
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Kỳ huyễn
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151 Chs


"Boy, are you sure you want to do this!?" Looking at Yang Ze who stood up Duàn Zhiqiang frowned in displeasure. Unless absolutely necessary, he didn't want to make a move against him. After all, he was the one overlooking the entire business.

"Since it has come to this, just break his both hands and legs. Use him to get the Rune Grandmaster behind him. The three families can not do this because of their public image, but it doesn't make a damn difference to us." Shouting in a loud voice, Duàn Zhiqiang gave the order to the people around him.

"Hehe little boy, come here." The figure of a burly man in his thirties made his way toward Yang Ze. "Boss, you didn't let us brothers play with those brats before. How about you give this one to us."

"Do as you wish. Just keep him alive." Waving his hand, Duàn Zhiqiang shook his head in disappointment. This is why he never liked dealing with kids. They just couldn't understand how the world works. Full of ambitions and arrogance... he had it coming.

"Come, boy, let daddy show you a new world." The more he looked at Yang Ze the more excited he became. This face was full of indifference... What would it be like when he presses him under himself. He had played with a lot of boys and girls, and he could say this one was one of the finest that he was ever going to have.

Even others that were standing around had faces full of smiles. They were taking pleasure in the boy's misfortune. Perhaps they too will get a shot once he is done.

"Then so be it." Raising his hand, Yang Ze didn't do any fancy moves or used any qi or aura of heaven and earth. His fleshy body was already in the realm of Innate. Even if he just stood there and let them all attack him, they wouldn't be able to scratch him much less move him against his own will.

"Huh!" The man looked at the palm that was slowly coming towards his head. But instead of doing or stopping it, he smiled and moved his head towards his hand. In his eyes, the boy in front of him was just a mortal, without a hint of being ever practiced martial arts or secret techniques. Not only him, but every single person in the room had the same thought. In their eyes, it was a last-ditch effort by him.

However, the moment that hand touched the head, his smile stiffened. To his horror, his entire body felt powerless. At this moment, he couldn't even use any qi inside his body. It was as if, everything just silently disappeared. Looking around in desperation, he tried to ask for help, but the only thing that came into his view was the figure of people that were still laughing around him. In their eyes, the man seemed to be playing with the boy.

"Passat...." With a loud bang, the head of the burly man burst out like a watermelon. The entire room seemed to be splashed with red and white fluids. The only thing in front of them was a headless figure slowly falling to the ground and a boy who was standing there still without any expression. On his body, there wasn't even a trace of blood.

"Ru... RUN."

No one knows who shouted it first. But the moment it echoed, the people that were still standing menacingly a moment ago started running around like headless chickens. No one wanted to play the hero. As soon as they saw the scene of Yang Ze killing the man, they were terrified. What kind of power was needed to do this seemingly simple but impossible thing.

"Late." Shaking his head Yang Ze took a step forward before disappearing from his position. At that moment, it seemed that he disappeared from the room. Before any of them could register what was going on, another sound of a head bursting open sounded.

"De... DEVIL... RUN....." They tried to run, but no matter how fast they tried to run, in front of Yang Ze's willow steps, they seemed like turtles.

Within a span of a few moments, the entire room was covered with headless corpses and brain fluids all over. If one looked carefully, one could see human eyes rolling all over the floor. The entire scene seemed like something straight out of hell. Yet, the one responsible for all this, Yang Ze was walking toward Duàn Zhiqiang with a blank expression.

"Wha... What...?" Duàn Zhiqiang couldn't understand what just happened. One moment, they were laughing, and the next moment everyone was dead except him. At this moment, his heart was filled with disbelief, and soon that disbelief turned into extreme terror.

He couldn't believe that the seemingly innocent weak boy in front of him was actually such a monster. Had he known, then even if someone gave him ten thousand courage, he would have rejected the notion of provoking him. But, alas! No matter how much he gritted his teeth in regret, there was no medicine for it.

"In... Innate." The only thing that could describe the present situation was this word. He himself was in the late stage of the Qi guiding realm, and on some occasional have fought against Peak of Qi guiding. But even those in the peak stage weren't able to do something like this. So, the only conclusion that he arrived at was... This seemingly sixteen-year-old in front of him was actually a monster in the Innate realm.

At this moment, it didn't matter to him how he reached this realm at such a young age. The only thing that came to his mind was how to get out of this situation alive.

"For... Forgive me... Senior... I... I ..." Duàn Zhiqiang couldn't think of words to speak. The sight around him was enough to strike fear in even the bravest of hearts, much less him.

"The kids..." The moment this thought came to his mind, he suddenly saw hope. Those two were his only hope of getting out of this situation in one piece.

