
Idol Warfare: Villainous Talent Agency

“What does it take to rise to the top?” Most people might list a few things that contribute to success. Determination, talent. An unwavering will. All of these things made sense, but there was also a different route. When asked that same question, Elric would answer with a single word. Ruthlessness. Who cares if the opponent is better in every way if they never have a chance to compete? You’re going to easily crush my crew’s runner in a sprint? Cool, let’s see you do it with a broken leg. Following in his father’s footsteps, Elric decides to start his own talent agency. Quickly finding himself butting heads with more… legitimate and powerful agencies, he falls back on his secret weapon. –Group Chat: The Boys. Members Currently Online: ???,??? –General Chat– (Open to see more). –Profiles– (Open to see more). –Lamb Sauce– (Open to see more [18+]). –Jobs– (Currently Viewing). … … Job Poster: Elric Melov (SecretlyKind). Request: Go to the singer “Alha Nulstaya’s” concert, boo and throw trash at her. Rewards: A free Taco Gong burrito for the first 20 members to sign up, an introduction to a cute girl for the most verbose booer. Current applicants: 516/20.

OakFlame · Thành thị
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107 Chs

Broken Voice

The first song eventually came to an end, and the band was rewarded with a cacophony of clapping and cheers. They hadn't just lived up to the expectations, they were completely crushing them.

And it had just been the first song.

Everyone who'd heard about the drama around Ember's 'stage thievery' and Elric being arrested instantly forgot about all that as they were caught up in her singing, and by the end of the song, everyone viewed her as a chance to win the competition as a whole.

After taking a few second break to recover, Ember leaned over to her bandmates, whispering something into their ears. She received a few nods, then lifted the microphone up to announce their second song.

It wasn't the second angry jazz one they'd originally planned to sing second.

Instead, she was going for her original song that she wrote and performed back at the bar when she first worked with Elric. The jazz adaptation of it was smooth and peaceful, the opposite of what she'd just sung.