
If You're Still Not The One

Love stories unfold with diverse endings—some lead to happily ever afters, while others succumb to tragic fates. Xiao Miao Miao, a spoiled rich girl accustomed to getting her way, finds herself deeply in love with her childhood friend, Xander. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Vladimir Gu, a young and stoic businessman. Bound by the will of their families, they are compelled to enter into marriage. Can these two hearts, seemingly worlds apart, discover a love that transcends their initial differences?

Jinx_Lee · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

End of Season 1

"We will miss you." said Jinji's mom.

She hugged her tightly.

"I will miss you too mom." said Jinji.

"Are you really sure about this?" her step dad asked.

She nodded. "Yes, dad."

"Please take care of her Hyun" her mom said to him.

"I will mom." Hyun replied.

"Waahh! Jin! huhu we will miss you." Rael hugged her too.

"Don't forget us." said Zol.

She smiled. "I will always call you so don't be sad."

"But how about .. you know who… is it really over for the two of you?" Rael whispered.

She could not answer. It was painful for her to leave but this is the best way she can do.

"You should head inside now so you won't miss your flight." her step dad said.

"Yes, we are leaving." she said goodbye.

She hugged them again. Hyun grabbed the suitcases. They began to walk.

But Hyun looked back again, he looked at the entrance of the airport.

Why he's still not here? This will be his last chance to see her.


.. ..

"Damn it!" Gyu shouted while he's inside of his car.

He's now stuck in traffic.


He looked at his watch. Jinji's leaving and he needs to stop her.

He doesn't understand why Hyun did that, he called him and told him that Jinji will leave the country. He wants him to

stop her, which he is really going to do because he does not want to lose her forever.

He blew his horn loudly.

"Tss…" he got out of the car and ran fast.



"Are you really sure about this?" Hyun asked as he and Jinji walked.

"Why it seems like you don't want me to go with you?" Jinji asked without looking at him.

Hyun didn't say a word, they keep walking.

As they walk Jinji's heart is gradually breaking. She will never see Gyu again.

The man who is always hot-tempered and always yell at her.

The man who will hurt her when he's drunk or angry.

But although he has that kind of attitude, she still loves him dearly.

The man she loves the most.

She held back her tears.



She halted. Is she just imagining? Or did she really heard Gyu's voice?


She quickly turned around.

She saw Gyu running.

"JIN PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!" he shouted.

Her tears immediately fell. Jinji's parents and friends were surprised to see him too. But Hyun smiled.

Gyu was panting as he approached them. "P-Please… d-don't leave me like this… I-I can't."

"H-How did you find out?" she asked in surprised.

Gyu held her hand. "Jin, I made a mistake… I hurt you, I was so stupid that I hurt the woman who truly loves me. Jin, if you leave me I don't know what will happen to me, I don't know if I can still live again. I don't want to lose you. Please give me another chance. Promise, I will change. I already woke up from the reality, we are having a baby now. I promise that I will be a good father to our child, we will build a happy family. And you're the only woman that I want to be my wife."

She can't believe it, is he really telling the truth? What if he will do those things again?

"Please… let's complete our family… I love you so much." Gyu knelt in front of her. "I'm sorry for all the things I've done."

"G-Gyu..what are you doing?" she asked. "P-Please stand..."

People are already looking at them.

Gyu took out the ring from his pocket. "I don't know if you will forgive me but I still want to try it… for our family. Jinji Li, will you forgive me again and be my wife until our last breath?"

Her tears keep falling. Is this true? He's proposing?

"Please give me one last chance." said Gyu.

She quickly hugged him. "Yes! I will! I will forgive you even if it's 1000 times. I still love you Gyu… I love you so much!"

Gyu also hugged her tightly. "I will not allow you to leave me again."

Gyu put the ring on her then they kissed.

People applauded at the airport. Her friends and her parents were also very happy for her.

Hyun approached them, tapping Gyu on his shoulder. "Please take care of her, the next time you hurt her I will not really hesitate to take her away from you."

Gyu smiled. "That will never happen. I will never hurt her again."

Hyun smiled. Although deep inside it hurts, this is how sacrifices feels like. It hurts but somehow he is happy. Just seeing the woman you love happy is enough…



Miao smiled as she read Rael's messages, she told her what happened earlier at the airport.

