
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · Thành thị
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104 Chs

79 Caught

The bright light of morning breaks through the drapes of our bungalow, waking me up. I try to roll over and realize I'm wrapped firmly up in Lance's arms, cradled in his body.

We fell asleep later after talking more about how we could navigate our relationship so we didn't have these issues again. I'm still irritated with him, as I try to wiggle my way out of his arms.

He groans and I inform him, irritably, "I have to use the bathroom."

He releases me and I roll out of the bed and make my way to the bathroom. I come back out and hear someone is knocking at our door.

"Hello?" I call out.

Muffled through the door, "Room service, your breakfast is here." comes through in a heavy French accent.

"Juste une seconde!" I respond.

I grab my robe, and pull it on to answer the door and take the service from them. I set it on the table and smack Lance's butt, "Food's going to get cold, come on sleepy head let's eat."

He groans, rolling out of bed, to stretch and show off his morning wood, standing stiff and proud. "You want some dessert after breakfast?" He asks rocking his hips back and forth.

"Stop it," I shake my head at his antics, "let's eat, silly man."

He stretches again, smiling as he catches me glancing at his cock again, before sitting down. We eat our breakfast peacefully, him wiggling his eyebrows at me every now and then, before we go to brush our teeth and get ready for the day.

Well, I tried to get ready for the day. He had problems keeping his hands to himself.

We head out to go hiking to the Belvedere lookout to take the Three Coconuts Pass, after we go to the Afareaitu Waterfalls. The pool at the falls was nice to go swimming in, and the falls were flowing, but like someone had a couple hoses spraying off the peak, and were not what I was expecting. The locals there said it was because we were there during the dry season.

It was still beautiful though and enjoyed ourselves until noon. We had rented a scooter to drive to the other side of the island to make our way to Belvedere lookout. We had grossly over estimated our ability to do the hike all the way up to the Three Coconut Trees lookout. The switchbacks were steep and we were sweating profusely in the humid heat of the afternoon.

Stopping for a water break, I laugh, "Well, I'm glad we decided on this one and not on the Mt. Rotui hike."

We wipe our sweat off, even though it doesn't do much good with the humidity. Lance takes some bandanas out of his bag and hands me one.

"Yeah, we'd be having a lot of fun if we went on that one. We should almost be there. I'm just glad we didn't lose our way in all that bamboo back there." Lance puts his pack back on his back, sighing. "Well, shall we? I'm really looking forward to a shower already."

I think of the lagoon and sigh myself, "A swim would be nice too."

Lance gives me a funny look but quickly shakes his head, "Yeah, we should have done this first then gone to the falls."

I nod, in agreement, curious to know what the look was for but leave it be for now.

We make it to the lookout and I love the view of the bays from this vantage point. I take some pictures of the scenery and Lance and I, before we enjoy some water and the fruits of our hike. I'm enjoying the breeze that offers some relief, letting it cool my skin as I close my eyes, breathing in the moment.

"There's a path that goes farther up. You want to go check it out or go back down?" Lance's voice pulls me from my moment.

I look towards the trail he's referring to that goes up from our location.

"Sure. We're here, so why not?" I shrug with an excited smile. Getting to discover more of the island was more enticing then heading back for a shower, even in the humidity.

We wander up, enjoying the breeze that helped cool us that we couldn't feel down in the canopy, taking in the sights that this trail led us to. When the way gradually became more difficult to transverse, we decided to turn back around, not liking the steep drop offs we could see up ahead.

As we're walking back down, we notice the storm clouds off in the distance.

"We better pick up our pace or we will end up getting caught in the rain and soaked, riding back on the motor scooter." Lance suggests.

Agreeing with him, we don't hesitate and make our way down to the trail head. We are only halfway to the hotel when the sky opens up and dumps on us. Lance has to park the scooter and we enter the first place we could to get out of the rain.

Shaking the water off the best we could under the eaves of the building. We look at the building and realize it is a pearl jewelry store.

"You want to go in and look?" Lance suggests, gesturing to the stores display windows.

"Not dripping wet like this." I motion to the puddles accumulating at our feet under us. Then something clicks in my head. Opening up my back pack, I pull out the towel we had used after swimming and dry myself off the best I can.

Lance takes the cue and pulls his out as well, before we even attempt to walk into the store.

"Maeva. Comment puis-je vous aider?" (Welcome. How may I help you?) The Moorean woman at the counter smiles warmly at us.

I return her smile, "Looking at the moment."

"American?" She asks and we nod in return. She just smiles and motions to her displays, "Let me know, if you want a closer look at anything." She steps back and lets us peruse at our discretion.

I come across a pair of earrings that have a matching necklace and bracelet to go with them. The price though has me stepping away from them though. I lose my jewelry too easily to buy something that expensive.

As I move on to look at other items, I notice the rain has stopped. Lance is still looking around, talking to the woman about a diving watch on display.

"I'm going to go wipe the scooter down, I'll wait for you outside." I inform Lance.

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute. Could you please go get us a coffee to share from across the way? I could use a hot drink." He smiles warmly at me, his brows lifted in question resembling a puppy.

"Sure. Sounds good." I head out and quickly wipe the the scooter down, before crossing the street to order the coffee. When I come back over, Lance is coming out of the shop, smiling.

"You ready to get back to the hotel?" He asks.

"Yes!" I agree with a sigh of relief. I sip the coffee and hand it over for him to take a couple sips.

Smiling he takes a few sips and we hop on the scooter to head back.