
Chapter 22

“Tina, you’ve done fantastic work on this project. I can see how this collaboration is brilliant. Not that I’m patting myself on the back, mind you.”

Tina smiled. “Randy, you have no idea how fulfilling this whole experience was. A lot of important things fell into place for me. I love what I do, and can honestly say I can’t recall working with a finer set of bosses as I have with you and Martin.”

Anthony spoke up. “I only have one concern, which isn’t really my business. I’ve received an anonymous e-mail regarding Tina. It wasn’t flattering, and although Tina asked that I not bring it up, I also can’t ignore it. I’d like to ask that you take a more aggressive approach to find the source. I can tell you, I’m not able to block the sender because the IP masking software the person has keeps changing the IP address. I can see from the addresses that you, and Mr. Nichols from Edson, are also copied.”