"Kumagawa! You brilliant bastard!" came a shout from above the stadium.
Looking up, everyone spotted a girl who looked to be in her teens descending from above. She plummeted towards the ground at high-speed, but came to a slow drop as she neared the floor.
"Of all the stunts you could have pulled... This is the most amazing!" she declared as she walked towards said teen. "You have gone beyond my expectations, and have changed the world as we know it! Why, I could almost stomach the thought of trying to hug you!" she spun on her heel once she was several feet in front of him. "The anarchist who tears down society through non-violence, truly, it was the part you were born to play!"
The boy sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. [You think much too highly of me Anshin'in.] he then turned towards the teachers seats. [Still, now that I've completed the task I came here for, there is no longer any reason for me to stay at this school any longer.] waving towards his classmates, he gave them one last smile. [Sorry friends! But I'm dropping out from UA!]
All of a sudden, a veritable comet shot directly towards the smiling teen. Endeavor looked absolutely livid as he smashed into the ground and created a swath of fire to burn Kumagawa.
[Seems like someone's a little eager!] noted Kumagawa as the flames dispersed.
The flame Hero attempted to yell at Kumagawa, but his voice was still silent. Gesturing to his throat, he did his best to demand the teen to restore his voice.
Shaking his head, Kumagawa chuckled. [Sorry, but that was a favor of mine for Todoroki, seeing as how he helped me to make my statement. Maybe I'll fix it next time we meet.]
The Pro lunged at Kumagawa and the girl.
And with that, they were gone. Silence reigned over the stadium as everyone tried to process what just happened.
"Umm... Err, uh... In light of recent events, the remainder of the tournament will be postponed until tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience." Present Mic announced. "In the mean time, why don't we have Kiyoterae come back out to lighten things up?" he suggested as he shouted off-mic for the stage crew to get to work.
Midnight led a stunned Todoroki back towards the waiting room back inside the stadium. As he left, he turned to regard his father with a glance. The Pros face was a strange mixture of elation that Todoroki had finally decided to use the flame side of his Quirk, along with unbridled rage directed at the now missing Kumagawa. Although he would never admit it, Todoroki was rather thankful for what Kumagawa had done to his father. The man would've taken every chance he could to boast and preen about his 'superior son', but without a voice, said son wouldn't have to put up with his fathers bullshit. At least, in a vocal sense.
Once he returned to the waiting room, the dual-Quirk user was greeted by his fellow Heroes in training, each clamoring to ask him what just happened. After a few minutes of trying to process the events prior, as well as trying to placate a raging Bakugou who kept screaming 'GONNA KILL SHITTY-SMILE!', they were finally able to come to terms with the reality of the situation.
"So... Kumagawa was just pretending all along..." muttered Iida.
"Was he serious about not being a Quirk user? Because I never heard of these 'Abnormals' before." spoke Ojiro.
"Well, according to him, these Abnormals had been ignored and pushed to the sidelines. Though it still seems hard to believe that another group of super-powered individuals could have gone unnoticed for so long." Yaoyorozu opined.
"Can we even take what he said at face value?" asked Kaminari. "Who's to say he's not just, you know... insane? I mean, we've seen him do some pretty messed up shit."
"Regardless, mister smiley was just putting on an act the entire time he was with us." Jirou said as she twirled an ear-jack around her finger. "He was never our friend. Just a manipulative jackass."
"I-I don't think that's necessarily true." came the meek voice of Midoriya.
"Seriously? You can't tell us you think he was genuine in his interactions with us." said Ashido.
Looking away from all the eyes that were now on him, Midoriya looked down as he fidgeted with his thumbs. "It's just... He looked so... happy, when he was spending time with us."
"News flash Midoriya; He always looked happy. But it's more than obvious that it was just a facade." said Sero.
"Y-yeah... but..." Midoriya tried to muster himself as he continued on. "When I remained friends with him, even after the USJ attack, he seemed to be genuinely surprised. Like he had already expected me to avoid him."
"I thought so too." Uraraka spoke up. "He may have been frightening to me, but I felt like he needed a friend to be there for him. That maybe I could help ease whatever was burdening his mind to make him like that."
A hand being slammed on a table spooked several of the students, as well as drew attention to the source. "I don't give a flying FUCK what you think shitty-smiles intentions were, but that bastard just decided to fuck-off before I could crush him! What he said could be the ramblings of a fucking madman for all I care! I just wanna track him down and kill his ass!" yelled Bakugou.
"H-hey man, let's try to settle down a bit." suggested Kirishima.
"I'll settle down when his face is underneath my boot! I don't care where he went, I WILL find him!"
"Even if you find him, do you really think you can beat him?" asked Todoroki.
"Aaaahh?" Bakugou drawled.
"I gave it my all to beat him, and nothing had any effect." he said as he looked down at his hands, the left one radiating a slight flame. "You all saw what he did. The ice to his eye, the screw to his head, he can't be defeated."
"Fuck that!" roared Bakugou. "I'll just keep blowing him to bits until he won't want to get back up!"
"Regardless, on the off-chance that what he said is true, the world is about to experience a massive change." opined Iida.
The TV in the waiting room suddenly flickered to life, displaying the stage that had been erected in the stadiums center once more. The band Kiyoterae were in the middle of tuning their instruments in preparation to perform.