I can't just stand here." She grabbed her coat and purse before she headed towards the door.

But John grasped her wrist, stopping her going.

"What?" She turned around with a puzzled look on her face.

"We should give her some time. She grew up under our shield it's time to leave her alone. Our daughter is a woman now, not the toddler we know years ago." He spoke with a light tone.

"Leave her alone?"

"Yes, Jessi. She will come to us when she needs support. Have some faith in her." He reached to hug her.

To show her that he cared for his little family.

"I am scared, John." His wife in his arms was still shivering.

"I am here, Jessi. Celine is going to be fine." Comforted her with a soothing voice. "I promise to protect you both... but now, it's time to let go of her hand so she can stroll alone."

He vowed to protect them from the beginning until the very end.


The silence was killing her thanks to the Demon lord. He was still driving to God knows where making her patience disappear into thin air.

"Demon lord, p-please allow me to ask you some q-questions." She closed her eyes tightly out of fright.

After some seconds of quietness, Mr. Demon lord opened his mouth, "Say it,"

"W-Where are we going? Are you going to feed me to the sharks?... are you p-planning to shoot me?... please don't murder me in the woodland there might be bugs and cockroaches there, okay?... But why would you want me d-dead?... Is it because of the a-article? I swear I don't know that man. I was lying. Ha! It was fake, can you believe it? It is funny right-"

"Enough," Gabriel's head started throbbing. She sure is like a radio. "I am not going to kill you."

"..." Celine's eyes sparkled, "Wait, why won't you kill me, Demon lord?"

"Stop calling me 'Demon lord' or I will murder you in the forest for real."

'How old is she? Nothing about her seems adult or mature.' Gabriel thought.

He did not want to be accused of dating a minor like her. She seemed 15 in his eyes.

'Oh, you think that sexy, glass-hour body looks like 15, bro?' his brain asked. Sigh, a perverted mind is always a perverted mind.

"Then, why... why would you kidnap me?" It would be better if he also wrapped her mouth with tape. It was so unwise of a kidnapper to forget that.

"We are here," Gabriel announced stopping the car in front of heaven. That's the only word that could decently describe the place she is seeing right now...

"Wow! Did you bring me here to make me your princess, your majesty?" Celine exclaimed excitedly.

Gabriel jumped out of the car and led her inside after untying her. The mansion was in a very deserted area. It seems like he doesn't want to be disturbed so he bought the whole town. Without extravagating, Gabriel's mansion was the only thing onsite.

Indicating that time sure flies as an athlete, the sun was setting in the clear blue sky as Celine approached the grand entrance of the mansion. She could hardly believe her eyes. The mansion stood tall and proud, boasting of its grandeur and magnificence. The façade was ornate and intricately carved.

It looked like something out of a fairy tale, or a movie. Amazed by the beauty, her legs darted further, following the traces of the 'Demon lord' (Gabriel).

Celine felt like a speck as she walked through the massive iron gate, past the manicured gardens and fountains. She wondered how anyone could live in such a place, and what it would be like to be one of them.

"Hey, you. Quite wandering around and follow me." His low husky but piercing voice called out, dragging her down to earth... reminding her she was kidnapped.

"Oh, I am coming" Her tiny legs rushed to his pace.

As her eyes darted around, she noticed a few men dressed in all black. When she was about to question the demon lord about them, one of the men made his way to them.

And questioned, "Sir?" darting his eyes between them in confusion. A loud 'What the hell is this, master? What's with the mask? A cosplay?' kind of look was written on his face.

"There is nothing to worry about. She is someone I need to talk to." Demon lord answered, cooling the hardened atmosphere.

"...Sir," The man bowed respectfully and left, with a puzzled face.

Her curious mind was storming with questions until her mouth could not hold. "Who are all these men? Are they your fellow kidnappers?"

Gabriel's legs stopped moving for a moment. "No, they are my bodyguards."

"Why would you need this many? Did you also kidnap them, Demon lord?"

Her eyes widened upon realizing something. "Ah! D-Don't tell me you are going to train me to be your guard..."

'Annoying' Gabriel could feel his patience runs low. This is a disaster! Just who the heck paired him with her?!

"Sigh, I guess now is the time to use my gun if you don't shut up and follow me" Every word was shaped to frighten her.

"EEK! S-sorry." She bowed her head deeply before resuming to follow him.

Following his steps, she walked through the massive gate. Her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior, and what she saw left her awestruck.

Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, illuminating the plush carpets below. The walls were decorated with paintings and intricate carvings. The furniture looked expensive, and she was afraid to touch anything.

She saw statues, vases, mirrors, and other ornaments everywhere. She felt overwhelmed by the beauty and splendor of it all. As she walked further, she saw a grand staircase before her. The steps swept upwards, and the grand red velvet carpet was immaculate.

Her mind was yelling at her to explore more... to take the stairs and see what's more. She felt like a princess-

"Where are you going?" Gabriel called out, his sharp eyes glaring at her.

She turned her head to him, "Oh, w-well I was just curious to see what 's at the top of the stairs." She answered nervously, her leg that was trying to ascend the stairs hanging in the air.

He seemed to be struggling to control his rage. "I told you to follow me."


"Don't apologize." He was tired of hearing that word.

As Gabriel was leading her to a room, the monster inside her growled loudly.

"..." His legs stopped taking steps, to allow his head to turn and look at her.

"..." Her creamy face turned to strawberry ice cream, the blush on her full cheeks screaming embarrassment.

"Sigh, let's eat first and talk."


Celine was stunned when she figured that her big scary kidnapper could cook like a chef.

