
Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

They said they came from out of nowhere. There were no signs of their arrival nor there were any loud sounds. One day, Humanity woke up and was forced to accept their existence...along with the destruction they brought with them. Ashton West, a orphan and a transmigrator from Earth. He woke up in this near-apocalyptic world without anyone else to rely on aside from himself. Thankfully, he was blessed with a golden finger that came with his transmigration package! Ashton: This world needs a Hero...sadly, I can't be bothered to be one. Ashton: Surely there's someone out there who can fulfill that role. As for me? Well... "Being 'Humanity's Strongest Backer' doesn't sound so bad." *** Disclaimer: 1. Cover's not mine. Found it online and edited it. This is for temporary use. Hit me up if this is yours and want it to be taken down. 2. Don't expect perfection. It doesn't exist. 3. I'm not in a race with the other authors. I have my own update schedule. Don't worry, it's frequent enough. All your support will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for checking out my work!

Hateful_Fellow · Kỳ huyễn
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Can anybody truly say that they lived their life to the fullest?

Well...how does one say that they lived their life to the fullest? What are the requirements in order to achieve that?

A degree? Becoming a millionaire? Having a mansion and sports cars? Travelling the world? Fame? Having a good spouse and a decent amount of children? Living long enough to hold your grandchild? A decent retirement plan? Or having a peaceful death?

Are these requirements that one needs so that they can say they lived their lives to the fullest?

If so...

Then Ashton West, most certainly, didn't live his life to the fullest.

Ashton is a 27 year old guy who had a decent stay-at-home job. The pay is quite nice, just enough for his everyday needs.

He isn't really the 'cool dude' you know?

He's...meh at best. Boring even.

Ashton lives in a quiet neighborhood. Most of the people that lived here are the newly-wed couples who were looking for a place to settle down and have their first child. Others are rich-old people who liked the vibe of the place.

Most of the times, this place is idle. It's peaceful and quiet to the point where the crickets could be heard from a mile away. This place is also quite secured so there's no need for him to be afraid of thieves or criminals when its dark.

Ashton follows a routine in his everyday life. It goes like;

Waking up, shower, having breakfast while checking his e-mails, working until noon, lunch, work again until three, siesta in the afternoon with some snacks if he feels like it, play games, read, or scroll through his socials until dinner, eat dinner, shower again, be on his phone until he falls asleep.

Rinse and repeat.

See? He's boring...maidenless and virgin too.

The fact that he didn't have a girlfriend and any experience when it comes to sex never really bothered him that much. From early on, he just adopted the mentality of 'if it's gonna happen, it's going to happen'. He is never been one to proactively work for the things he just doesn't put too much importance too.

Ashton knows that he's fine on his own.

And even though he can't say that he was living his life to the fullest, he's contented with what he has. He can't ask for more than this.

But see...fate is quite funny sometimes.

The discombobulating news, that the world is ending, for real this time, was broadcasted on a fine afternoon on Ashton's life.

No, it is some April Fools joke or the government getting on with the times and jumping onto the 'Prank-nation' bandwagon.

It's for real. Earth is about to be destroyed.

See, many people had imagined how the world is going to end. Ashton's favorite is when it stems from humanity's hubris - you know, when humanity realizes that they truly f-ed up. It's always amusing to him how it plays, humanity going through the five stages of grief and shiz...it's fun to read or watch.

Things like, mother nature giving them the middle finger, aliens, and stuff are boring...it's cliché for Ashton's preference...

So when he heard that a world-ending comet will be the reason of their extinction. Ashton couldn't help but feel quite disappointed.

Still, it was quite amusing to watch how everybody reacted to that news. There was global panic of course, news of riots and harsh criticisms are being posted on the internet.

#WorldEndingComet was trending. It's #1 on all social media platforms.

Ashton had to admit that seeing how people panic upon realizing that the government and the scientists were not joking about this news. He had great time scrolling through his phone and reading all sorts of non-sense these people can come up with just because they have the freedom to do so.

Hell, some people even tried to use this chance to earn more money! It's ridiculous thinking about it, but hey! Gotta respect the grind.

As for Ashton himself...his reaction was quite lackluster.

He can't really explain why he isn't surprised nor horrified at the fact that everybody's about to die real soon, like they have a month left to live at least.

He even thought that he's a psycho for not reacting like the others upon learning about this terrible news.

Well, if he was psycho, what about it? It's not like he can go to therapy or admit himself into a mental asylum now can he? What's the use of that? They're all going to die. Why would he want to waste time curing himself if everything's gonna go 'Boom!' anyway?

But in all seriousness, Ashton himself thought that he should be more bothered about the news. Instead, he was more bothered by the fact that he's not panicking. That's not a good sign but whatever, it's too late for that.

Due to the terrible news, Ashton's everyday routine got seriously messed-up.

