
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · Thành thị
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104 Chs

60 Contractual Fun

Lance and I have been together for over three months now. It has been interesting to say the least. For the most part, it's like we were before, just we think about each other more when it comes to making decisions concerning our free time.

Beth, Lance's mother, has talked our ears off, giddy at the change she's seen in us both. It feels good, no longer having to lie to his mother and it makes me feel more at ease with our visits and with Jim.

The club had been cleaned, walls and floors replaced, the little extras added, and the new rooms that had been added. The three months had not been easy on Lance with the repairs and renovations.

He has needed Me, needed Mistress, on more than one occasion to take complete control and remind him how powerless he really was.

That scene still made me curl my toes and my core clench in the echo's of my memories.

That was also when we decided after he confessed, to bring someone else in for Mistress to punish along side him.

We agreed on a 'fun night' to have with other people involved in our scenes at the club. I still had my contract with Kim, but as her husband opened up more to the program at the club, we had not spent much time together.

Lance and I's fun night was tonight, and I was trying to think of who we could possibly bring into our scene.

I arrived at the club that Lance had opened only two weeks ago. It still smelled of fresh paint in his part of the building.

Jack lets me in through the locked gate. As always, I stop to chat him up.

"How's it going, Jack?" I ask leaning against the counter.

Jack whistles, "Pretty good, we have a full house tonight. Everyone wants to check out the improvements of the club. Here you go." Jack hands me my contract to fill out and sign.

"Yeah? A full house? Any single night contracts available for the night?" I ask, quickly filling my paper out, knowing exactly where and what with out looking, before I signed.

Jack leans over and grabs the stack of single night contracts out of the tray and runs them through the copier. He hands me the copies and adds, "Have fun, Lirael." He waves as I start looking over the contracts available.

There's a few that I immediately hand back, the ones I know just want a chance to mess with me or Lance, or do not meet our contractual specifications. I hand the stack back of undesirables to Jack, keeping the names picked out of the remainder of contracts in my hands that could be fun.

I fold them up, and stick them into my coats inner pocket.

I walk in and witness one person being publicly shamed in front of everyone in the bar area. The new little stage area with the interchangeable poles was very popular already. He even had a stripper pole placed on it's own stage in one corner. Only one or two people have used it for role playing and for other means.

I have already been planning a private scene for me and Lance on the pole, that I couldn't wait to see what his reaction would be.

I approach Simon who smiles and starts making me a drink. By the time I'm at the bar, he's sliding a glass to me.

"Thank you, Simon." I say brightly, loving how quickly and easier his job had become with the improvements that Lance had made.

"No problem, Mistress. Any ideas who you're going to sink your leather into tonight?" He asks with a knowing smile.

"Oh... I have a few ideas." I smirk over the rim of my glass.

Big, warm, strong hands rub both of my shoulders suddenly, as a nose sniffs my hair from behind me. I look up to Simon for a clue on to who this is, but Simon has stepped away, making someone else's drink.

I pull myself away slowly, turning my head to look up at someone I've never met before.

"I don't recall you asking for permission to touch or sniff me." I sneer at him, giving him a condescending glance over.

He was not a bad looking guy, but he seemed like the arrogant, cocky bastards who knows it and uses it.

"Then may I touch you?" He raises a hand, reaching for my cheek, but I'm quick to bat his hand away.

"No. You may not." I turn back around and motion for another drink from Simon.

The guy takes the seat right next to me, and I notice the newbie bracelet. It's not a voyeur bracelet, but a recent addition to the club.

'Great...' I roll my eyes internally at this guy, who's not taking the hint.

"I'm sorry, I seem to have offended you, you must be a Mistress, or a brat." The way he emphasizes mistress and brat irritates me in record time.

I ignore him. Even though he sits there leaning against the bar on his elbow, his knuckles propping up his chin. I don't glance his way, nothing. When Simon hands me my drink, I thank him, pick it up and walk through a door near the bar that takes me down a hall to the back to go to Lances area.

"Hey!" His hand grabs my arm hard, "What are you one of those that like to play hard to get?" The guy asks, forcing me to turn and face him.

"No! Now, let go of my arm!" I shout at him, tugging my arm away from him, and jogging to the door of Lances apartment as the guy follows me still.

"Now, wait a second! There's no need to be rude, I'm just trying..." He starts, but is cut off when I throw my drink at him, making the glass shatter against the wall when he side steps it.

"What the fuck?!" He shouts, surprised and annoyed as he looks down at his clothes covered in whiskey and little shards of glass.

Lance's door opens up and he looks from me to the guy, as I wrap my arms around him.

"What's going on here, baby?" Lance asks, pulling me farther into his place, putting himself between the guy and me.

"Nothing, this asshole was not taking the damn hint, that I was not interested. He followed me back here and grabbed my arm. So, I threw my drink at him."

"Lance, who is this bitch, man? Every time I tried to talk to her to figure out the contract thing, she would act like a stuck up bitch and walk off." The guy talks to Lance like they know each other.

My eyes go back and forth between the two of them a few times, before I realize Lance's has his hands clenched into tight fists.

"This... is my girlfriend, Lucas. Her name is Lirael." He grits out, "You do not talk to people in this club like that again. You do not approach anyone that obviously doesn't want to talk to you, again. AND you NEVER touch with out permission. You are my cousin, so I'll give you this one time. IF you break the rules again, I'll personally throw your ass out." Lance takes a step towards Lucas, his cousin.

"Now, apologize to Lirael. She was merely doing right by the rules and me, it's not her fault you like to act before you think."

Lance stands there waiting, while Lucas looks to me and back at Lance, before exaggerating his arms and turning around going, "Maaannn! Fuck! Look, Lirael, right? My bad, I'm sorry for trying to talk to you. You didn't need to throw that glass at my head though." Lucas rolls his eyes as he shakes his shirt to remove the shards of glass.

I scoff, "I threw it at you because you grabbed my arm and after breaking away you still were coming after me. You're lucky we have to remove any weapons before entering here. Otherwise, your ass would have been tasered and mace in your face. I'll accept your lame ass apology, only because you're Lances cousin."

I walk farther into Lances apartment as Lance and Lucas exchange a few heated, hushed comments between each other, with Lance ending it.

"If you don't like it, LEAVE LUCAS. I don't give a flying fuck." Lance walks into the apartment, slamming the door behind him.