

The Qliphoth...

Home to Hypogeans in this world and serves as their base of operations. It is a place steeped in dark corruption, sin and filth.

Completely inhabitable to humans, the Qliphoth houses all sorts of nightmare-inducing Demons one could think of. The entire North Pole was their claim, turning it dark, gloomy, depressing, and soul-chilling cold.

Unlike Laguna, the Qliphoth runs deep underground. Some might say that its roots were touching the core of this world, drawing power from it, but nobody has proven that notion before so it's just speculation.

In reality, the Qliphoth is just a rough imitation of Inferno — the true home for Hypogeans.

Inferno has 18 Layers while the Qliphoth that is on this world only has 6 layers. Of course, there's also a version of the Qliphoth on other worlds that the Hypogeans claimed for themselves but those are not important for now.