He became unemployed, technically. After all, his clients are worrying about their current situations rather than outsourcing for people. The priorities changed and it greatly affected his life.

It's chaos outside too.

Even though Ashton practically locked himself up after the news to prevent people from disturbing him. He could still hear the panic going on around him.

Everybody's doing whatever they want at this point. At this point in time, they facts can no longer be denied. There's proof everywhere. Even if they did their best deny the facts or hope for a miracle, the comet that's about to destroy their world is literally visible on the sky at all times since the news was announced.

Every single day, it draws closer and closer, mocking humans for their pitiful attempts of stopping its trajectory.

And since people could no longer deny the facts, they could only accept it with open arms. So, they did what they always wanted to do.

All of their darkest desires, their inner demons, their cruel tendencies, their deepest and darkest secrets...all of them are out in the open.

It's become bloody, people are either scared or can't be bothered to care at this point.

As for Ashton, well he's relatively fine.

For some reason, he felt relieved and he doesn't know why. It might because he doesn't need to work anymore and have to worry about paying his bills and mortgage.

With the world-ending pretty soon, all of his worries for the next month are also gone.

At the same time, all of his needs are practically free now. He didn't need to go outside for food since he had a stockpile (thanks to his lazy ass who shops for groceries for a whole month's supply regularly), he didn't need to worry about his water, electricity or internet bills since there will be no bills coming to his address next month because there will no next month.

All movies are now free so he had an unlimited amount of material to keep him occupied for the remaining days of his life.

Hell, a miracle even happened to him!

There's this group of young, single maidens - well, former maidens, who knocked on his door and offered him a good time for free. He just needed to be a host.

And who's he to decline?

Thus, before the world ends and his death, Ashton managed to get rid of his pesky reputation as a virgin...still maidenless though but oh well.

But...yeah. That's pretty much how the rest of his days went on. Just like his everyday life, his last days alive are boring too.

Ashton's pretty consistent in his life and, really...he doesn't mind. Not one bit.

He's good to go.

On the fated day, Ashton - for once in his life, decided to break his own routine. He originally intended to perish inside his beloved house but for some reason, he was feeling quite daring that day, of all days.

He woke up early and went outside to welcome his death with open arms.

Ashton stayed outside, peacefully sitting on his lawn, looking at the sky from time to time.

He didn't eat breakfast nor posted any farewell words on his socials. He just sat there and waited for the end of the world.

When he looked around him, he can see people trying their best accept their deaths. Some were crying. Some were indignant.

Some were like him, already over it even before it happened.

That time...he didn't find it amusing anymore.

He just felt...melancholic.

His reaction might've been dull upon receiving the news and he must've been an oddball to some people when they realized that he just doesn't seem to mind.

But deep down...Ashton knew this.

It is sad to know that there will be no humans after this. The next generation ended before they even got that chance.

They'll never experience what it's like to grow-up. They'll never know what it's like to be an adult, fall in love, get married, have kids, live long enough to hold their grandchildren and hopefully, die of old age.

Granted, Ashton hasn't experienced most of these himself. At least he lived long enough.

He'd be lying if he said that he had no regrets. Of course he has regrets.

Even before he dies, he couldn't help but wonder what would his situation be like if he was to face the end of the world with a lover right next to him.

Alas, it's too late.

And as Ashton looked-up just in time to see the streak of light crashing to the surface of the earth, his final words were...

"Oh well...I had decent life at least."

Then...there was nothing...

Or was there?


"Hello there little one...you're not really supposed to be here."

"Hmm? Oh! My, so that what happened. How sad."

"What am I supposed to do with you though?"

"Well, I can just pinch you and call it a day but...hmm..."

"I guess I'll decide once I've witnessed how your entire life went."


"To live in such a way...if others knew they'd probably laugh and mock you. I, on the other hand, am envious. I wish my life is like yours too. Sigh, why did I even signed-up for this kind of life? Ugh."

"Hmm? Ah, crap! Sorry little one, something happened, give me one second..."


"And I'm back! What were we talking about again? Ah, that! Hmm..."

"Aha! I have an idea! I know what to do with you now! Haha!"


"There! All done. I even left some bonuses and shiz. Geez, I'm such a generous guy! Haha!"


"Alright, I'm gonna leave you there little one. Don't worry, I'll check-up on you from time to time. Do your best alright? I'm rooting for you."

"Bye-bye! Have a good life!"

"Man, I'm such a good guy! Sometimes I'm just awed by my own awesomeness! Wahahaha-cough...ahem."

"Note to self: it's not illegal if nobody knows it happened. Alright, gotta dip. Can't let the others know about this just yet."


Hey! Here you are! Thanks for checking this baby up!

Why don't your strap-in, yeah? We're in for a long and possibly wild ride.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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