
Chapter 69

Chapter Sixty-Nine

When Connor reached the passageway, he pulled his pocket computer out. He grunted in embarrassment at the realization that he’d let the alarm cause panic, then allowed that panic to drive his actions.

That was fatigue. And frustration.

He stood under a vent, basking in the cool, sweet air while Selen glared at his pocket computer.

Except, Connor realized, the air had a musty funk to it. And it wasn’t as cool as it should be. He was comparing it to what it had felt like outside, in the swampy planetary atmosphere.

When the pocket computer interfaced with the Lucky Sevens’s monitoring systems, it identified the problem he’d been dreading.

Selen took the computer from him. “Hull breach?”

“And something happened to the atmospheric recycler.”

“Then I guess we know where the breach is.” She returned his computer to him. “Someone’s going to have to go up there.”

It would’ve been Drew and him, but now it was just him. “Maybe Yemi can help me.”