
Chapter 21

Midoriya sighed as he poked his rice with his chopsticks. The events that had taken place earlier on in the day were still fresh in his mind.

"What's the matter Midoriya-san?" asked Ochaco. "You look a bit nervous."

"Well, y-yeah. I mean, I was made Class President, but now I'm not really sure I'm up to the task."

"Sure you are!" responded Uraraka with a carefree smile.

[Better suited than me at least. After all, you got the most votes.] added Kumagawa.


"You'll do fine Midoriya-san." Iida interposed. "You've got the guts and the judgement when it counts. I voted for you because I know you have it in you to carry us along."

"But didn't you want to be Class President yourself, Iida?" Uraraka remarked. "You've got the look down pat too!"

[Indeed. Well groomed appearance with glasses, everything they look for in a Class Prez.]

"Like I said, mere volition has nothing to do with one's actual suitability." the uptight teen insisted.

[By that logic, I should have been the most obvious choice with my prior experience.]

"I think it should be obvious why you didn't win Kumagawa-san." Uraraka responded bluntly.

[Because I'm a natural born loser? I'm already aware of that.]

"Err, no. I meant that your perverted policy made you an enemy of all us girls. And the rest of the guys, save for Mineta, were wise enough to remain un-involved."

"How exactly did you get the position of Student Council Vice President at your last school anyway? You said the President gave it to you."

[Well Midoriya-san, that is quite the story. I was attempting to overthrow the current Student Council in order to take over the school... or something like that. In the end, me and the President held our final battle on the roof of the school. Each of us fighting with all our strength in the name of our ideals. After the brutal clash, she had come out victorious. But in recognition of my strength, she had bestowed to me the title of Vice President.]

'Seriously?' the three other teens thought after Kumagawa finished his story.

"Uhh, exactly what kind of school was this?" asked Midoriya.

[Yes, it was a school.]

'That's not what I asked...'

"I think he meant-"

Whatever Uraraka was about to say was cut-off when an alarm started blaring throughout the cafeteria.