"If... If something happened to me... Those kids won't get out alive..." In his desperation, he could only gamble on this chance.

The moment he finished speaking, Yang Ze's figure stopped.

'It worked.' Rejoicing in his mind, Duàn Zhiqiang thanked his ancestors.'Good thing I didn't bring them here.'

The more he thought about this, the more he saw his hopes of survival. In the first place, those damned kids were the reason things turned out this way. Now, only they could help him out of this predicament.

"Tell me where they are and I will give you a painless death."

Contrary to his expectations, the next words chilled his heart.

"Senior..." Looking at Yang Ze who was still standing there with an expressionless face, Duàn Zhiqiang gulped hard. Gritting his teeth, he finally shouted in a loud voice.



"huff.... huff..." This shout took his entire energy. Duàn Zhiqiang never once thought in his life that one day he would face an Innate powerhouse. If by some miracle he survives this situation, then he would be able to brag his entire life about this achievement.

However, dreams are dreams and reality is reality. No matter how optimistic he might be, the next words of Yang Ze broke his last line of defense.

"I don't care."

"Huh!?" For a moment, Duàn Zhiqiang thought he heard wrong. But looking at Yang Ze's face which didn't seem to be joking, his legs started to tremble.

"Did you really think that after provoking the authority of an Innate powerhouse, you will get to live another day!? If you wanted some money, you could have directly talked to me. After all, for me, this is just a side business. To me, those spirit stones don't matter anymore. So, you could have just asked me for it, and I would have paid them to you.

But you did one thing that I hate most. You took someone that worked with me... Someone you can say, who is close to me. And this is the thing that I won't tolerate."

"So... You have two choices. Tell me where they are and I will give you a quick death. Don't tell me and I will keep you alive. I will keep you in a cave from where you can never escape. Then I will find your family and friends. No matter how close or how distant they are to you, I will find them and I will bring them to your cave. Then I will slowly cut them in front of you and feed that very flesh.

I will do it till everyone that you know and care about is dead. Then I will hang their corpses at this very same place. And in the end, I will feed you your own flesh bit by bit, Until you die....."


Hearing him, Duàn Zhiqiang's entire back was covered in a cold sweat. Even in his wildest imagination he had never once thought about doing something so terrifying. Just listening to it was enough to fill his heart with fear that he never felt before.

"You... You are joking... Right." With an ugly smile, he looked at the young boy in front of him. It was already far-fetched for a kid his age to kill so many people. He must be feeling nauseous... There's no way he was going to do what he said. Perhaps it was all just to scare him.

The more he thought, the more he found his reasoning to be plausible.

Yang Ze slowly moved forward before standing in front of the kneeling Duàn Zhiqiang. Bending on one knee, he looked him in the eyes before slowly speaking in an emotionless voice.

"I am not lying... Not at this moment.

I have no reason to lie to you.

I have done this before and I will do it again."


Make Your Decision."





Walking out of the Beggar sect, Yang Ze took a deep breath. It felt much better since there wasn't the smell of blood all around him. Looking around, he picked up his destination before walking towards it slowly.

It didn't take long before Yang Ze arrived at a seemingly inconspicuous building. Outside of it were two men standing on guard.

"Halt... this is a private property of the Beggar sect... Get lost or face the consequences."

"Paasshhtt..." Before they knew it, their headless corpses were lying on the ground.

Yang Ze walked past their dead bodies as if they were something insignificant. Opening the door, Yang Ze saw the scene inside. On the bed, the figure of Xiao Li and Yao Xiang were holding each other while lying unconscious. After thoroughly inspecting them, Yang Ze breathed a sigh of relief. It seems like they were not harmed.

With a smile, Yang Ze waved his hand and picked them up in the air. After making sure, there was no other person than these two guards, he left the house.

Moments later, Yang Ze arrived in front of the Golden Bowl Sect. Flying around, Yang Ze walked inside before coming in front of a small room. From this room, this room was filled with the same scent as these two. Opening the door, Yang Ze found the room to be empty. There were some things scattered all over and at the corner was a small bag that Yang Ze remembered giving to Xiao Li. After making sure this was their room, Yang Ze placed both Xiao Li and Yao Xiang down on the bed and after closing the door left that place.

He still had some unfinished business to attend to. The members of the Beggar sect usually stayed together in a single big house. So, after making sure of the direction, he slowly made his way towards the other locations that Duàn Zhiqiang told him.

From today onwards, there won't be any Beggar sect left in this world. And as for how the city was going to react to the deaths of so many people, that wasn't something that he needed to consider.