
Draw out your weapon

As the three groups of trainees gathered, a standoff quickly happened.

They were informed that at some point in their training that they're going to compete against each other. Due to that, the trainees began sizing each other up. Some sneered, some frowned, some became nervous and some remained indifferent. Among those, Aldrin was among the fourth category.

'What's the use of being so worked up? It's not like they're going to a brawl right away.' He shrugged. However, even though he's indifferent, that's clearly not the case for others in his group or specifically Frederic.

The brute's whites of his teeth were in full display as a wide grin was plastered on his face. His slightly bulky body trembled in excitement. "Hey, Aldrin. Isn't this great? We can test them out before the actual thing."

"You musclehead! Will you even have a day where you don't think about training or fighting?" Irina scolded him while Caroline silently agreed.