"May I ask a question, Demon lord?" She was behind him, following him and bothering him while he moved here and there to chop, wash, and do other stuff.

"Just sit and wait." Gabriel knew he had to be polite if he wanted her to sign the contract.

"But sir... Why are you still wearing the mask? Isn't it bothering you?"

"..." He remained silent when he remembered the existence of the mask on his face.

"No it's not bothering me," he responded, turning off the big stove.

After he was done cooking the simplest meal he could think of, he carried out the remaining work while she was watching him like he was on a reality show.

He tried to be patient.

He tried to be polite.

He even willingly served her food.

The words felt strange and new to him. He never did this to anyone... Never cooked for anyone except his mother.

"Wow, looks delicious!" he heard her say.

She was already seated on the chair, her hands holding folk and knife, looking all ready to eat without contributing a thing.

'Just this once. Calm down.' he tried to calm himself down. He felt like a slave... No, it doesn't matter.

It is all for his mother.

At the moment, Gabriel doubted if he kidnapped a human or a starved horse... She was eating so quickly until he freaked out if he was next in line to be devoured.

"Sigh, It's the best meal I've ever had," she was already finished without offering him some.

"That's why you ate it all by yourself," Gabriel complained.

"Uh! Should I know why you brought me here, sir? It's not like you kidnapped me to feed me, right?"

Yeah, he almost forgot about it. So, he just removed his mask and sat there waiting for her response.

The thing is… she is still staring at him with the same facial expression. It looks like a staring contest. Gabriel, waiting to see her reaction, and Celine, waiting for an answer with a confused look.

"Huh? Won't you answer my question?" she inquired.

What?! She doesn't know who he is?! For the first time in his life, he felt like a fool! He was treated like an idiot by this little… little what? He doesn't even have the guts to curse her.

"Don't tell me that you don't know me." He let out in disbelief.

Three dots appeared on her head. She had no idea who he was.

But suddenly her eyes widened, upon remembering something, "Wait... Are you the delivery guy?! Oh my God, I am so sorry for not paying you that day. Please forgive me! I will pay you once I get money, okay?"

Gabriel. Finally. Lost. It.

He is GABRIEL DAVIS! Even animals know him well. How come this radio doesn't know him?! This is unbelievable!

'Calm down, Gabriel! You will teach her a lesson.' He comforted himself.

Just how many brain cells he wasted only today.

"Sigh, I am not the delivery guy. I am Gabriel." And now she will be flabbergasted knowing with whom she is messing! But…

"Look, Demon lord. I mean, what was your name again?"

The smallest particle is… of course not. It is Gabriel's, broken dignity. His pride was shattered into small pieces! Smaller than an atom!

He felt sorry for his mom. She is expecting grandchildren, while his 'devoted lovely girlfriend' doesn't even have any idea about him.

"I am the famous fiancee gentleman on the news." He even mistrusted the way he described himself.

"..." Her eyes rounded, and her cheeks turned pink when the things she said and did play on her mind.

"I brought you here to negotiate," Gabriel spoke when she stayed muted.

"What kind of deal?"

He cleared his dry throat before starting to clarify the matter,

"This matter especially concerns my sick mother. She was happy after she heard about the news and all I can do is keep my promise to make her happy."

Her eyebrows went up, "So?"

"We will start going out since we must. But not for real... Just pretending."

"Mmm..." she started processing things. "What will I gain out of it?"

He knew this question may arise...

"You will get to live in this mansion and I will pay you a generous amount."

Sitting facing each other, looking all serious, their arms leaning on the table, staring each other in the eyes... They look like soldiers planning war strategies.

"How much?" even if she tried to look uninterested, her tone chimes eagerness.

"Twice your salary." Gabriel was glad all went well as he intended. He knew they all were after his money and he liked the fact...

"Nah I am good." she waved her hand in displeasure, straightening her back, acting like the amount wasn't satisfying.

"Five times your current salary."

Her ears stood up like a dog who heard a cat's meowing.

"That is better." she barked.

"Good. Now, let's discuss the matter." bounced her head in approval.

"As I said earlier, you will live with me here for the time being. And for the sake of the issue, you will keep it a secret. No one must not know about us."

Pressing her lips in a thin line, she raised a question, "Sir Garlic, what about my parents?"


'No calm down. It's for your mother.' he was never this patient towards anyone.

"They also don't need to know."

"Mmm okay. It is clear." Thanks to the amount of money he offered, she was obedient like a pet.

"Now, let me show you your temporary room."

He took her up the grand staircase, past more rooms and corridors, she could hear the echo of her footsteps on the marble floors.

Finally, they reached a door at the end of the hall. He opened it with a key from his pocket.

The room was very admirable, with a large window that looked out to the sprawling gardens. It was cozy and welcoming, with plush cushions and intricate carvings adorning the walls.

As she looked out the window, she wondered how anyone could be lucky enough to be able to live in such a grand mansion.

The sun had set, and the sky was becoming dark. She could hear the rustling of the leaves outside and the chirping of the crickets.

Everything was serene and peaceful...

"Ahem," the Sound of someone clearing his throat interrupted her.

Oh, Mr. Garlic. She forgot about his existence...

"I have a thing to take care of. Review the contract until I arrive and we will discuss it." he was cold, rigid, and unfriendly.

"Okay," before he closed the door behind him, she called out remembering her friend,

"Oh wait... How about my friend, Bella?"

"She is in good hands." He was sure Asher would treat the lady well since he was a doctor...

Then after Gabriel left leaving her all alone in the mansion.

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