
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · Thành thị
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104 Chs

59 Terms

"First things first. We need to go over some expectations with each other. Are you expecting this to be monogamous at any point whether it be now or later? Or do you expect after my contract with Kim reaches its end, that we will discuss that more at that time?"

After breakfast I had asked him for an hour alone to prepare some questions, so we could have a little back and forth about this.

They say the number one problem in relationships other than money, is lack of proper communication. So I wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

Lance taps his pen against the table, looking over his notes, "I believe we can be open with each other about other people and short term or one day contracts. I don't mind Kim's contract at all either. So for now, let's just handle those as they come up. Sound good?"

I nod, writing his answer down as I await his question.

"What forms of affection may I do, or better yet which ones are completely off the table for now?" Lance inquires.

"Uh... I don't know, honestly. Some it will depend on the day I think. Just please, don't ...." My voice grows quiet as I finish, " um well, make love to me or at least say you are." I can't even look him in the eye right now, I'm beat red and close to tears. Just the statement alone causes memories of Billy to resurface, I'd rather never think of again.

Lance's hand comes to rest on mine with the pen in it. "Hey, that's fine. Slow, remember? We're not doing anything close to that until you're ready."

I spare a quick glance up, nodding, ready to avoid that topic being discussed any further. "Next, are you moving back into the club as soon as it's ready again? We have been living together for a little bit now, and you're still welcome to stay here until it's done.. I just would like my own separate space still. "

He whistles, absentmindedly, "Yeah, I think each one of us, having our own space and time while we work through this will be good. Unless you still want me to stay once it's done?" He flashes a devilish smile, "I could be your live in toy, strapped to your bed, tethered to a chair, anything, Mistress, desires."

Just the thought has me rubbing my legs together from the sudden ache to do any of those things. I lick my dry lips and clear my throat, "We can discuss arrangements, later."

Lance chuckles at my response.

"Do you expect the opportunity to dominate me more often, with or without restraints?" I ask, seriously.

"Do you want me to?" Lance leans forward, smirking.

"Answer my question first."

Lance nods, "I would appreciate the opportunity, but I don't expect it either way. Only if you are comfortable with it. Besides, you know what I enjoy more. Now, answer mine."

I keep my face neutral for this, "If you are able to."

Chuckling, Lance leans forward, "I am still a man, you know. Even though I love being your sub, it doesn't mean I've lost that desire to take you any way I want to."

I smirk, "Well, I already know you're not like most men who would feel less than a man after being my sub. Still," I lean back with an arrogant smirk, "we will see if you're able to."

Lance sucks in a breath, shaking his head giving me a scornful look that keeps getting broken by a smirk catching his lips.

I look down and start to read my next question.

"Would you like..?"

Lance stands, walking around the table, making me lose my question with his predatory gait. He stops, standing behind me, dropping his mouth to lay warm, shocking kisses on my neck.

I groan and lay my head to the side, giving him better access.

"Lirael, challenge accepted." he whispers in my ear, sending shivers over my body to my core, I stand and turn to deny any offer of challenge.

Next thing I know, I'm over his shoulder, fireman style, and he's off laughing as he runs up the stairs to the bedroom.

"Lance!" I squeal out, laughing, just as he makes it to the bed room and tosses me onto the bed. He begins ripping his clothes off and is naked before I can hardly sit up.

He pulls me towards him by my ankles, lifts my dress and groans, "No panties, Lirael. You went out.... without panties..... in a dress..."

He sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth, " Fuck, you're so damn sexy woman."

He falls to his knees and starts to devour my pussy, like he didn't just have breakfast and must satiate his hunger, by feasting on me.

I'm panting, my thighs squeezing his head as he builds up my body's pleasure, all through my clit with his torturous tongue.

"Oh, Lance!" I whimper, dragging my hands through his hair, keeping that glorious mouth, right where it belongs.

That's how we spend most of the day, making each other writhe in bliss.

As the day passes by, we still ask each other our questions, teasing the answers out. As we talk, I become more comfortable, my anxieties slowly easing with each passing inquiry I make, it's answered.

We know that some things we will have to just wait and see what happens, but we both agree on one major thing. That we will talk to each other when we start to feel overwhelmed and to make sure we are both in the same head space moving forward.

"I'll try not to smother you with the affection I would like to give you. I know those kind of things can trigger your flashbacks, but will you let me try little ones, every now and then?"

Lance asks looking down at my flushed face, as he rolls his hips forward, teasing me.

"Like what?" I pant, rocking my hips to urge him on.

"You'll hold my hand, give quick hugs, but can I try to wrap my arm around your shoulder to bring you in for a kiss?" He slows down more, keeping his body firm against mine, so it's still getting that friction that's driving me nuts.

Exasperated and frustrated, I wrap one leg around his and grit out, as I flip him over so he's under me, "I'll let you try, but I swear, if you keep edging me like that, I'm never going to allow you in this bedroom with out handcuffs on!" I quickly begin to ride him hard, working myself back up.

Lance laughs, grips my hips and starts pounding into me sending me over the top as he agrees. "Deal darling. Now, come on that dick you enjoy so much."