She hid her phone in her pocket.

"Are all my stuff ready?" she asked the maid.

"Yes mam, everything is now in the car." replied the maid.

"Our dear baby, we will miss you." her mom hugged her.

"I will miss you too mom." she said.

"We will also visit you next month, do not give your yeye headaches." said her dad.

"Yes dad, don't worry I'll behave there." she said.

Her dad hugged her. "When you're already fine, please come back."

She forced a smile.

"Let's go? We need to hurry so Miao won't miss her flight." said her mom.

They got in the car.



Rael hugged Miao, she did not expect that she also planned to leave.

"Why this is so sudden? huhu." said Rael.

"I need to, sorry. But I will only get hurt if I stay here." Miao replied.

"Why won't you stay a little longer? Gyu stopped Jinji from leaving, I think Vlad will do that too." said Zol.

"Zol is right, don't leave Miao." said Xander.

Miao shook her head. "Vlad will not going to stop me, that will never happen. Besides, Vlad and Badeth are getting

married soon."

It was announced to the public yesterday, the young CEO of Gu Empire will gonna marry the only daughter of Yang Family.

"Miao…" Xander felt sorry for her.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I can forget him too, I didn't love him very much, so I'm really fine." she said while holding back her tears.

They looked at each other sadly.

"It's time, I'm leaving. I will always call you guys." Miao said goodbye to them.

She hugged them again. She approached her parents and hugged them again too.

She waved at them, as she turned her back on them there were tears falling down on her cheeks.

Goodbye Philippines…. Goodbye Vladimir Gu….

'I guess this is really the end of our love story'.

Everything happened will remain in her memories…




"Sir, Miss Xiao's plane has already left" said Mr. Hans.

Vlad stopped typing on his laptop.

"Would you like me to book a plane ticket for you too?" Mr. Hans asked.

"For what? There is no need for that, she chose to leave me, she chose to hurt me." Vlad said.

Mr. Hans was speechless.

"All you have to do is take care of my upcoming wedding with Miss Yang." he said.

"Yes sir." Mr. Hans left the office.

As soon as he came out, Vlad immediately threw away his laptop.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" he shouted.

His tears fell.

Now how will he live without her?

Is this really the end for them?




9 months later.

Chaoyang, Beijing, China…

"Wow it's a girl, congratulations!" Miao said enthusiastically while talking to her friends through video call.

She's so happy to heard the news from Jinji.

"You will be her God-mother." Jinji said.

"Of course." she said.

"Jin and Gyu are also getting married soon you must attend their wedding." said Rael.

"Uhm I'm not sure, I can't promise hehe sorry." she said.

"Ehh? It's been nine months." said Zol.

Miao just laughed.

Yeah, it's been nine months but what happened is still fresh in her mind and heart.

"I will try." she said.

She stopped walking when she noticed that she is now in front of the mall.

"Guys, I'm already here at the mall I will call you again later. Bye bye!" she said.

"Bye bye!!!"

* video call ended *

She hid her phone inside her purse. The lipstick accidentally fell off and rolled on the side of the road. She picked it up.


"Ayy! My goodnness!" she cried out in surprised.

The car in front of her suddenly honk its horn.

She looked at it angrily and then kicked the car. "Do you really want to kill me?!"

The window opened and a man wearing sunglasses looked at her. "It's you who's blocking my way."

"Can't you see I'm picking up my lipstick?" she said.

"I don't care just get out of my way." he ordered.

She got irritated, this man is getting on her nerves.

The young man honked his car again.

"FINE!!!" she shouted then stepped aside.

She saw him smirked then closed the window of his car and left.

"ARGH! CURSE YOU!" she shouted.

She tried to calm herself down.

Her phone beeps so she took it out again, she received a notification. She was stunned to read the news.

Vladimir Gu of Gu Empire is now officially married to Badeth Yang, daughter of the CEO of Zafora Corporations.

Miao sighed then hid her phone.

It looks like this is really the ending for them, she looked up at the sky.

'Starting today, I need to forget what's gone. Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next.'

"Someday I will forget you too." she muttered then forced a smile.

She walked in to the mall.

Yeah… sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.




End of season 1...

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading the first season of my story. The second will be out soon after I finish my another book. God bless!

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